Mission finding Jimin

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Jin and Yoongi was sitting in room when Yoongi starts to think about Jimin.
While thinking about Jimin his eyes starts to get teary again.
"Yoonie? Don't cry baby"Jin said
"H-hyungie, I w-want my m-minnie save"Yoongi said while crying
"You are a mafia baby, you should be strong"Jin said
"I c-can't b-be r-right now"Yoongi said while crying
"Stop crying baby, be strong for minnie, we will find him"Jin said
"Y-yes, we w-will"Yoongi said while crying
"Now wipe your tears and be strong"Jin said
Yoongi immediately wipe his tears.
"Now you won't cry my strong Yoonie"Jin said
"I won't"Yoongi said
"That's like my good baby brother"Jin said
Yoongi smiled.
"We reached the park, let's find him"Jin said
They both got down from the car.

"You'll go in this direction, I'll go in that direction"Yoongi said
"Okkk"Jin said
They both wents from there.

Yoongi was running in Park looking for Jimin.
When he saw someone sitting on the bench looking exactly like Jimin with hood on.
He happily wents to him.
"J-Jiminahhhh"Yoongi said
That person looked up.
"Who Jimin?"That person said
"S-sorry, I thought you were my----(What should I call him?*Yoongi thought*)
"Your who?"That person said
"My h-husband"Yoongi said
"You've misunderstood"That person said
"I'm sorry for disturbing you"Yoongi said
"It's alright"That person said
Yoongi bowed infront of him and wents from there.
After sometimes he came back to the place from where Yoonjin got separate.

"Did you found him?"Jin said
"N-no hyung"Yoongi said
"Don't worry baby, we will find him soon"Jin said
"Soon? I want him now only"Yoongi said
"Do Jimin know anyone expect you and me?"Jin said
Yoongi starts to think when he suddenly remembered Taekook.
"Taehyung and Jungkook"Yoongi said
"Your doctor friends?"Jin said
"Yes hyung"Yoongi said
"Alright, let's go to them"Jin said
"Yes, let's go"Yoongi said
They both sit inside the car and drove to Taekook's house.

Here Taekook were doing the thing they always do.
"Ahhhhh Jungkook, push it harder"Taehyung said
"I am pushing harder but I don't know why it's not going inside"Jungkook said
Jungkook pushed a little harder and it went inside.
"Yes, it went inside, the needle went inside your butt"Jungkook
Actually Taehyung is sick so Jungkook is injecting him but it's needle wasn't getting inside.
What were you thinking you naughty naughty people🌚
"Just finish the sh!t already"Taehyung said while hissing in pain

"Just a little is left my love"Jungkook said as he leaned towards Taehyung while injecting and kissed his cheek

Jungkook hurriedly finished the injection and took out the needle.
"Ahhh finally it's done"Taehyung said
"Is it hurting?"Jungkook said while rubbing his back
"Ahhh Yes"Taehyung said
"It'll be Alright"Jungkook said
Suddenly they heared doll bell sound.
"I'll go and see, you take rest here"Jungkook said
"Okkk"Taehyung said
He kissed Taehyung's cheek and wents from there.

He came to open the door.
"Who's it?"Jungkook said
"Yoongi Jungkookahhh"Yoongi said from outside
Jungkook opened the door.
"Ohhh hyung you and Jin hyung you, what are you guys doing here?"Jungkook said
"Is Jimin here?"Yoongi said
"Jimin? No hyung, he didn't came here, what happened?"Jungkook said
"Jimin is missing Jungkook"Yoongi said
"WHAT? Let's go inside and tell me what happened"Jungkook said
He took Yoonjin inside their room.

As soon as they entered room they saw Taehyung laying on bed with still his pants down.
Yoongi noticed bandage on his butt cheek and said.
"What happened to you Tae?"Yoongi said
Taehyung turned around and looked towards them.
"Ohh hyung you"Taehyung said
Jungkook wents to Taehyung, pulled his pants up and covered him with blanket.
"Sleep baby"Jungkook said
"What happened to him Jungkook?"Jin said
"He was having fever so I injected him"Jungkook said
"Ohhh"Jin said
"Now sit and tell me what happened to Jimin?"Jungkook said
"Jimin? What happened to Jimin?"Taehyung said while sitting on bed
"Lay down Taehyung, you are not fine"Yoongi said
"No first tell me what happened to Minnie?"Taehyung said
Yoongi sighed knowing Taehyung is stubborn he won't listen to him.
Yoongi sat on the bed and narrated the whole story.
"Let's go to find minnie"Taehyung said
He was about to get up when Yoongi pushed him on bed.
"You are not going anywhere"Yoongi said
"Why?"Taehyung said
"You are already sick and you just now got injection so take rest"Yoongi said
"No, I wanna find minnie"Taehyung said
"Taehyungie, don't be stubborn"Jin said
"But hyung"Taehyung said
"Baby we promise, we will find Jimin and bring him back safely"Jungkook said
"I also wanna Go"Taehyung said while looking down and pouting
Yoongi wents to him and cupped his face.
"I'm your hyungie right?"Yoongi said
"Yes hyungie"Taehyung said
"You'll listen to your hyungie right?"Yoongi said
"Yes hyungie"Taehyung said
"You'll stay here"Yoongi said
"But"Taehyung said
"No buts, you are sick, you'll stay here and take rest"Yoongi said
"But what about minnie?"Taehyung said
"We will find him"Yoongi said
"But I'll be worried for him"Taehyung said
"Don't worry Jungkook will make you sleep before going with us"Yoongi said
"Fine but bring my baby minnie back safely"Taehyung said
"I promise I'll"Yoongi said
"I beleive you hyungie"Taehyung said
"That's like my good tiger"Yoongi said as he kissed his forehead
Taehyung don't have anyone in his life that's why Yoongi treat him like his little brother.
"Now Jungkook make him sleep"Yoongi said
"Okkk hyung"Jungkook said
He laid on the bed, hugged Taehyung and starts to pat his back.
After good 30 minutes Taehyung slept in Jungkook's arms.
"Shall we go?"Yoongi said
"Yes Hyung"Jungkook said
He got up from the bed and kissed Taehyung's forehead.
"Get well soon my little love"Jungkook said
"Let's go"Jin said
"Yes"Jungkook said
They all wents from there after locking the door from outside.

"Hyung, where should we find him?"Jungkook said
"Is there any place left?"Jin said to Yoongi
"I don't think"Yoongi said
"Try to remember bub"Jin said
Yoongi starts to think.
"Yes I remember, let's check orphanage from where I bought him"Yoongi said
"Okkk, let's go"Jin said
They all wents to the orphanage.
They checked the orphanage but Jimin wasn't there.
"Hyung, we can't find minnie"Yoongi said sadly
"Don't lose hope, we will find him soon"Jin said
"You are saying soon from a very long time"Yoongi said
"Hyung, can I ask you something?"Jungkook said
"Yes kook"Yoongi said
"Where did you last saw Jimin?"Jungkook said
"After I spanked him he run to the living room"Yoongi said
"Okk and had you checked the cctv?"Jungkook said
"Ab N-no"Yoongi said nervously
"How stupid you are hyung"Jungkook said with so done face
"Jin hyung drive back to his home, we will check cctv"Jungkook said
"Okkk"Jin said
Jin started the engine and they drove back to Yoongi's House.

Time skips.
Right now they were in cctv room.
"What was the time?"Jungkook said
"Near 4 pm"Yoongi said
"Okkk"Jungkook said
He turned on cctv of 4 pm.
"Nothing is here"Jin said
"Wait and watch"Jungkook said
Suddenly they saw something in cctv when made them shock.

To be continue:)

What did they saw?

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