New trouble coming

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Yoongi sighed when he saw Jimin sleeping peacefully in his arms.
He made Jimin lay on bed and called Taekook.
After sometimes both of them came inside his cabin.
"Guys"Yoongi said
"Yes hyung?"Taekook said together
"I have surgery to do"Yoongi said
"I also have"Taehyung said
"What about you Kook?"Yoongi said
"I'm all free, my appointments are finished"Jungkook said
"Can you stay with Minnie please"Yoongi said
"Yeah sure hyung"Jungkook said
"Alright but first listen"Yoongi said
"What is it?"Jungkook said
"Jimin's parents came here"Yoongi said
"Really when?"Taehyung said this time
"Sometimes ago"Yoongi said
"They did something to him?"Jungkook said
"They can't do anything unless I'm with him"Yoongi said
"What they were saying?"Taehyung said
"They wanted to talk with Minnie but I didn't let them"Yoongi said
"But why?"Jungkook said
"Because he was panicking so I send them from here"Yoongi said
"You did great then"Jungkook said
"I know but for now stay with him, don't leave him alone"Yoongi said
"Don't worry I won't leave him alone for even a second"Jungkook said
"Thank you Kook"Yoongi said
"He is also like my brother hyung so don't say thanks"Jungkook said
Yoongi smiled and said.
"Let's go for surgery Tae"Yoongi said
"Yes, let's go"Taehyung said
They both wents from there.
Meanwhile Jungkook sat on Yoongi's seat and starts to use his phone.
After 1 hour Jimin woke up while rubbing his eyes.
He saw Jungkook sitting on chair using his phone.
"Kookie uncle"Jimin said
Listening to Jimin's voice, Jungkook put his phone down and wents to Jimin.
"You woke up kid"Jungkook said while ruffling Jimin's hairs
"My dadda?"Jimin said while looking at Jungkook with his doe eyes
"He wents for surgery, he'll come back soon"Jungkook said
"But Minnie hungry"Jimin said
"What you wanna eat? I'll order for you"Jungkook said
"Can Minnie get burger?"Jimin said
"Yes sure"Jungkook said
He called a nurse and told her to bring two burgers.
After sometimes she came, gave them burgers and left from there.
"Here you go, have it"Jungkook said
He handed Jimin's burger to Jimin and start to eat his own.
"Thank you kookie uncle"Jimin said while showing his eye smile
"Eat well kid"Jungkook said while smiling
Jimin starts to eat his burger.
After sometimes they both were done eating.
"Kookie uncle"Jimin said
"Yes?"Jungkook said
"I'm bored, let's play"Jimin said
"What you wanna play?"Jungkook said
"Let's draw something, shall we?"Jimin said
"Sure thing kid"Jungkook said
He took random paper after checking if it's important or not.
Then he took a pen and gave the pen and paper to Jimin.
Jimin took pen and paper and sat on bed and starts to draw.
After sometimes Taehyung and Yoongi entered the room.
"Ahhhh, I'm so exhausted"Yoongi said
Listening to Yoongi's voice Jimin made grabby hands towards him.
"Dadda"Jimin said
"Not now Jimin, dadda is so tired"Yoongi said
Jimin pouted sadly and said.
"Okk dadda"Jimin said while pouting
"Aish don't pout bun, dadda will pick you but after a while"Yoongi said
"How's surgery hyung?"Jungkook said
"It went successful"Yoongi said
"That's a great thing"Jungkook said
"Indeed"Taehyung said
"Had you ate something Minnie?"Yoongi said
"Yes dadda, kookie uncle give me burger"Jimin said
"Yah Jungkookahhh, why you let him eat unhealthy"Yoongi said
"He asked for it"Jungkook said
"You shouldn't give him unhealthy food, he can fell sick"Yoongi said
"Fine fine, I'm sorry"Jungkook said
"It's fine now I can't do anything"Yoongi said
"Wait for sometimes it'll come out"Jungkook said
"Eww, how dirty you are"Taehyung said while making disgusting face
"Seriously Jungkook"Yoongi said with so done face
"I wasn't wrong though"Jungkook said
"Shut up bro"Yoongi said
"As you say"Jungkook said
Time skips.

Right now Yoonmin were sitting in car when Jimin said.
"Dadda"Jimin said
"Yes baby?"Yoongi said
"Can we have ice cream pwease"Jimin said
"Aish fine but only one scoop"Yoongi said
"Thank you dadda"Jimin said while being excited like kid
After that they had ice cream and wents from there.

They were going home when Yoongi's phone starts to ring.
He received the call and put it on speaker.
"Who is it?"Yoongi said
"Boss I'm Yeochan"Yoongi's personal bodyguard said
"What happened Yeochan?"Yoongi said
"Boss your grandma came"Yeochan said
"What? Why?"Yoongi said
"I don't know boss"Yeochan said
"You let her in?"Yoongi said
"I tried to stop her but she just don't listen"Yeochan said
"Ahh I knew it, I'm coming in a while don't let her touch anything"Yoongi said
"Okk boss I won't"Yeochan said
"Bye"Yoongi said as he cutted the call
"Dadda you have grandma?"Jimin said
"Yes baby I have"Yoongi said
"Minnie wanna meet her, Minnie don't have one"Jimin said
"Let's go home"Yoongi said ignoring Jimin's question
Soon they reached home and went inside.

As soon as they entered the living room they saw a young lady with too much revealing dress and a old yet clever lady sitting there.

"Oh my Yoongi you came"Yoongi's grandma mother said
She was about to hug Yoongi but Yoongi back off.
"Stay away, what are you doing here? And why you bring her here?"Yoongi said coldly
"Can't I come to my son's house"Grandma said
"No you can't get out of here"Yoongi said
"Come on son let's forget everything now"Grandma said


By listening to his yellings everyone flinched badly.
"D-da"Jimin said scaredly
"Shhhh I'm sorry my love, YEOCHAN"Yoongi said
Yeochan came there.
"Yes boss?"Yeochan said
"Take Jimin to room and play cartoon on led for him"Yoongi said
"Okk boss, let's go Jimin sir"Yeochan said
Yeochan took Jimin with himself.
"Don't test my patience and go from here"Yoongi said
"We came here to stay"Grandma said
"I can't bear you here"Yoongi said
"But we will stay here and moreover she is your soon to be wife"Grandma said
"The fuck? I'll never marry her, I'm not into girls"Yoongi said
"You have to marry her"Grandma said
"In your dreams"Yoongi said
He was about to go from there when that girl came Infront of him.
"Fuck off Lisa"Yoongi said
She put her one hand on Yoongi's chest and said.
"Why can't you marry me? See I'm beautiful"Lisa said
"You have lizard face"Yoongi said irritatingly
"You are so bad I won't talk with you"Lisa said being overdramatic
"Fuck off"Yoongi said
He pushed her and wents from there.
"What's wrong with his attitude?"Lisa said
"I really don't know but don't worry you'll marry him and who's that boy?"Grandma said
"How am I suppose to know"Lisa said
"Don't worry, I'll find out soon, let's go and take rest"Grandma said
They both also wents from there.

Meanwhile with Yoonmin.
Yoongi came in the room and saw Jimin sleeping.
He wents to him, kiss his forehead and wents to take shower.
After taking shower he came back and lay beside Jimin.
He also drifted to his Dreamland after being all tired.

To be continue:)
What's the reason Yoongi hates her Grandma this much?

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