𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠|| 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

754 18 9

Y/n quickly dressed up and, after 15 minutes she was at Lily's house.
As Y/n reached Lily's front door, she took a moment to compose herself. She knocked on the door and a few seconds later, Lily swung it open, a wide grin spreading across her face.
<<Hey girl! Finally, you're here!>> Lily exclaimed, pulling Y/n into a tight hug. <<Come on in, we were waiting for you.>>.

Y/n followed Lily inside, stepping into the warmth of her friend's house. Lily led her through the hallway and into the garage, where the rest of the band members were already setting up their instruments.
<<Guys, Y/n is here!>> Lily announced.
Marianne, with a warm smile, waved at Y/n from where she was tuning her bass guitar <<Hiya.>>. Lucas, Lily's boyfriend, sat behind the drum set, giving Y/n a wave with his hand <<Finally decided to join us, huh?>> Lucas teased, a playful smirk tugging at his lips, his curly hair perfectly tousled <<Lily was just about to take over your mic.>> Lucas chimed in with a mischievous glint in his eyes, his drumsticks tapping on his thigh.
Y/n rolled her eyes, playfully swatting Lucas's arm with a sheepish grin <<You guys knew I'd show up eventually, didn't you?>>
<<Of course, you are the leader after all!>> Marianne exclaimed, her wavy black hair cascading over her shoulders <<We were just wondering if you decided to change course and become a fashionably late diva instead.>>
<<I may be late, but Lily is the fashionable one here.>> Y/n teased her best friend. Lily rolled her eyes and pushed her gently, taking her hair in a high ponitail <<Ah shut up.>>.
They giggled as they ricomposed themselves.
<<Alright, alright, enough teasing.>> Lucas stated, throwing an arm around Lily's shoulder once they reached their instruments, his blue eyes meetin Lily's and his brown hair slightly brushed over her cheek <<Let's get ready to rock plau, shall we? What you say love?>>.
Lily nodded, taking her guitar <<Bet, love.>>.
<<Ew, so sweet.>> Y/n smirked, teasing the couple who was showing affection.
Marianne nudged her <<Oh hush, you are just jealous.>>.
They all laughed again as they prepared their struments.

As Lily plugged her guitar into the amplifier, Y/n took the mic and tried it for a few seconds.
<<Ready, y'all?>> Y/n asked as they nodded. As she made sure, she nodded <<Alright. One, two... one, two, three, four!>>and with a nod from Y/n, they launched into their rock song. The garage filled with a powerful energy as they poured their heart and soul into the music. Lucas's hands moved with expertise and passion, effortlessly controlling the rhythm and driving the beat forward. His drumming was like a heartbeat, pulsating through the music.
Lily's fingers danced across the strings of her electric guitar, filling the air with electrifying riffs. Her eyes were closed, her head nodding to the rhythm as she unleashed her talent on the instrument.
Marianne swayed with the bass, her shy demeanor beginning to fade away as she connected with the music. Her fingers moved gracefully, creating a steady foundation for the entire band.
Y/n's voice echoed through the space, raw and powerful, pouring every emotion into the lyrics. She closed her eyes, losing herself in the music as she sang with unyielding passion. She really felt the music inside of her.
As the final chord rang out, the room fell silent. They exchanged glances, panting slightly from the intensity of their performance, but wearing satisfied smiles on their faces.
Lily broke the silence, his eyes shining with excitement <<We killed it, guys! That was amazing!>>
Marianne nodded, her smile radiant <<Definitely one of our best performances.>>.

Y/n smiled chimed in, her eyes shining with newfound confidence.
<<We should think about doing an exhibition somewhere. Maybe a bar or restaurant?>>
Lucas's face lit up with the suggestion. <<Oooh that's not so bad, you know?>>.
Lily thought about it <<Hm... I don't know. Are we ready? I mean we are playing just for fun for an year now.>>.
Lucas wrapped his arm around his girlfriend and kissing her cheek <<I am sure of it, my love. And we could at least try?>>
Lily seemed to think about it again. But at the end she got convinced <<Fine. But where?>>.
Y/n shrugged <<Anywhere. We could put our numbers anywhere or on some site, to see if someone could call us. Maybe they will even pay us.>>.
<<I'll put numbers around in places where people go the most, so that they can notice them>> Marianne smiled. As they decided where to put their numbers, Y/n was thinking that maybe that would change their lifes. Maybe people would get to know them, like them. Maybe the whole England too.
For Y/n it was a grandious opportunity.
And she couldn't wait.

𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐲|| 𝐇𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now