A day with Taekook.

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Time skips to the next day.
Taekook was sleeping in there room when Yoongi came inside.
"Get up love birds"Yoongi said
Taehyung was laying on the top of Jungkook, Yoongi picked him and made him lay on the bed.
"GET UP"Yoongi yelled in Jungkook's ear
"YAHHH, WHAT THE FUCK HYUNG?"Jungkook said angrily
"Get up"Yoongi said with annoyed face
Taehyung also woke up and sat on the bed while rubbing his eyes.
"Mister get up or you aren't able to walk?"Yoongi said
"I can walk hyung, he didn't went harsh on me"Taehyung said
"Yesterday you were screaming like someone is trying to kill you"Yoongi said
"So what? It hurts"Taehyung said
"Then don't do it"Yoongi said
"But we enjoy as well"Taehyung said
"Fuck you both, get freshed and come downstairs"Yoongi said
He annoyingly wents out of the room.
"Good morning babe"Jungkook said in his deep voice
"Morning kookie"Taehyung said
Jungkook pulled him by his waist and was about to kiss him when.
Taekook looked at him annoyingly.

Jungkook grab a pillow and throw it on Yoongi but Yoongi ran from there before the pillow hit him.

"He is so annoying"Jungkook said while sulking
"I am going to get freshed"Taehyung said
"What about my morning kiss?"Jungkook said
"You are not getting it today"Taehyung said as he wents to the washroom.
"YA TAEHYUNGAHH"Jungkook yelled
After getting freshed they both came downstairs and saw Yoonmin sitting on chair.
"Morning hyung, morning kid"Taekook said
"Morning Tata and Junglebook Uncle"Jimin said
"Morning guys"Yoongi said
They all starts to eat their breakfast.
"Taehyung, Jungkook, listen to me"Yoongi said
"Yes hyung?"Taehyung said

"Today, I am going out of the town for a mission, I'll come back tomorrow, will you please take care of Minnie?"Yoongi said

"Obviously hyung, is it a even thing to ask?"Jungkook said
"Thank you guys, Minnie today you'll stay with Tata and kookie uncle"Yoongi said
"Why dadda?"Jimin said while looking at him with his doe eye
"Baby, dadda have to go for some work"Yoongi said
"Take me with you dadda"Jimin said as he hugged Yoongi
"No baby, I can't take you"Yoongi said
"Dadda, don't leave minnie"Jimin said
"Baby, I'll come back tomorrow"Yoongi said
"Promise?"Jimin said
"Yes kiddo Promise"Yoongi said
"You won't leave me like them? Right dadda?"Jimin said
"I promise I won't, you can enjoy today with your uncle"Yoongi said
"Okkk dadda"Jimin said
"That's like my good boy"Yoongi said as he kissed Jimin's cheek.
Jimin giggled cutely.
"Hyung, will you come to hospital today?"Jungkook said
"No kook"Yoongi said
"What about that monkey face human?"Jungkook said
"Just tell him, I'm sick"Yoongi said
"You think he'll beleive me"Jungkook said
"Then say him, Yoongi's grandma died"Yoongi said
"How many times you killed your grandma infront of him?"Jungkook said
"This is valid excuse use it"Yoongi said
"He'll surely throw me out of the hospital"Jungkook said
"Don't worry then we'll built out own hospital"Yoongi said
"You are really something hyung"Jungkook said
"Not something, I am Min Yoongi"Yoongi said
"Dadda of Minnie"Jimin said
"Yes, dadda of minnie"Yoongi said while poking Jimin's cheek
Jimin giggled.
"Well, at what time you are going?"Taehyung said
"After breakfast"Yoongi said
"Okkk, minnie will stay at home for now right?"Taehyung said
"Yes"Yoongi said
"Alright then"Taehyung said
They all did their breakfast and wents to their respective works.

At hospital.
Taekook was talking while standing at reception.
"Kids"Mr Jeong(hospital owner) said
"Yes sir?"Jungkook said
"Where is that late one?"Mr Jeong said
"He won't come today"Jungkook said
"Why?"Mr Jeong said
"His grandma died once again"Jungkook said
"Just tell me truth, how many grandma he have?"Mr Jeong said
"Only one, she die then she become alive and then die again"Jungkook said
"I really wanna fire that kid, he is so careless"Mr Jeong said
"Then fire him"Jungkook said
Taehyung hit him with his leg making him shout.
"Ahhhhh"Jungkook yelled from the pain
"What happened?"Mr Jeong said
"Nothing sir, he is just being dramatic"Taehyung said with a tight smile
"Well, I can't fire that kid cause he is best doctor of our hospital"Mr Jeong said
"Did i died that he is the only best doctor left?"Jungkook said
"Why you three are so dramatic"Mr Jeong said with so done face
"Be thankful, we entertain you"Jungkook said
"Jungkook, will you shut your mouth?"Taehyung said
"Leave him and tell me, why didn't Yoongi came?"Mr Jeong said
"He went on the mission annoying bitch"Jungkook thought
"He is sick sir, that's why"Taehyung said
"Sick? What happened to him?"Mr Jeong said
"He caught fever"Taehyung said
"How?"Mr Jeong said
"Why you wanna know everything bitch"Jungkook thought
"He ate ice cream in this freezing cold that's why"Taehyung said
"Alright, tell him to take care"Mr Jeong said
"Okk sir"Taehyung said
Mr Jeong wents to his cabin.

"For how many times you and Yoongi hyung will make Yoongi hyung's grandma dead?"Taehyung said

"He told me it's a valid excuse so I used it"Jungkook said
"You both are stupid"Taehyung said
Time skips after hospital.
Taekook took Jimin and wents to their home.

"This is your home Tata uncle?"Jimin said
"Yes baby, this is my home"Taehyung said
"Can Minnie watch cartoons?"Jimin said
"Yes baby, let's watch together"Taehyung said
"What about the lunch?"Jungkook said
"You'll make it"Taehyung said
"Why always me?"Jungkook said while whining and sulking
"Remember my shoe size?"Taehyung said while raising his one eyebrow
"A-ab, I was saying, I'm l-lucky to do w-works of Jeon Taehyung"Jungkook said nervously
"Good boy, now go and make kimchi and japchae"Taehyung said
Jungkook pouted and wents from there.
"Me want choco milk"Jimin said
"OKK BOSS, ANY OTHER ORDER?"Jungkook yelled
Jungkook annoyingly came to the living room with glass of water.
"Atleast take water on your own"Jungkook said while sulking
"I guess you miss my broom hits"Taehyung said
"You don't e-even g-get joke"Jungkook said nervously
"Now go and make lunch, your queen is gungry"Taehyung said
"Yeah going Mr Queen"Jungkook said
He wents to the kitchen while Vmin starts to watch cartoon.
After sometimes Jungkook yelled from the dining room.
"COME FOR THE LUNCH"Jungkook yelled
"Let's go minnie"Taehyung said
"Pick me Tata uncle"Jimin said while making grabby hands
Taehyung smiled and picked him up in his arms and wents to the dining room.

They both came in the dining room and Jimin sat on Jungkook's lap.
"There are many chairs kid sit on them"Jungkook said
"No, minnie wanna sit on your lap"Jimin said
"Alright"Jungkook said
"Feed minnie"Jimin said
"You have your own hands kid"Jungkook said
Listening to Jungkook, Jimin starts to cry loudly.
"YAH KOOK"Taehyung yelled
He picked Jimin from Jungkook and made him sit on his lap.
"I'll feed you baby, stop crying"Taehyung said
"J-Junglebook u-uncle baddie"Jimin said
"Yes, he is so bad but minnie is good so minnie won't cry"Taehyung said
After sometimes Jimin calmed down and Taehyung starts to feed him.
"If Yoongi hyung know you made his baby cry, he'll kill you"Taehyung said
Jungkook gulped.
"Don't worry bad Junglebook uncle, Minnie won't tell dadda"Jimin said
"Really?"Jungkook said
"Yesh kookie uncle"Jimin said
"Thank you baby, uncle will treat you with ice cream"Jungkook said
Time skips.

To be continue:)
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