A day with Taekook (Part 2)

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Right now Jimin was sitting in living room when Jungkook said.
"Minnie baby"Jungkook said
"Yes uncle?"Jimin said
"Actually your taetae uncle is sick so I am taking him to the room"Jungkook said
Taehyung glared Jungkook.
"What happened to you Tata uncle?"Jimin said
"I am fine baby"Taehyung said
"No baby, he is not fine, I'll take care of him, you watch TV"Jungkook said
"Okkk uncle"Jimin said
"Tae, let's go to the room"Jungkook said while smirking
Taehyung sighed and went with Jungkook to their room.
Jimin was sitting in living room peacefully watching TV.
When he heared a shout.
He flinched and said.
"Tata uncle? What happened to Tata uncle?"Jimin said
"Should minnie go and see"Jimin said
"Minnie is good boy na, so Minnie will go to see Tata uncle"Jimin said
That innocent creature got up from the couch and wents to Taekook's room.

He entered Taekook's room without knocking and saw Jungkook on the top of Taehyung and both were naked.

Taekook didn't realised Jimin is there.
Jimin wents to Jungkook said touched his leg.
"Kookie uncle"Jimin said
As soon as they both heared Jimin's voice Taehyung took blanket on himself, Jungkook snatched blanket from him.
Taehyung ran to to the washroom and locked the door while Jungkook was sitting on the bed with blanket.

I really wanna mentioned that person's name who told me to write this, she will go to hell and take me as well🤡🤌

"What were you doing uncle?"Jimin said while laying beside Jungkook
"N-nothing baby, why you came here?"Jungkook said
"Minnie heared Tata uncle shouting so Minnie came to see him"Jimin said
"Ohh that, Kookie was just giving Tata uncle injection that's why he shouted"Jungkook said
"Then why you both were naked?"Jimin said innocently
Taehyung came out of the washroom after wearing his clothes.
"Minnie don't focus on these things, let's sleep"Taehyung said sternly
Jimin pouted.
Taehyung laid on the bed and hugged Jimin.
"Go and change"Taehyung said to Jungkook
Jungkook wents to the washroom with blanket.
"Tata uncle"Jimin said
"Yes baby"Taehyung said
"Me miss dadda"Jimin said while pouting
"Baby, dadda will come Tomorrow"Taehyung said
"But I miss him"Jimin said sadly
"Don't be sad, Minnie will get to see his dadda Tomorrow"Taehyung said
"Okkk, minnie is not sad"Jimin said
"That's like my good boy, now let's sleep"Taehyung said
"Me will sleep with you"Jimin said
"Don't you wanna sleep in other room?"Taehyung said
"No, minnie wanna sleep with Tata uncle"Jimin said
"Okkk Tata uncle will sleep with you"Taehyung said
Jungkook came out of the washroom.
"Tata uncle, is your bumbum paining?"Jimin said
"H-huh? Why?"Taehyung said
"Kookie uncle said, he gave injection to Tata uncle that's why he shouted"Jimin said
Taehyung glared Jungkook.
"Yes baby, I'm fine"Taehyung said
"But Tata uncle shouted, it must've hurted you uncle"Jimin said
"It's fine now baby"Taehyung said
"Let's sleep then Tata uncle, you are sick"Jimin said while patting Taehyung's head
"Haha, you are baby, I'm not"Taehyung said
"But Tata uncle is sick so minnie should take care of Tata uncle"Jimin said
"I am time baby, let's sleep"Taehyung said
Jimin hugged Taehyung placing his head on his chest.
Three of them slept.
Time skips to the next morning.

Right now Taekook were sitting in living room with Yoongi.
Today is Sunday so they don't have to go to Hospital.
"Where is my baby?"Yoongi said
"He is sleeping in our room"Taehyung said
After sometimes Jimin to the living room while rubbing his eye.
Finding his dadda sitting on the couch he shouted.
"DADDA"Jimin shouted and jumped on Yoongi
"Aigoo my baby"Yoongi said as he kissed Jimin's head
"Dadda, Minnie missed you"Jimin said
"I also missed my baby, did you baby had fun with uncles?"Yoongi said
"Yes dadda but Tata uncle fell sick"Jimin said
"Huh? What happened tae? Are you alright?"Yoongi said
"Y-yes Hyung"Taehyung said

"Minnie saw Tata uncle and kookie uncle naked, minnie asked kookie uncle, uncle said he was giving injection to Tata uncle"Jimin said

Listening to this Yoongi glared at Taekook with his cat eyes.
"Minnie, you are my good baby right?"Yoongi said
"Yes dadda, minnie your good baby"Jimin said
"Just forget whatever you saw baby"Yoongi said
"Okkk dadda, minnie will forget"Jimin said
"My good boy"Yoongi said
"Are you hungry now?"Yoongi said
"Yes dadda"Jimin said
"Let's eat breakfast"Taehyung said
They all wents to the dining room.

Time skips.
"Minnie, sit here and watch TV, dadda have to talk with Tata and kookie uncle"Yoongi said
"Okkk dadda"Jimin said
"Don't come to room without my permission"Yoongi said
"Minnie won't come dadda"Jimin said
"My good boy"Yoongi said as he kissed Jimin's forehead.
"Follow me you both"Yoongi said coldly
Taekook silently wents to their room with Yoongi.

They reached the room.
Yoongi locked the door.
"What you did yesterday guys?"Yoongi said
"Sorry hyung, it was my fault"Jungkook said
"It doesn't matters now, guys alteast close the door before doing this"Yoongi said
"I forget it"Jungkook said
"You are dumb I know but you tae, what's wrong with you?"Yoongi said
"Hyung, I tried to stop him but he wasn't listening to me"Taehyung said
Yoongi sighed and said.
"Whatever is done is done now but don't repeat this"Yoongi said
"We won't"Taekook said
"You guys ruined my kid's innocence"Yoongi said
"Hehe, Sorry"Jungkook said
"Such a shameless creature you are"Yoongi said
"Thanks for the compliment babe"Jungkook said
"Shut the f*ck up, I'm not your babe"Yoongi said annoyingly
"Spend a day with me, you'll also call me honey"Jungkook said
"Tae stop your husband before he got waste by my hand"Yoongi said
"Waste him already, he always made me embarrass"Taehyung said
"No one loves me here"Jungkook said dramatically
Taegi rolled their eyes seeing Jungkook's drama.
"Well, I'm going to home with minnie now"Yoongi said
"Stay here till dinner Hyung"Taehyung said
"I don't want you two to ruin my kid's innocence more"Yoongi said
"We do it after dinner Yoongi darling"Jungkook said
"Shut your mouth Kook"Yoongi said
"Ohh darling is angry"Jungkook said
"Shut up kook, don't make him angry, he'll kill you"Taehyung said
"Let's go downstairs hyung"Taehyung said
Three of them went downstairs.

"Dadda, home?"Jimin said
Yoongi picked him in his arms.
"You wanna go home?"Yoongi said
"Yesh, minnie wanna go home"Jimin said
"You are leaving Tata uncle"Taehyung said dramatically
"No Tata uncle, minnie will come back again"Jimin said
"But Tata uncle want minnie to stay here till dinner"Taehyung said
"But minnie wanna go home home"Jimin said
"Why you wanna go home kid?"Jungkook said
"Me missh my room"Jimin said
"You miss your room?"Jungkook said
"Yesh minnie wanna lay on his bed"Jimin said
"Minnie can lay on my bad"Taehyung said
"No minnie miss his bed"Jimin said
Jimin starts to whines and crying.
"Me wanna go home"Jimin said while trashing in Yoongi's arms while crying
"Aigoo baby, we are going home, why are you behaving like this?"Yoongi said
"Minnie home, wanna go home"Jimin said while crying loudly
"What's wrong with him hyung?"Taehyung said
"I don't know why he is behaving like this"Yoongi said worriedly
Now Jimin wasn't saying anything he was just crying and trashing in Yoongi's arms.
"Bubba we are going home, why are you crying?"Yoongi said
"M-minnie w-want mumma"Jimin said while crying
"H-huh?"Yoongi said
"M-minnie miss h-his m-mumma p-papa"Jimin said while crying
Yoongi hugged him tightly.
"Shhhh, stop crying baby"Yoongi said
After sometimes Jimin stopped move.
"He slept?"Yoongi said
"H-hyung, he got f-faint"Taehyung said

To be continue:)

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