Jimin got hurt?

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Time skips to the next morning.
Yoongi was sleeping peacefully but Jimin woke up.
He saw Yoongi was sleeping, he pouted and got up.
He wents to washroom.
After getting freshed he went downstairs.

He was walking on stairs when his foot slipped and he fell.
"AHHHHHHHHHHH"Jimin yelled

Here Yoongi was sleeping peacefully when he heared Jimin's shout.
"M-minnie?"Yoongi said
He got up and run downstairs.

He was walking on stairs when he noticed soap on floor.
He got angry and went downstairs.

He saw Jimin laying on floor while crying.
"Minnie baby"Yoongi said
"D-dadda"Jimin said
Yoongi immediately picked him up and took him to the living room.

In living room.
Yoongi made Jimin sit on couch and he himself sat Infront of Jimin.
"D-dadda"Jimin cried while making grabby hands
"Let dadda check you baby, wait a second"Yoongi said
He folded Jimin's pants and saw a big wound on his knee.
He sighed and got up when Jimin said.
"D-dadda no l-leave Minnie"Jimin said
"Baby dadda is coming in a while"Yoongi said
"N-no"Jimin said while crying
Yoongi sighed and called the maid who always play with Jimin.
"Sir you called me?"Roselia said
"Stay with him, I'm going to grab my medical bag"Yoongi said
"Alright sir"Roselia said
Yoongi kissed Jimin's forehead and wents from there.
"D-dadda"Jimin cried while calling Yoongi
"He is coming in a while baby, tell noona what happened here?"Roselia said
"N-noona, Minnie f-fell"Jimin stated while crying
"Aigoo, it'll be alright, your dadda will treat you"Roselia said
After a while Yoongi came and Roselia was about to go when Yoongi said.

"Noona(she is elder than Yoongi) please hold his hands, I've to clean his wound"Yoongi said

"Okkkk sir"Roselia said
Yoongi starts to clean his wound.
"How many times I tell you not to call me sir, I'm younger than you"Yoongi said
"It's just my habit sir"Roselia said

"Don't call me sir, call me Yoongi only moreover you were loyal of my mom"Yoongi said

"Alright Yoongi"Roselia said
"D-dadda hurts"Jimin said feeling the burning sensation
"It'll be alright baby"Yoongi said
Soon he was done cleaning so he bandaged Jimin's wound.
"I have to give him injection but how"Yoongi thought
"Let's leave it for a while, he didn't eat anything yet"Yoongi thought
"It's all done my brave baby"Yoongi said
"Still hurts dadda"Jimin said while pouting
"It'll be okk"Yoongi said
"Noona"Yoongi said
"Yes?"Roselia said
"Who throwed soap water on stairs?"Yoongi said
"Huh? No one mopped the stairs yet"Roselia said
Yoongi immediately understood who did this.
"Okk noona, please prepare breakfast for us"Yoongi said
"Okkk, what should I cook?"Roselia said
"Prepare soup for us"Yoongi said
"Okkk"Roselia said
"Baby did you got freshed?"Yoongi said
"Yes dadda, Minnie big boy, Minnie took shower himself"Jimin said

"Alright my big boy, dadda is coming after freshing, here take my phone"Yoongi said

"Okkk dadda"Jimin said
Yoongi handed his phone to Jimin and wents to get freshed.
After sometimes Granny and Lisa came there.
"Hey kid"Lisa said
Jimin ignored him.
Lisa wents to him and pressed him wound.
His pants were still folded.
"Ahhhhhh"Jimin yelled in pain
His eyes got teary.
"Omo did little bitch got hurt"Lisa said
Jimin didn't said anything, he just keep on sobbing.
"Wipe your tears if your dadda see them I'll beat you"Lisa said
Jimin sacredly wipped his tears.
After a while Yoongi came to the living room.
He saw Lisa and Granny, he ignored their presence and wents to Jimin.
"How's my baby? Does it hurts?"Yoongi said
"It hurts dadda"Jimin said
"It'll be alright baby, you wanna go to hospital with me?"Yoongi said
"Yes dadda, Minnie will go with you"Jimin said
"Alright, let's eat our breakfast first"Yoongi said
Jimin was about to stand when Yoongi said.
"Ahhh no no, don't stand on your own"Yoongi said
He picked Jimin up and wents to the dining room.
"I hate that little bitch"Lisa said angrily
"After your plan I thought he'll die"Granny said
"Don't worry, he'll die sooner"Lisa said

Meanwhile with Yoonmin.
They both were sitting in dining room when Roselia came with their breakfast.
He served them and left from there to do her pending works.
Yoongi took Jimin's bowl and said.
"Dadda will feed you"Yoongi said
"Dadda, Minnie want something tasty"Jimin said while pouting
"No baby, you've to eat it"Yoongi said
"No"Jimin said stubbornly
"I don't wanna hear any voice Jimin"Yoongi said sternly
"Dadda baddie, dadda always scolds Minnie"Jimin said while pouting angrily
"Aish kiddo, don't be angry and eat it"Yoongi said
"Hmph"Jimin said as he opened his mouth
Yoongi smiled and starts to feed him.
After sometimes he was done so he eat his own breakfast.
"Let's go now"Yoongi said
"Yesh dadda"Jimin said
Yoongi picked Jimin and wents to the hospital.

Time skips.
Right now both were in Yoongi's cabin when Yoongi said.
"Minnie baby, lay here for a while"Yoongi said
"Why dadda?"Jimin said
"For a while baby please"Yoongi said
"Okkk dadda"Jimin said as he laid on the bed.
Yoongi called nurse.
"Hello, prepare tetanus shot and hand it to me in my room"Yoongi said
"Okkk Doctor Min"Nurse said
He cutted the call.
After a while door knocked and nurse came inside the cabin.
She handed shot, cotton swab and bandage to Yoongi and said.
"Do you need any help sir?"Nurse said
"Can you please call Doctor Jeon Jungkook and Taehyung"Yoongi said
"Sure sir"Nurse said
She wents from there and after sometimes Taekook came inside the cabin.
"Hyung, you called us?"Jungkook said
"Yes, I need your help"Yoongi said
"What happened? And why this shot is in your hand?"Jungkook said
"I've to give it to Jimin"Yoongi said
"Huh? Why?"Taehyung said worriedly
"He fell from stairs and hurt his knee"Yoongi said
"How?"Taehyung said
"You know my granny and Lisa are staying in our house"Yoongi said
"It means that Lisa did that"Jungkook said
"You are right"Yoongi said
"Be around Jimin all the time hyung, she can do anything"Jungkook said
"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to my baby"Yoongi said
"Well now, how does we suppose to Inject him?"Jungkook said

"I'll hold him from his waist, Taehyung hold him from his let, you'll inject him"Yoongi stated

"Ahhh why me? I feel pity on this baby?"Jungkook said while pointing at Jimin who was looking at them with big doe eyes

"It's for his own good Jungkookahhh"Yoongi said
"Fine, hold him"Jungkook said
He took shot from Yoongi.
Yoongi and Taehyung wents to Jimin.
"Baby lay on your stomach"Yoongi said
"W-why dadda?"Jimin said being all scared
"Nothing will happen lay"Yoongi said
He made Jimin lay on his stomach and held his upper body.
Taehyung held his legs.
Jungkook came near them and pulled his pants and boxers down.
"N-no dadda"Jimin said getting what is about to happen
"Shhh nothing baby"Taehyung said
Jungkook wipped the area and inserted the needle gently.
Jimin jerked from the sudden pain and starts to cry loudly.
"Ahhhhhhh d-dadda h-hurts"Jimin said while crying
"Shhh, it's all done love"Yoongi said
Jungkook took out the needle and bandaged the area.
Taehyung pulled his pants and boxers up.
Yoongi picked Jimin in his arms and starts to roam in room to make him calm.
"Shhh my baby, it's done"Yoongi said while rubbing his injected part
"H-hurts d-dadda"Jimin said while crying
Soon Jimin fell asleep in Yoongi's arms.
Yoongi made him lay on bed.
Taekook always wents from there.
Yoongi starts to check his patients.

To be continue:)

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