Where is Jimin?

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Yoongi came inside the room and saw Jimin crying while sitting on the bed.
"Why are you crying?"Yoongi said coldly
"D-dadda, minnie s-sowwy"Jimin said while crying
"You know you did wrong"Yoongi said
Jimin didn't said anything.
"Stop crying first"Yoongi said
Yoongi pulled Jimin in a hug and starts to make him calm.
"Stop crying baby"Yoongi said
"M-minnie s-sowwy"Jimin said
"Shhhhh, stop crying"Yoongi said
After 10 minutes Jimin stopped crying.
"Now tell me, you know you did wrong"Yoongi said
"Yes dadda"Jimin said while looking down
"Don't you deserve punishment?"Yoongi said
"D-dadda will beat Minnie?"Jimin said
"No, dadda won't beat his baby"Yoongi said
"Then?"Jimin said
"You'll stay in this room till I open the door"Yoongi said
"No dadda"Jimin whined
"You have to stay here"Yoongi said
"Then give minnie your phone so minnie won't fet bored"Jimin said
"No phone"Yoongi said
"Please dadda"Jimin said
"No whining"Yoongi said
Jimin pouted.
"I am going now"Yoongi said
He wents from there and locked the door from outside.
"Ahhhh, now what Minnie will do?"Jimin said
He sat on the couch being bored.
Jimin isn't scared to be alone because after his parents left him, he didn't had any friend in orphanage.
So whenever other kids used to go in the ground to play, Jimin used to sit all alone in the room.
That's why he is not scared to be alone.

Meanwhile with Yoongi.
"Did you console him?"Jin said
"I punished him"Yoongi said
"What? Let me see him"Jin said
He got and he was about to go when Yoongi held his wrist.
"Hyung, I didn't punished him physically"Yoongi said
"Then?"Jin said
"I locked him inside the room"Yoongi said
"Let him out Yoongi"Jin said
"I just now punished him hyung"Yoongi said
"He is a baby, he'll get scared"Jin said
"He won't, don't worry"Yoongi said
"Fine"Jin said
Time skips after 1 hour.
Jin and his family went back to their house.

"Should I end his punishment?"Yoongi said
"Let's wait for half hour, then I'll end his punishment"Yoongi said
He turned on the TV and starts to watch news.
Meanwhile with Jimin.

Here Jimin was sitting in the room.
"What should minnie do?"Jimin said being all sulky
Suddenly his eyes fell on the LED.
"Yes, Minnie will watch TV now"Jimin said
He starts to find remote.
After struggling for 10 minutes Jimin found the remote.
He turned on the LED and starts to watch cartoon in low volume.

Meanwhile with Yoongi.
"I guess, I should end his punishment now"Yoongi said
"My baby must be bored"Yoongi said
He got up and wents to his room.

Yoongi pov
As soon as I opened the door my blood starts to boil, I saw Jimin sitting on the bed watching TV.
End of pov

Jimin flinched badly.
"D-dadda"Jimin said
Yoongi wents to him.
"I asked you, who gave you permission to watch TV?"Yoongi said sternly
Jimin didn't spoke anything.
"I had enough of you"Yoongi said
He sat on the bed and pulled Jimin in his lap.
He pulled Jimin's pants and boxers down and spanked him hardly.
"AHHHHH D-DA"Jimin yelled while hissing in pain
"Will *spank* you *spank* disobey *spank* me *spank* again?"Yoongi said
"Ahhh no s-stop"Jimin said while crying
Yoongi pulled his pants and boxers up and made him sit on his lap.
"Shhhh, stop crying"Yoongi said
"D-dadda, h-hurts, d-da don't l-love m-minnie a-anymore"Jimin said
"Baby, dadda loves you"Yoongi said
"L-leave m-me"Jimin said
He got out of Yoongi's grips and run to the living room.
"MINNIE"Yoongi yelled
"Aish, this boy"Yoongi said
He got up and went behind Jimin.

As soon as he entered the living room he didn't found Jimin there.
"Minnie, where are you baby?"Yoongi said
He didn't got any reply.
"MINNIE? WHERE ARE YOU?"Yoongi yelled
Listening to his yelling gaurds and maid's came to the living room.
"What happened sir?"One of the maid said
"Where is Jimin?"Yoongi said
"We don't know sir"Maid said
Everyone flinched by his yelling.
"I WANT MY BABY BACK"Yoongi yelled
Everyone wents to check the house.
Meanwhile Yoongi went out of the house.

"Minnie, where is my minnie"Yoongi said
He was roaming in streets looking for Jimin.
When his phone starts to ring.
"Hello"Yoongi said
"B-boss"Guard said
"Did you find Jimin?"Yoongi said
"Young master is not in the house sir"Guard said
"Fuck you all, I'll see you'll just let me find my baby"Yoongi said
He frustratingly cutted the call.
He again starts to search for his baby.
"What should I do? Where should I find him"Yoongi said
His eyes got teary and he starts to cry in public.
"J-jimin, come b-back to d-dadda"Yoongi said while crying
He took out his phone and called Jin.
After sometimes Jin picked the call.
"Hello Yoonie"Jin said
"H-hyungie"Yoongi said while crying
"Yoonie, what's wrong baby? Why are you crying?"Jin said worriedly
"H-hyungie m-minnie"Yoongi said while crying
"What happened to minnie?"Jin said worriedly
"I c-can't f-find him"Yoongi said while crying
"What do you mean?"Jin said
Yoongi told him everything.
"Oh my god, where did he went"Jin said
"I d-don't know h-hyung"Yoongi said while crying
"First stop crying, where are you, I'm coming"Jin said
"On x-xxx r-road"Yoongi said
"I'm coming"Jin said
He cutted the call.
Yoongi starts to wait for Jin.
After sometimes Jin came there.
"Yoonie"Jin said as he hugged his little brother
"H-hyungie, b-bring my m-minnie back"Yoongi said while crying
"Shhh, come inside the car first"Jin said
He made Yoongi sit inside the car and he himself sit beside him.
"Stop crying baby"Jin said
"I w-want my m-minnie"Yoongi said while crying
"We will find him baby, stop crying"Jin said
"I a-am so b-bad, b-because of m-me he r-run from the h-house"Yoongi said
"You'll get nothing by regretting now, stop crying be strong, let's find him"Jin said
Yoongi somehow controlled himself.
"Where should we go to find him?"Jin said
"I guess park"Yoongi said
"Alright"Jin said
Jin started his car.

To be continue:)
Where did Jimin went? Is he safe or not?

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