Taekook's visit

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"You adopted someone or someone fucked you and you give a birth?"Jungkook said
"Jungkook, I swear I'll kill you"Yoongi said
"It means you really give birth, mood swings even after birth wow"Jungkook said
"I'm a boy Jungkook"Yoongi said
"Show me prove"Jungkook said
"How?"Yoongi said
"Take off your pants right now"Jungkook said
Yoongi was ready to throw his hands on Jungkook when Taehyung came in between them.
"Hyung, don't mind him he is a little mad, did you really adopt someone?"Taehyung said
"Yes tae"Yoongi said
"I wanna meet him Hyung"Taehyung said
"Okk, we will go at my home after duty"Yoongi said
"Okkk hyung, you wanna join us kook?"Taehyung said
"Ofcourse I wanna see my hyung's son/daughter"Jungkook said
"You'll die by my hand someday"Yoongi said
"Tae won't let you kill me"Jungkook said
"Hyung, you can kill him"Taehyung said
"Then who'll f*ck you?"Yoongi said
"I'll find someone more nicer than this bunny boy"Taehyung said
"You are so bad tae, I won't buy you strawberry cake now"Jungkook said
"Don't worry tae, I'll buy you strawberry cake"Yoongi said
"See Jeon Cocktail, my hyungie will buy me strawberry cake"Taehyung said
"You both are so bad"Jungkook said
"Like you are not"Yoongi said
"I'm going to my cabin"Jungkook said
"Let's finish work first so that we can go to home"Yoongi said
"Okkk hyung"Taekook said together
Time skips.

Right now they all were sitting in Yoongi's car when Jungkook said.
"Hyung, please stop near the mall"Jungkook said
"Why?"Yoongi said
"We have to buy toys for your baby"Jungkook said
"There's no need for it kook"Yoongi said
"Don't argue and stop the can"Jungkook said
"Fine"Yoongi said
He stopped the car, they both bought toys for Jimin and wents to the home.

They came to the living room.
"Jimin"Yoongi shouted
"Hyungie, he is newborn how can he come on his own?"Jungkook said
"He is not newborn stupid"Yoongi said
"You gave birth yesterday"Jungkook said
"I adopted him Jungkook"Yoongi said
Listening to Yoongi's voice Jimin came running downstairs.
"Dadda"Jimin said as he jumped on Yoongi
Yoongi was fast enough to catch him.
"Dadda, I missed you"Jimin said
"I also missed my baby"Yoongi said
"Wait a minute, he is your baby?"Jungkook said
"Yes"Yoongi said
"Aww, he is so cute but he looks adult"Taehyung said
"He is same as your age"Yoongi said
"Minnie meet your uncles, he is Jeon Jungkook and he is Jeon Taehyung"Yoongi said
"Jeon Junglebook uncle, Jeon Taetae uncle hello"Jimin said
Taegi laughed listening to Jungkook's name while Jungkook pouted angrily.
"Hi baby, what's your age?"Taehyung said
"Minnie is 5 taetae uncle"Jimin said while showing 7 fingers
Taehyung chuckled at his cuteness.
"He is little?"Jungkook said
"Yes kook"Yoongi said
"Ohhh, hi kid"Jungkook said
"Minnie is not a kid Junglebook uncle"Jimin said
"Yes not only a kid, you are a bratty kid"Jungkook said
"Dadda, Junglebook uncle bad, he made fun of Minnie"Jimin said
"Aigoo, it's alright he is just joking"Yoongi said
"Let's sit"Yoongi said
They all sat on the couch, Jimin on Yoongi's lap.
"Hyungie, I have a question"Taehyung said
"Yes tae, what is it?"Yoongi said
"Why you adopted Minnie, I mean I know you feels lonely but why him?"Taehyung said
"I just like him"Yoongi said
"Like him or love him?"Jungkook said
"I don't know anything yet"Yoongi said
"I see, my hyung is melting for this kiddo"Taehyung said
"What's wrong in it?"Yoongi said
"When did I said there's something wrong in it"Taehyung said
"What's his full name?"Jungkook said
"Park Jimin"Yoongi said
"Jiminie, will you come to me?"Jungkook said
"No, Junglebook uncle bad"Jimin said
"Behave minnie"Yoongi said
"Sorry dadda"Jimin said
"Go to him"Yoongi said
Jimin got up from Yoongi's lap and wents to Jungkook.
Jungkook made Jimin to sit on his lap.
"See I got toys for you"Jungkook said
"Really, thank you Junglebook uncle"Jimin said
"It's Jungkook kid"Jungkook said
"No, it's Junglebook"Jimin said
"No Jungkook"Jungkook said
"Junglebook"Jimin said
Jungkook sighed frustratingly knowing Jimin will call him Junglebook only.
"Come to me Jimin, leave him"Taehyung said
Jimin got down from his lap and wents to Taehyung.
"What you did whole day without your dadda Minnie?"Taehyung said
"Minnie played with noona and watched tv"Jimin said
"It means Minnie enjoy"Taehyung said
"Yes tata uncle"Jimin said
"Will Minnie come to my home?"Taehyung said
"No, minnie won't leave dadda"Jimin said
"I'm not telling you to leave your dadda you can come for sometimes"Taehyung said
"With dadda"Jimin said
"Yes with dadda"Taehyung said
"Okay, Minnie will come at your home"Jimin said
"That's like my baby"Taehyung said
"No minnie is dadda's baby"Jimin said
"Aigoo alright mochi"Taehyung said
"Dadda"Jimin said while making grabbing hand towards Yoongi
Yoongi picked him up.
"What's wrong baby?"Yoongi said
"Dadda my cake and plushy"Jimin said while placing his head on Yoongi's chest
"Plushy is here and cake is in frig kiddo"Yoongi said
"Okk dadda"Jimin said while closing his eyes
"Are you sleeping?"Yoongi said
"Yesh dadda"Jimin said
"Then sleep baby, dadda is here only"Yoongi said
"Night night dadda, taetae and kookie uncle"Jimin said
"Night night baby"Taekook said while chuckling
"Dadda, kissy"Jimin said
Yoongi kissed his forehead.
"Sleep now"Yoongi said as he starts to pat his back
After 20 minutes Jimin slept.

"Stella"Yoongi called a maid
"Yes sir?"Stella said
"Make him lay in my room and place pillows on his both side so that we won't fall"Yoongi said
"Okkk but how am I suppose to carry him, he is not a small baby"Stella said
Yoongi forget the fact that Jimin is 26 but in little space.
"Ohh I'm sorry, you can go, I'll make him lay in room"Yoongi said
"Okk sir"Stella said as she wents from there
"I am coming in a minute"Yoongi said as he picked Jimin like koala and wents to his room
After sometimes he came back to the living room.

"Hyung, why Jimin's parents abounded him?"Taehyung said
"Because he was little that's why"Yoongi said
"What how can they do this?"Jungkook said
"Not everyone is soft kook, there are bad people also"Yoongi said
"In what age they abounded him?"Taehyung said
"When he was 13"Yoongi said
"He was too young"Taehyung said
"He must went into depression"Jungkook said
"Yes, he had no friends in orphanage"Yoongi said
"No one adopted him before why?"Jungkook said
"He is little that's why"Yoongi said
"Now a day world is full of heartless people"Jungkook said
"I agree with you, that poor soul bear alot"Taehyung said
"Yes, you guys are right"Yoongi said
"Well, we are going home now take care of Minnie"Taehyung said
"Stay here for today"Yoongi said
"No hyung, you know na"Taehyung said while playing with his fingers
"Your baby will hear everything want us to stay?"Jungkook said
"Aish, he won't hear anything you both can stay"Yoongi said
"Are you sure?"Jungkook said
"Yes, I'm sure"Yoongi said
"Alright but don't regret later"Jungkook said
"I won't"Yoongi said
"Fine Fine"Jungkook said
"I am also going to take a nap in your room Hyung"Taehyung said
"Alright go"Yoongi said

Taehyung went upstairs to sleep meanwhile Yoongi and Jungkook sit on the couch to watch TV.

"Well hyung how you come early today?"Jungkook said
"I woke up early because I know I would get late cause Jimin will cry"Yoongi said
"Did he cried?"Jungkook said
"Yes, he was telling me not to leave but I have to leave"Yoongi said
"Ohhh"Jungkook said
Yoongi was about to say something when his phone starts to ring.
He picked the call and after sometimes cut it.
"I have to go on a mission kook, take care of Minnie and taetae okk?"Yoongi said
"Okkk hyung but come back soon or else Jimin will cry"Jungkook
"Don't worry, I'll come back soon"Yoongi said
"Alright"Jungkook said
He got up and wents to his mission.

To be continue:)
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