The end

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Time skips after dinner.
Still at Jin's home.
Everyone was sitting in living room when Jimin came running and shouting.
He jumped sitting on Jin's lap.
"What's wrong baby?"Jin said
"Save me from Hitler hyung"Jimin said
"Hitler?"Jin said confusingly
That's when he heared.
"YAHHHHH PARK JIMIN"Yoongi yelled while coming downstairs
Everyone starts to laugh seeing Yoongi's face.
"Stop laughing and you little chick come here"Yoongi said being annoyed
Jimin hugged Jin tightly and said.
"Hyungie save me"Jimin said
"Hey don't come near my baby"Jin said
"Your baby ruined my pretty face"Yoongi said
"Hyungie I was just bored"Jimin said while pouting
"I'm also bored, can I beat you just because I'm bored"Yoongi said
Jimin pouted when Jin said.
"Shut up you cat face human, go and wash your face"Jin said
"Sure world-wide ugliest"Yoongi said as he run upwards
"Leave him Jin"Namjoon said while laughing
"He'll get beaten by me one day"Jin said
"You can't beat my husband"Jimin said while pouting
"Sometimes ago you were calling him Hitler"Jin said
"I was just scared thinking he'll beat me"Jimin said while pouting
"You're also brat, both bratty husbands"Jin said
Jimin just giggled cutely.

So basically Jimin was bored and Yoongi was sleeping so he draw on Yoongi's face from markers, when he was drawing Yoongi woke up that's why he came running to Jin.

Time skips.
Yoongi came downstairs and sat beside Taehyung.
"Minnie come here"Yoongi said
Jimin got up from Jin's lap and wents to Yoongi's
Yoongi made him sit on his lap and Jimin hugged him.
Yoongi kissed his forehead and asked.
"Are you feeling sleepy?"Yoongi said while caressing his hairs
"Hmm kinda"Jimin said while closing his eyes
"Wanna go home?"Yoongi said
"Yes"Jimin said
"Stay here for today guys"Namjoon said

"Ahhh no hyung, someday else as you know that granny and Lisa is at home"Yoongi said

"Alright"Namjoon said
"Let's have dinner first"Jin said
"Alright"Yoongi said
They all wents to the dining room.

Time skips after dinner.
Everyone was sitting in living room talking when Yoongi's phone starts to ring.
He took out his phone from his pocket and saw Lisa was calling him.
"Agh, why she is calling me"Yoongi said annoyingly
"Listen to it"Jin said
Yoongi sighed and picked her call.
"Hello Yoongi"Lisa said
"What?"Yoongi said coldly
"Yoongi, Granny got heartattack I bring her to the hospital come fast"Lisa said
"What? Which hospital?"Yoongi said
"xxx Hospital"Lisa said
"Alright, I'm coming"Yoongi said
He cutted the call when Jin said.
"What happened?"Jin said
"Granny got heartattack we've to go"Yoongi said
"What's? Let's go"Jin said
They all got up and wents to the hospital.

Soon they reached hospital.
As soon as Lisa saw Yoongi she hugged him.
Jimin got angry seeing all this, she pulled Lisa by her hairs and said.
"Leave him"Jimin said angrily
"Why? He is my husband"Lisa said
"He is not your husband, he is my husband"Jimin said
"Shut up"Lisa said
Jimin was about to say something when Yoongi said.
"Don't say anything love, let her bark"Yoongi said
Jimin smiled and nodded his head.
Lisa just glared at Jimin in which response Jimin also glared back.
After sometimes doctor came out and said.
"Who's with patient?"Doctor said
"Me, is she alright?"Yoongi said
"Sorry we couldn't save her, you bring her very late"Doctor said
He patted Yoongi's shoulder and left from there.
Suddenly a tear fell from Yoongi's eyes.

Obviously no matter how's his granny but he still loves her, he is not emotionless, that's why a single tear fell from his eye.

Time skips after some days.
After funeral Lisa was still staying with Yoonmin.
She still wanna get marry with Yoongi.
Let's see that happens next.

Right now Jimin was sitting in living room he came from university.
He joined University somedays ago, he was sitting on couch being all tired.
Yoongi was at home today because he have off.
He came to the living room and saw Jimin sitting almost laying on couch.
"Baby, get up and change your clothes"Yoongi said
"I'm tired Yoongi"Jimin said
"Aish, let me carry you"Yoongi said
He picked Jimin like koala.
When Jimin saw Lisa looking at them from upstairs.
He smirked and crashed his lips on Yoongi's ones.
Yoongi also kissed him back and after sometimes they broke the kiss.
"What was that?"Yoongi said
"Just wanted to kiss you"Jimin said while pouting
Yoongi chuckled at him and took him upstairs.
While Lisa just glared at them angrily.

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