Minnie or Jimin?

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"Wait, who is that girl?"Jin said
"She is new maid"Yoongi said
"Where she took Minnie?"Jungkook said
"I don't know but she is gone now, let's go to her house"Yoongi said
He angrily wents out of the CCTV room.
Jinkook also went behind him.

They all came to the car.
"Hyung, I'll drive the car"Yoongi said
"Yoongi, you are too angry, what if something happened?"Jin said
"I'll control my anger, just sit inside"Yoongi said
"Fine"Jin said
They all sit inside the car.
Yoongi started the engine.
"What she kidnapped Minnie?"Jungkook said
"I don't know why I guess she was jealous"Yoongi said
"But why?"Jin sajd
"Today she pushed Jimin also and then when I came to the living room she said Jimin pushed me"Yoongi said
"What?"Jin said shockingly

"I scold Jimin and send him to the room but he told me that maid pushed him and made cut on her own leg"Yoongi said

"She is really something"Jungkook said
"Just wait, I'll show her real hell"Yoongi said
Soon they reached that maid's house.
They all got down from the car.

"Let's go inside"Jin said
"Guards, break the door"Yoongi said
One of the guard broke the door and they entered inside.

They all wents to the living room and saw something which them made shocked.
Jimin was all naked crying while some men were touching him.
"JIMIN"Yoongi yelled as he pushed every man and wents to Jimin
The maid saw this and she was about to run when Jungkook held her.
"Where do you think you are going miss?"Jungkook said
"L-leave me"That maid said
Guards took all of them to the basement.
"J-Jimin"Yoongi said
"D-da---------(he passed out)
"Minnie?"Yoongi said
He took off his coat and covered Jimin with it and picked him up.
"Did he got injured?"Jin said
"No hyung but I think they did something bad"Yoongi said
No one spoke anything.
"Jungkook, go home, Tae needs you and Jin hyung you too"Yoongi said
"But hyung"Jungkook said
"I'll take care of him Jungkook go, Tae is also sick"Yoongi said
"Okkk"Jungkook said
He wents from there.
"Jin hyung you also go, Niana needs you maybe"Yoongi said
"Baby, you needs me"Jin said
"I'm alright hyung, you can go"Yoongi said
"Alright I'll but take care of Minnie"Jin said
"I'll take care of Minnie"Yoongi said
Jin hugged Yoongi.
"Take care of yourself also"Jin said
He kissed Jimin's and Yoongi's forehead and wents from there.
Yoongi also wents back to his home.

Time skips at home.
Yoongi made Jimin wear clothes and made him lay on bed.
"I don't know what they did to you but I'm sorry Minnie"Yoongi said
His tears starts to flow thinking he failed to protect his Minnie.
"I'm sorry baby, Dadda failed to protect you"Yoongi said while crying
"I'm so bad, I should've checked CCTV before but"Yoongi said
He was crying when he felt someone holding his hand.
"Yoongi"Jimin said
Yoongi wipped his tears and looked at Jimin.
"Minnie baby, you woke up"Yoongi said
"Ahhh yes Yoongi"Jimin said
"Yoongi? Wait, are you out of little space?"Yoongi said
"Yes"Jimin said
Yoongi moved a little from the bed as he was sitting so close to Jimin.
"What happened?"Jimin said
"Umm you maybe uncomfortable that's why I moved"Yoongi said
"I'm not uncomfortable and moreover I remember everything"Jimin said
"Ohh that's good then"Yoongi said nervously
"Don't be nervous, I wanna say thank you"Jimin said
"But why?"Yoongi said
"Because when everyone reject me you accept me, no one agree to take me but you did"Jimin said
"You deserved better life, that's why I adopted you"Yoongi said
"You did so much for me, I'm very thankful"Jimin said
"Don't make me embarrass by saying thank you"Yoongi said
"Haha okk"Jimin said
"Umm Jimin, now you'll leave me?"Yoongi said
"I don't have any place to go"Jimin said
"It means you'll stay with me"Yoongi said
"You want me to go? I'll go then"Jimin said
"I never want you to go"Yoongi said
"Ohh really?"Jimin said
"Yes, I feels so lonely without anyone, please don't leave me"Yoongi said
"I won't"Jimin said
"Thank you, umm Jimin, if you are comfortable can I ask you something?"Yoongi said
"Yes you can"Jimin said
"Had they done something bad with you?"Yoongi said
"T-they just t-touched me and w-was about to do s-something but you came"Jimin said
His eyes welled up with tears.
"I'm sorry to ask, don't cry Minnie"Yoongi said as he hugged Jimin
"It's a-alright"Jimin said
Yoongi broked the hug and said.
"Are you hurt anywhere?"Yoongi said
"No, I'm completely fine"Jimin said
"Umm will you go back to little space?"Yoongi said
"I will cause I don't like myself, I hate myself, let Minnie out and enjoy"Jimin said
"You shouldn't hate yourself, you are so good and perfect"Yoongi said
"For me I'm not that's why I let Minnie out and enjoy but people also hate him"Jimin said
"You live with me then care about me I don't hate Minnie nor Jimin"Yoongi said
"Not everyone is like you"Jimin said
"I know but I'll protect you"Yoongi said
"But I don't wanna stay, I want Minnie to come out"Jimin said
"Just for sometimes stay"Yoongi said
"Fine"Jimin said
"Thank you"Yoongi said
"Umm well, I'm hungry"Jimin said
"I'll bring something to eat"Yoongi said
He got up and went downstairs.
Meanwhile Jimin starts to cry.
"T-they touched m-me, I'm d-dirty"Jimin said while crying
His head starts to hurts badly.
"Ahhh n-no, p-please Minnie don't c-come out"Jimin said while crying
But no use Minnie already came out.
Now Jimin is converted into Minnie so he starts to cry loudly.
"D-DADDAAAAAAAAAAA"Jimin said while crying badly
Listening to his voice Yoongi came to the room.
"Minnie baby"Yoongi said as he wents to Jimin
He was about to sit beside Jimin when Jimin said.
"N-no, don't t-touch Minnie"Jimin said while crying
"Minnie baby, it's dadda, see my love"Yoongi said
"D-don't t-touch m-minnie"Jimin said while crying
Yoongi wents to him and hugged him forcely.
"NOO, L-LEAVE MINNIE"Jimin yelled while crying badly
"Shhhh, baby it's me it's dadda, listen to dadda's heartbeat"Yoongi said
Jimin starts to listen his heartbeat and slowly he stopped crying.
"Minnie, are you okk now baby?"Yoongi said
"D-da, m-minnie scared"Jimin said
"Don't be baby, dadda is here to protect Minnie"Yoongi said
"B-bad aunty t-took Minnie"Jimin said
"Now she won't do anything"Yoongi said
"Bad u-uncles t-touch m-minnie"Jimin said
"Shhh stop remembering it baby"Yoongi said
"They t-tore Minnie's c-clothes, d-da my c-clothes"Jimin said
"Dadda will buy Minnie new clothes"Yoongi said
"Dadda scared"Jimin said
"Don't be"Yoongi said
Jimin wasn't calming which was making Yoongi worried.
So he called one of the gaurd.
"Sir you called me?"Gaurd said
"Yes, prepare sleeping dose"Yoongi said
While Jimin was mumbling about the incident again and again.
Gaurd prepare the shot.
Yoongi pulled Jimin's shirt down from his shoulder and gaurd injected him.
"Ahhhh dadda h-hurts"Jimin said
"I got my baby shhh"Yoongi said
After sometime gaurd took out the needle.
Yoongi fixed Jimin's clothes and picked Jimin.
He starts to roam in the room to make Jimin sleep.
After 5 minutes, Jimin slept in Yoongi's arms so Yoongi made him lay on bed.

To be continue:)
I'm out of ideas can you please give me some ideas, I'll be very thankful.

𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now