Out of Little space?

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Time skips.
Jimin woke up and saw Yoongi sitting on his chair checking someone.
"Yoongi"Jimin said in low voice
"You woke up baby, how are you feeling now?"Yoongi said
"What happened to me?"Jimin said
"Are you out of your little space?"Yoongi said while injecting the patient
"Hey, why are you injecting him?"Jimin said with a big sulking pout
"Aigoo, he is sick baby that's why"Yoongi said
"See he is crying you merciless doctor"Jimin said
"Obviously he'll cry, he is a baby"Yoongi said
"Hmm but what happened to me?"Jimin said
"You fell from the stairs baby"Yoongi said
"Oh yeah, now I remember"Jimin said
"Is he your husband?"A woman who is with patient said while carrying her baby
"Soon-to-be husband"Yoongi said while smiling
Jimin blushed.
"He is so caring, take care of him son"Woman said
"Thank you aunt and I'll"Yoongi said
"Um aunt"Jimin said
"Yes son?"That woman said
"Can I please carry your baby?"Jimin said
Woman smile and handed her baby to Jimin.
"Aww, he is so cute, look Yoongi"Jimin said
"Yes, he is so cute"Yoongi said
"But you didn't felt bad while injecting him merciless doctor"Jimin said
Yoongi and that woman laughed at his statement.
Soon that woman and her son wents from there.
"Let's go home"Yoongi said
Jimin didn't replied he was sitting with a sulky pout.
"What's wrong with you now?"Yoongi said
"Yoongi, I want a baby"Jimin said while sulking
"Huh? Baby? You yourself are a baby"Yoongi said
"Nooooooooo, I want baby"Jimin said
"Alright alright, we will adopt after our marriage"Yoongi said
"Really?"Jimin said
"Yes love"Yoongi said
"Thank you Yoongi, I love you"Jimin said
"Aww first time you said I love you to me while you are not little"Yoongi said
"Aish dramatic Yoonie"Jimin said
Yoongi laughed and said.
"Let's go now, shall we?"Yoongi said
Jimin was about to reply when door opened and Taekook came inside.
"Hyung"Jungkook said
"Yes kook?"Yoongi said
"Are you guys going home?"Jungkook said
"Yes"Yoongi said
"Can you take us because my car is not working"Jungkook said
"Yeah sure but first meet Jimin"Yoongi said
"Huh? What do you mean by meet Jimin?"Taehyung said
"Yeah hyung what's wrong? We know he is Minnie baby"Jungkook said
"Jimin"Yoongi said
Jimin looked at them and said while flashing his eye smile.
"Hi Jungkookie, Hi Taehyungie"Jimin said
Taekook got shocked.
"He is out of his little space?"Taehyung said
"Yes bear, he is out of his little space"Yoongi said
"Won't you guys say hi to me or you only like Minnie?"Jimin said
"No no, we like you too Jimin"Taehyung said

"Yoongi, can we go somewhere for sometimes, I hate to see that annoying cousin of yours"Jimin said

All of them laughed and said.
"Yeah sure baby, let's go to Jin hyung's home for sometimes"Yoongi said
"Yessssssssssss let's go"Jimin said
They all wents from there.

They all sit in the car and Yoongi started engine.
After sometimes Taehyung spoke.
"Jimin if you don't mind can I ask you something?"Taehyung said
"Yes Taetae ask"Jimin said
"How much have you studied?"Taehyung said
"I used to study before my parents abounded me"Jimin said
"You must be like in 9-10 right"Jungkook said
"Yes"Jimin said
"You can continue from university now"Jungkook said
Note: There are no boards exams in Korea, that's why I wrote university.
"But what about my little space?"Jimin said
"You'll fell again?"Taehyung said
"I only fell when I'm afraid"Jimin said
"But in university you don't need to be afraid of anyone"Taehyung said
"But Yoongi"Jimin said
"Hey babe, I won't stop you, if you wanna continue you can"Yoongi said
"Really?"Jimin said
"Yes, you can but you need to be strong, don't let anyone make you afraid"Yoongi said
"But I'm weak"Jimin said

"You've to be strong for yourself baby, what if in some situations I won't be there what you'll do, you should know self defense"Yoongi said

"You're right, I'll try to be strong"Jimin said
"That's like my good boy"Yoongi said
"I hope I won't fell in little space again"Jimin said
"Don't worry try to be strong you won't fell"Jungkook said
"You don't talk to me"Jimin said
"Huh? Why?"Jungkook said
"You injected poor me, it still hurts"Jimin said
"They both also held you"Jungkook said
"They were just worried about my health"Jimin said
"Me as well"Jungkook said
"No, you just wanted to hurt me"Jimin said while fake crying
"Yaaaaa kid"Jungkook said
"I'm not kid, you're"Jimin said
"You're also kid"Jungkook said
"Stop bickering you both"Yoongi said
They both sat quietly.
Soon they reached Jin's house and got down from the car.

They went and ring the bell.
"Who's there?"Jin said from inside
"It's me Jinnie uncle Minnie"Jimin said
"You again fell?"Yoongi said
Jimin shook his head as no.
"Aish this boy and his dramas"Taehyung said
Jin opened the door.
"Hey guys, what a pleasent surprise"Jin said
"Let us come in Jinnie uncle"Jimin said
"Yes my baby come inside"Jin said
He picked Jimin when Jimin said.
"Hey Jin hyung leave me"Jimin said
"Huh? You are out of your little space"Jin said
"Yes hyungieeeeeeee"Jimin said
Jin still carried him and wents inside with Taekook and Yoongi following them.

They reached the living room.
"Jin hyunggggggggggggg"Jimin said
"Hey guys, are you out of your little space Minnie?"Namjoon said
"Yes Joonie hyung, tell him to leave me"Jimin said
"Aish Jin, leave him"Namjoon said
Jin smiled and made him sit on couch.
Jimin saw Niana(remember Namjin's daughter) and picked her.
"Aww, how's my baby?"Jimin said
"Me fine Minnie"Niana said
She call Jimin as Minnie because she meet him when he was little.
They all sat there and starts to talk.
"Jin hyung, I wanna tell you something"Yoongi said
"Yes Yoongi?"Jin said
"That so called Granny and Lisa is staying at our place"Yoongi said
"What? How did you let them?"Jin said
"They are living forcefully"Yoongi said
"Aish take care of Jimin, you know Lisa"Jin said
"Yes hyung don't worry I'll take care of him"Yoongi said
"Did she tried to hurt him?"Jin said
"Yes today because of her Jimin fell from stairs"Yoongi said
"What? Minnie baby are you fine?"Jin said worriedly
"I'm fine hyung, just a little wound on my knee"Jimin said
"Not a little though"Yoongi said while rolling his eyes
"Yoongi send them from your home as soon as possible"Jin said
"I'll hyung, don't worry"Yoongi said
"Didn't you said to that Lisa?"Jin said
"I'll deal with her after going home"Yoongi said
"That's good show her her limits"Jin said
"I'll surely but you know what"Yoongi said
"What?"Jin said
"That granny want me to marry Lisa"Yoongi said
"What did you said?"Jin said
"I said I'll marry Jimin only because I love Jimin"Yoongi said
"Really? Are you guys getting married?"Jin said
"Yes hyung, really soon"Yoongi said
Jimin blushed.
"Aigoo my babies will get married soon"Jin said

To be continue:)

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