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IMPORTANT A/N - I've had to edit the first chapter due to the fact that Myrtle shouldn't have been there. Not only is she only a first year not third -there's no way she would have been at Hogsmeade since it's for third years and above. Sorry about that- just about drove myself mad with confusion regarding the whole Myrtle and Tom dynamics resulting in the chamber!

Chapter 5

Harry was practically waiting on pins and needles for the evening to come around, where he would finally get out of the Hospital Wing. Although he found Madam Chang to be a refreshing change from Madam Pomfrey, she wasn't as overbearing but she was just as protective and gave them more leeway. Or it might just be the fact he'd been through something they would term 'traumatic' and that there was nobody in the wing injured.

He had pretended to get through three of his first year school books, doing a charm of transfiguring something here and there just to test out his new wand. Not that he needed it, but that was a whole other matter that wasn't even going to be brought into consideration with Dumbledore watching him so closely.

He had thought long and hard on where he wanted to be placed, no doubt the hat would have trouble this time just as he had the last time. He had traits of all four houses, thirst for knowledge, well he hadn't had that the last time he was sorted admittedly it came later in life.

He was loyal to those who were loyal to him in turn, and would die for that loyalty; he hadn't found such a person yet in existence, although he knew betrayal all too well.

He was brave in the face of adversary, just not so reckless anymore, but he wasn't even contemplating going into Gryffindor - he did not want Dumbledore as a head of house, the thought made him shudder in revulsion. Oh no, never in a million years will that happen.

The last one...Slytherin, well that had always been his more inclined house, he was sneaky, wanted true friendship and a thirst to prove himself. All traits that had come across as Gryffindor-ish while he was in that house. Dumbledore's statement that 'our choices make us' was a lot of crap, how he had listened to him for so long was beyond him really.

He wasn't sure he wanted to end up in the snake pit, from what he could gather the dynamics in Slytherin were different from all he knew. Tom Riddle probably ruled them all with an iron fist; at least he did in future, when they began to realize his true strength and his blood...his Slytherin blood.

Did he even know by this point? He knew quite a bit about Tom Riddle, but not enough to know the when, how and where of some of the information. The only upside to ending up in Slytherin was he would be able to keep an eye on Riddle. Maybe change some of the views that the Slytherins have...work from the inside so to speak.

'He would do well in Slytherin' echoed in his head, from both the Sorting Hat and Death, he wasn't even sure he would get a choice this time around. Perhaps he would be best to just let it run its course, have the hat tell him where he was meant to be.

The last time he fought it...well it hadn't turned out well.
"Are you ready to go?" Madam Chang asked Hadrian, he did look a bit jumpy, but she couldn't tell whether it was excitement or fear.

"Yes," Harry said calmly, "What do I do with my trunk? Take it with me?"

"Stand at the end of the bed," Chang said, an idea coming to her.

Harry stared at her in confusion but did as she asked; he already had a feeling what she was going to do.

"Now follow my wand movements, and say very clearly, Reducio it will shrink your trunk to a more manageable size." Chang informed him, making a V with her wand, repeatedly while Hadrian did the same thing, once she was sure it was perfect she nodded, observing him.

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