Yoongi insulted Lisa?

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Time skips to the evening.
Yoongi woke up feeling something heavy on his chest.
He opened his eyes and saw Jimin on the top of him shaking him.
"What happened Minnie?"Yoongi said in sleepy voice
"Dadda Minnie hungry, get up"Jimin said
"My baby is hungry?"Yoongi said
Jimin nodded his head while looking at Yoongi with innocent doe eyes.
"Get up from me then I'll get fresh and make tasty tasty dinner for you"Yoongi said
"Okkk dadda"Jimin said as he get up from Yoongi
Yoongi sat on the bed and kissed Jimin's forehead.
"What you wanna eat?"Yoongi said
"I can ask for anything dadda?"Jimin said
"Yes, you can but only for today"Yoongi said
"Okkk dadda, Minnie want pasta"Jimin said
"Alright let me get fresh, you go and tell noona to make pasta"Yoongi said
"Okkkk dadda"Jimin said as he got up and run downstairs
"Aish don't run baby"Yoongi said
But Jimin already left.
Yoongi smiled, got up and wents to get fresh.

Meanwhile Jimin came to the kitchen.
"Noona"Jimin said
"Yes baby?"Maid said while smiling
"Make pasta for Minnie and dadda"Jimin said
"Okkk baby, I'll make it, you go and sit in living room"Maid said
"Okkk noona"Jimin said
He wents from there while running.
He came to the living room, turned on TV and starts to watch cartoon.
After sometimes granny and Lisa came there.
Jimin saw them but ignore their presence.
"Hey kid"Lisa said
Jimin looked at her but didn't said anything.
"Come here"Lisa said
"No, dadda told me not to go to strangers"Jimin said
"Wait, is he little?"Granny said
"I feels like"Lisa said
Granny didn't said anything.
"Who is your dadda?"Lisa said
"Yoonie dadda, Yoonie is my dadda"Jimin said
Listening to this Lisa starts to burn in anger.
She wents to Jimin and said.
"He is not your dadda, he is my husband"Lisa said
"No, he is my dadda"Jimin said
"You little bitch"Lisa said as he slapped Jimin
Jimin being little starts to cry.
"Shut up"Lisa said angrily
"You b-bad, you s-slapped M-Minnie"Jimin said while crying
"If you cried or told Yoongi then I'll slap you more"Lisa said
Jimin being innocent wipped his tears and said.
"No M-Minnie w-won't tell d-dadda, no b-beating M-Minnie"Jimin said
"Good, now tell me your name"Lisa said
"J-Jiminie"Jimin said
"Jimin, what's your full name?"Lisa said
"Park Jimin"Jimin said
"Why are you here?"Lisa said
"Dadda b-bought M-Minnie here"Jimin said
"Why he bought you?"Lisa said
"Because it's my choice, you are no one to question him"Yoongi said while coming from behind
"I was just asking him oppa, he is so cute"Lisa said with a fake smile
"Of course my soon to be husband is so cute"Yoongi said
"W-what?"Lisa said
"What what? He is my soon to be husband"Yoongi said
"You'll marry a little?"Granny said this time
"What's wrong in marrying a little?"Yoongi said
"He is a boy, you are gay?"Granny said
"I am gay but only for him"Yoongi said
"Shut up, you won't marry a boy, you'll marry Lisa"Granny said
"And why should I obey you?"Yoongi said
"Because I'm your elder"Granny said
"Where was this elder when me and my brother were dying?"Yoongi said
"Forget the past Yoongi"Granny said
"I don't give a fuck about you and this Lisa and I'll only marry Jimin"Yoongi said
"Minnie, come to dadda"Yoongi said
Jimin rushed to him and hugged him.
Yoongi picked him up and said.
"You told noona to make pasta?"Yoongi said as he kissed Jimin's cheek
"Yes dadda, Minnie told noona"Jimin said
"Alright let's go to dining room then"Yoongi said
He wents from there while carrying Jimin.
"Is he really a gay?"Lisa said
"He is not and don't worry you'll marry him only"Granny said
"Yes, I'll marry him only"Lisa said

Meanwhile with Yoonmin.
They both came to the living room and sat on chairs.
"Dadda"Jimin said
"Yes baby?"Yoongi said
"I am your soon to be husband?"Jimin said innocently
"Yes baby you are, you love dadda right?"Yoongi said
"Yes dadda, Minnie loves you so much"Jimin said
"Minnie will marry dadda and Minnie will stay with him forever"Yoongi said
"Yes dadda, Minnie will"Jimin said
"That's like my good baby"Yoongi said
"Dadda Minnie hungry"Jimin said
"Noona must be finishing making, she'll come soon with food okk?"Yoongi said
"Okkk dadda, Minnie will wait"Jimin said
After sometimes granny and Lisa came to the dining room and sat on chairs.
Yoongi didn't said anything.
"Yoongi from where you bought this boy?"Granny said
"Not this boy, he is Min Jimin and why should I tell you"Yoongi said
"Being an elder I was just asking"Granny said
Yoongi sighed and said.
"I bought him from orphanage"Yoongi said
"You'll marry an orphanage?"Granny said
"Yes, I'll, what's wrong in it?"Yoongi said
"You won't marry an orphanage"Granny said
"Forget that I'll ever obey you"Yoongi said
"I won't let this happen"Granny said
Yoongi didn't said anything.
After sometimes maid bought pasta and they all starts to eat when Lisa said.
"Yoongi oppa, how am I looking?"Lisa said
Yoongi looked at her with weird face and said.
"Just a like my foot's dirt"Yoongi said without any hesitation
"Huh? How can you say this"Lisa said being all dramatic
"From my mouth"Yoongi said
"You are so bad, I won't talk with you"Lisa said
"My good"Yoongi said
"Such a rude"Lisa said
"Shut that fucking mouth of yours, don't ruin my mood"Yoongi said being all irritated
"Dadda"Jimin said
"Yes my love"Yoongi said in soft voice
"Minnie want chocolate milk"Jimin said
"Go and tell noona whatever you want, she'll make it"Yoongi said
"Okkk dadda"Jimin said
He got up from chair and wents from there.
After sometimes he came back.
"Did you told noona?"Yoongi said
"Yes dadda, dadda?"Jimin said
"Yes baby?"Yoongi said
"Minnie wanna sit on your lap"Jimin said
"Come here love"Yoongi said
He pick Jimin and placed him on his lap.
Lisa was burning in jealousy.
"Can't he sit on chair"Lisa said
"He is sitting on my legs not your so better shut up"Yoongi said
After sometimes maid gave Jimin his chocolate milk and Jimin starts to drink it.
After sometimes.
"Dadda Minnie sleepy"Jimin said
"Let's go to room"Yoongi said
"I'll sleep with you"Lisa said
"And who'll let you sleep with me?"Yoongi said
"You'll let me sleep with you"Lisa said
"Shut up, I'll never sleep with a lizard"Yoongi said
"You"Lisa said
"Let's go Minnie"Yoongi said
He picked Jimin and wents to his room while carrying Jimin.
"He insulted me so much, did you saw?"Lisa said
"Don't worry, I'll do something"Granny said
"I want him"Lisa said
"You'll get him but not this soon"Granny said
"I'll wait but I only want him"Lisa said
"You'll get him don't worry"Granny said
"Let's go to the room"Lisa said
They both also wents from there.

With Yoonmin.
"Dadda"Jimin said
"Yes baby?"Yoongi said
"Minnie wanna go somewhere on Sunday"Jimin said
"Where you wanna go? I'll take you"Yoongi said
"I wanna meet Tata uncle, I wanna go to his home"Jimin said
"Okkk, we will go to Tata uncle's home on Sunday"Yoongi said
"We will also go for shopping Dadda"Jimin said
"Okkk baby, we will go"Yoongi said
"With Tata and Jungle book uncle"Jimin said
Yoongi chuckled and said.
"Yeah, we will take them with us"Yoongi said
"Thank you daddaaaaaa"Jimin said
"No need my baby, let's sleep now"Yoongi said
"Make me sleep dadda"Jimin said
Yoongi hugged him and starts to caress his hairs.
After sometimes Jimin slept so Yoongi also slept.

To be continue:)

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