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"Hey kid"Yoongi said
That boy look towards Yoongi.
As soon as Yoongi saw that boy's face he got lost in his beauty.
That boy was also looking at Yoongi but seeing Yoongi's stare he got scared and looked down.
"What's your name kid?"Yoongi said
That boy didn't spoke anything.
"What's his name?"Yoongi said to that girl
"He is Park Jimin, he is living here for 13 years"That girl said
"No one adopted him?"Yoongi said
"No, actually he is little space that's why"That girl said
"I'll"Yoongi said
"You'll what?"That girl said
"I'll adopt him"Yoongi said
"Are you sure sir?"That girl said
"Yes, can I please talk with him alone?"Yoongi said
"Sure"That girl said as she wents from there
"Jimin"Yoongi said
Jimin looked towards him.
"Do you know how to talk?"Yoongi said
Jimin nodded his head.
"Will you talk with me? I promise I will not hurt you"Yoongi said
Jimin thought a little and said.
"Minnie will"Jimin said in low voice

Note: I won't write baby language like you to chu, I don't like to write it so please understand on your own that he is speaking baby language.

"Good boy"Yoongi said as he ruffled his hairs
"So Jiminie, I am Yoongi"Yoongi said
"Yoonie"Jimin said
"No, it's Yoongi"Yoongi said
"Yoonie"Jimin said
Yoongi sighed and said.
"Will you go with me Jiminie?"Yoongi said
Jimin thought a little and said.
"Will you leave Jiminie later like they did?"Jimin said
"No Jiminie, I won't"Yoongi said
"Promise?"Jimin said while showing his little finger
"Yes promise"Yoongi said
"Then minnie will go with you"Jimin said
"Alright, we will go and then we will buy alot of things"Yoongi said
"Really?"Jimin said
"Yes kid"Yoongi said
He then fill adoption paper of Jimin and took him to his car.

"Where are we going?"Jimin said
"We are going to mall to buy clothes and toys for Jiminie"Yoongi said
"Jiminie, will get toys?"Jimin said excitedly
"Yes Jiminie will get toys"Yoongi said
Jimin clapped his hands in excitement.
"Shall we go?"Yoongi said
"Yes"Jimin said
Yoongi smiled and drove to the mall.

In the mall.
"Let's go to clothes section first"Yoongi said
They went and bought alot of clothes and then toys.
Time skips.

Right now they both were sitting in restaurant.
"What do you wanna eat Jiminie?"Yoongi said
"Pizza?"Jimin said
"Pizza? Alright"Yoongi said
He ordered pizza, both of them ate and wents from there.

Time skips.
"You live here Yoonie?"Jimin said
"Yes kid, I live here"Yoongi said
Jimin made O face.
"Shall we go inside?"Yoongi said
"Yes"Jimin said
They both wents inside the house.

They came in living room.
"It's our home now okk?"Yoongi said
"My home?"Jimin said
"Yes baby, your home"Yoongi said
"My mumma dadda?"Jimin said sadly
"Do you know where are they?"Yoongi said

"They leaved minnie there when minnie was 13, after that they didn't came back"Jimin said sadly

"Now Jiminie have me so don't be sad"Yoongi said
"Why did they left minnie there?"Jimin said
"Let's forget it baby"Yoongi said
"Minnie is useless, that's why"Jimin said
"No my minnie is not useless"Yoongi said
"Then why they left me there?"Jimin said
"Minnie let's forget the past, you have me now"Yoongi said
"I miss them"Jimin said
"Let's get freshed"Yoongi said
"Shower?"Jimin said
"Yes baby shower"Yoongi said
"You'll give minnie shower?"Jimin said
"No, you are a big boy, you'll take shower on your own"Yoongi said
"No minnie ish smol baby, you'll give minnie shower"Jimin said
"No baby"Yoongi said
"No"Jimin said stubbornly
Finding no option Yoongi agree to give him shower.
He took Jimin to the washroom.

He took off Jimin's clothes and starts to give him shower.
"Yoonie"Jimin said
"Yes kid?"Yoongi said
"What should I call you Yoonie?"Jimin said
"You are calling me Yoonie and asking me what should I call you?"Yoongi said
"Yoonie my dadda"Jimin said
"No baby, you can't call me that"Yoongi said
"No, minnie will call you dadda"Jimin said stubbornly
"No, you can't"Yoongi yelled a little
Jimin got scared and starts to cry.
"D-don't s-shout at m-minnie"Jimin said while crying
Yoongi cursed under his breath for yelling and said.
"I'm sorry baby, I won't yell, you can call me dadda"Yoongi said while wipping his tears
"R-really?"Jimin said while sobbing
"Yes Baby"Yoongi said
"Thank you dadda"Jimin said
"No need, now let's wear clothes and then we will take a nap"Yoongi said
"Okkk dadda"Jimin said
Yoongi made him wear his clothes and took him outside.

"Lay here, dadda is coming"Yoongi said
"Take me with you dadda"Jimin said

"I'm coming just in a minute baby, I promise to come within 5 minutes"Yoongi said

"You won't leave minnie right?"Jimin said
"No I won't, I'm coming in a minute"Yoongi said
He made Jimin lay on bed.
Then he went downstairs.

He came to the living room and called every maid and gaurd there.

"The new boy who came in this house, you'll have to take care of him when I'll go to any mission or hospital, am I clear?"Yoongi said

"Yes sir/boss"Everyone said
"And if anyone dare to hurt him, I won't leave him/her"Yoongi said coldly
"Make 2 cups of chocolate milk and bring it to my room"Yoongi said
He wents to his room after saying this.

"I'm back baby"Yoongi said while entering the room
"Dadda wanna sleep"Jimin said
"Let's first drink delicious chocolate milk, then we will sleep"Yoongi said
"Okkk dadda"Jimin said
"Minnie, will you tell dadda what happened in your past?"Yoongi said
Jimin thought for a while and then said.

"When minnie was 13 years old, mumma dadda took Jimin out one day and leaved him in orphanage, me waited for dadda mumma but they didn't came"Jimin said while sobbing

"Don't cry baby, dadda is here for you now"Yoongi said
"They don't love minnie"Jimin said
"When Minnie have his dadda Yoonie then why he want others love?"Yoongi said
"Dadda loves Minnie?"Jimin said
"Yes, I do"Yoongi said while admiring Jimin
He was slowly and unexpectedly felling in love with Jimin.
He was too busy in admiring Jimin that he didn't noticed he is staring at Jimin's face.
"Dadda, is there something on my face?"Jimin said
Yoongi came out of his imagination world and said.
"N-no baby"Yoongi said
After sometimes they drink chocolate milk and slept.

Time skips to the next morning.
Right now they were in the living room and Jimin was continuously crying.
"Baby please stop crying, dadda will come back soon"Yoongi said
"Don't l-leave minnie"Jimin said
"I promise to buy you whatever you want just let me go"Yoongi said
"New p-plushy and chocolate cake?"Jimin said
"Yes, I'll buy you while coming"Yoongi said
"Otey but promise me you won't leave me"Jimin said
"I promise I won't, you can play with noonas okk?"Yoongi said
"Otey dadda"Jimin said
Yoongi then kissed Jimin's forehead and wents out of the house.

Time skips at hospital.
Yoongi was going to his cabin when Taekook came to him.
"Hey hyung, where are you going?"Jungkook said
"I'm going to dance with that monkey face human"Yoongi said
"Seriously?"Jungkook said
"Why is your husband so stupid tae?"Yoongi said
"I guess he fell on his head in childhood"Taehyung said
"I wonders the same"Yoongi said
"Don't make fun of me you both"Jungkook said while pouting
"Well I wanna tell you both something"Yoongi said
"What is it hyung?"Taehyung said
"Jungkook, told me to visit orphanage"Yoongi said
"Yes"Jungkook said
"I went to orphanage and I"Yoongi said
"And you?"Taehyung said
"And I"Yoongi said
"And you"Jungkook said
"And I"Yoongi said
"Fuck you hyung"Jungkook said
"Yah you brat"Yoongi said
"Tell us already"Taehyung said
"Iadoptedsomeone"Yoongi said
"From when you starts to speak alien's language?"Jungkook said
Yoongi took a deep breath and said.
"I adopt someone"Yoongi said

To be continue:)

What will be Taekook's reaction?
What's your favourite moment from this ep?

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