Taehyung got spanked?

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"I wish you'll forget everything soon"Yoongi said
He kissed Jimin's forehead and starts to work on his laptop.
Time skips.
Right now Yoongi was sitting on bed thinking something.
"What special should I do for him?"Yoongi said
"I have to do something to make him happy"Yoongi said
"What about going to amusment park?"Yoongi said
"No, it's not good idea"Yoongi said
"What about picnic?"Yoongi said
"Sounds good but let's think something else"Yoongi said
"Should I take him to hospital with me?"Yoongi said
"But what he'll do in hospital"Yoongi said
"Aghhhh, what should I do"Yoongi said
He was getting frustrated now.
"How about a dinner date?"Yoongi said
"No no, it's not a good plan"Yoongi said
"What about admission in university?"Yoongi said
"But I don't think he will agree to study, he is little"Yoongi said
"What should I do"Yoongi said
"Let's ask taekook but Tae is sick, Jungkook must be taking care of him"Yoongi said
"Let's not disturb them"Yoongi said
Meanwhile with Taekook.

Here Taehyung was sitting on bed eargerly waiting for Jungkook.
After sometimes door opened and Jungkook came inside.
"Kook, you came, did you find Minnie? Is he fine?"Taehyung said
"Calm down my love, we found him and he is all fine"Jungkook said
"That's a relief"Taehyung said
Jungkook wents to him and sit beside him.
Jungkook placed his palm on Taehyung's forehead.
"You still have high fever"Jungkook said
Taehyung pouted.
"I guess you took tension right?"Jungkook said
"Not my fault, I told you guys to take me with you or else I'll be worried"Taehyung said
"You were sick my baby"Jungkook said
"I'm still"Taehyung said
"Let's have dinner then I'll give you your night dose"Jungkook said
"No, I don't want that injection again"Taehyung said
"That won't hurt"Jungkook said
"You said the same in morning but that hurted"Taehyung said while pouting
"That because you tightened your cheek"Jungkook said
"Not my fault"Taehyung said
"It was, now let's have dinner"Jungkook said
"Fine, pick me"Taehyung said
"I'll make it and bring it here, till then take rest"Jungkook said
"Okkk, be quick"Taehyung said
"I'll be real quick"Jungkook said
He kissed Taehyung's forehead and wents from there.
Time skips after dinner.

After dinner Jungkook injected him, now Taehyung is crying while hugging Jungkook like koala.

"Why are you crying now?"Jungkook said
"F-first you s-spanked me and then i-injected me"Taehyung said
"It was your fault"Jungkook said
Let's see what happened, why Jungkook spanked Taehyung.

So here Taehyung was sitting on bed thinking how to escape from injection.
"Ahhh, what should I do, I don't want injection"Taehyung said

Jungkook was in other room preparing injection because he don't want Taehyung to see it.

Suddenly Taehyung heared footsteps so he run to the balcony.

He came to the balcony and stand near the railing.
"What should I do?"Taehyung said
Suddenly he got an idea.
He hold the railing and throw his body on other side.
Means now he was hanging on railing, he could fall on his one mistake.

Meanwhile Jungkook came inside the room.
He didn't saw Taehyung there.
"Tae, where are you?"Jungkook said
He didn't got reply.
He saw balcony's door open so he wents there.

He came to the balcony.
He starts to search Taehyung.

When he didn't found him, he was about to go when suddenly his eyes fell on a hand who was holding railing.

His eyes widened in fear and he wents to the railing.
He looked down and saw Taehyung hanging on the railing.
He somehow held Taehyung's wrist and pulled him.
Meanwhile being scared Taehyung didn't spoke anything.
After pulling him, Jungkook picked him up and angrily took him to the room.

He locked the balcony's door and sat on bed with Taehyung on his lap.
"What were you doing there?"Jungkook said angrily
"I-I---(Cut off)
Taehyung flinched badly listening to Jungkook's yelling.
"Let me teach you a good lesson today"Jungkook said
He bend Taehyung on his lap and pulled his pants and boxers down in one go.
"You are being a brat, let me teach you some manners"Jungkook said
Jungkook grabbed hair brush.
He rubbed Taehyung's butt in circular motion and on the next moment Taehyung yelled.
"AHHHHH, N-NO"Taehyung yelled from the pain
He already got injection and now Jungkook is spanking him.

"You *spank* know *spank* how *spank* dangerous *spank* it *spank* could *hard spank* be"Jungkook said

"AHHHHH, S-STOP H-HURTS"Taehyung said while crying
"It should hurt"Jungkook said while spanking him
After giving him 20 spanks, Jungkook grabbed the injection.
Taehyung was about to stand when Jungkook said.
"Stay still"Jungkook said
"N-no, I d-don't want t-that"Taehyung said while crying

Jungkook forcefully made him lay on his lap and put his own legs on Taehyung's leg.

He held his upper body from his one arm and with the other he rubbed alcohol bad on his butt as his pants was already down.

"N-no"Taehyung said
But no use Jungkook inserted the needle and starts to push the plunger.
"AHHHHH S-STOP"Taehyung yelled while crying
"Just a little more"Jungkook said softly
Soon he was done so he picked Taehyung like koala and starts to roam inside the room.

"Aish, stop crying now baby"Jungkook said
"I-it hurts"Taehyung said
"I'll massage your back, lay down"Jungkook said
"D-don't wanna"Taehyung said
"Fine, then try to sleep"Jungkook said
Taehyung was about to say something when Jungkook's phone start to ring.
He saw the caller I'd and picked the call, set it on speaker because he was holding Taehyung.
"Hello hyung"Jungkook said
"Hello kook, what are you doing?"Yoongi said
"Just handling a cry baby"Jungkook said
"Taehyung? Why he cried?"Yoongi said
"I spanked him and injected him again"Jungkook said
"Why you spanked my baby?"Yoongi said
"If I told you, you'll spank him again"Jungkook said
"No, don't tell him"Taehyung whispered in Jungkook's ear
"I can hear you Tae, tell me kook what he did?"Yoongi said
"Leave it hyung"Jungkook said
"Tell me already kook"Yoongi said sternly

Yoongi treat Taehyung like his brother so he was keep an eye on Taehyung to know if he is doing good or if he is misbehaving.

"Leave it hyung, you'll be angry"Jungkook said
"I'll be more angry if you won't tell me"Yoongi said
"Fine, I'm telling you"Jungkook said
Jungkook told him everything.
"Seriously Taehyung? Are you mad?"Yoongi said sternly
"S-sorry hyung"Taehyung said
"I guess it's been a long time since I punished you, that's why you are being a brat now"Yoongi said
"I'm s-sorry hyung, I won't do it again"Taehyung said
"I'm forgiving you this time only, remember next time I'll surely punish you"Yoongi said
"Okkk hyung"Taehyung said
"Anyways, why you called hyung?"Jungkook said
"I wanted to ask something"Yoongi said
"Go ahead"Jungkook said
"We have to go to hospital tomorrow?"Yoongi said
"Yes"Jungkook said
"Oh okk, what about Taehyung, will be come?"Yoongi said
"I guess no, because he is not fine"Jungkook said
"Alright, bye"Yoongi said
"Bye"Jungkook said
He cutted the call and laid on bed with Taehyung on the top of him.
"Try to sleep now"Jungkook said
"You are so bad, you told hyung, he scold me"Taehyung said
"Don't you deserve some scoldings"Jungkook said
"No, I don't"Taehyung said
"Aish, such a brat, let's sleep now"Jungkook said
"Make me sleep"Taehyung said
Jungkook kissed his forehead and starts to pat his head.
After sometimes Taehyung slept so Jungkook laid him on bed and also slept.

To be continue:)

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