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Chapter 40

"What are you up to?" Hadrian asked Tom, his green eyes piercing and filled with suspicion as he entered the dorms; Tom had parchment rolled up all over the bed.

It wasn't normal parchment but magically copied text from books (it was impossible to copy the entire book but pages could be copied like a scanner), presumably from the libraryand there would be only one reason Tom wouldn't check the book that is if he was up to something, so his instincts were right.

"What makes you think I'm up to anything?" Tom enquired his gaze innocent and confused.

"Really?" Hadrian smirked, damn he was really good, if he hadn't known Tom as well as he did he was sure he would have fallen for it hook line and sinker. He sat himself comfortably at the end of Tom's bed, leaning against one of the oak posters, "Is that how you're going to play it?"

"Yes," Tom replied, his face becoming blank.

"Then you don't trust me," Hadrian stated, somewhat disappointed.

Tom chuckled darkly, "That won't work with me." he replied his tone filled with genuine amusement, he was the master of playing others like a fiddle, he knew all the rules in the book, Hadrian would never get one over him. Although he had to admit it was amusing to see him try.

"Believe it or not, Tom, I wasn't being manipulative," Hadrian admitted, "I had thought after all this time and everything we've shared that you would be able to trust me with anything.

"Thing's are different, changing from what I know, but not that much, I would have greatly liked to have given you my own opinion or suggestion whether it was used or not I wouldn't have minded."

"And what exactly do you think I'm up to?" Tom asked challengingly, not truly expecting Hadrian to know.

"There's only two things I can really think of," Hadrian shrugged, absently summoning his box of chocolates and raking through to find something, passing over Tom's favourite dark chocolate from Honeydukes, their own make as he did so.

He began chewing on a sugar quill that tasted like strawberry this time, the sugar crumbled in his mouth, as he ate it.

"Which are?" Tom asked impatiently, really curious himself to see if Hadrian's suspicions were anywhere near the truth of what he was doing - which he seriously doubted.

"First but least likely, something to do with the chamber and using the basilisk," Hadrian replied, "Or second but most likely, something to do with killing your relatives."

Tom had to clench his jaw to stop it from unhinging, which he would never allow to happen he had more decorum than that. How could he possibly know that?

He hadn't planned on it being known that he did it, and he would never tell anyone he wasn't stupid enough to do something like that. He had planned to release the basilisk but his plans had changedhe felt very naked next to Hadrian who seemed to know so much about him.

"I can see I'm right," Hadrian pointed out without smugness, "I can also tell you why you're doing it as well."

Tom's nose twitched as he picked up the bar of chocolate, despite the fact he should be furious and confused as to how Hadrian knew so much, since he was sure he would never be caught, he'd never allow himself to do something so insipid like that.

He also felt a sense of pride and smugness, despite everything he knew Hadrian still chose him, well mostly, since it wasn't beyond him that Hadrian had not answered his question that day. He wouldn't give up though; he would bond to Hadrian no matter what it took.

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