𝐑𝐮𝐝𝐞|| 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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The clock struck 12:30 AM, and Y/n's band, had just finished their electrifying set at the local venue. The crowd was still buzzing with excitement, their cheers and applause echoing through the air.
Sweat dripped down Y/n's forehead as she turned to see her friends with a weak and tired smile.
She was breating heavily, feeling a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration <<I didn't expect so much cheering.>> she smiled.
Marianne grined as she nodded <<I can't believe how much they loved our music! It's like they couldn't get enough.>>.
Lucas laughed, holding his drumsticks in one hand <<They were screaming for an encore. We rocked it.>>.
Lily was trying to calm her heart down for the so much adrenaline <<I'm so proud of us.>> she smiled softly to the members of the band.
They all stood up and held they hands together, bowing to the crowd. The people that were watching them started cheering even more. Y/n smiled and spoke to the microphone, so that everyone could hear her <<Thank you all!>>.
Finally the day was over, and they all grabbed their instruments and got off the stage. As they made their way through the crowd, people reached out to shake their hands and express their admiration.
<<You all were incredible! Your music moved me in ways I can't explain.>> a woman said excited <<You were even better of a famous band!>>.
A man spoke too <<I haven't danced like that in ages. Such an amazing performance, I have to admit.>>.
The Harmonizers thanked everyone a lot. The supirt that these strangers gave them meant everything to them.

Finally they they outside the venue. Y/n took a moment to let the cool night breeze wash over her. She took a deep breath, trying to calm down her adrenaline. The more she thought about it, the more she felt excited.
Her friends were about to walk to the bus stop, tired for the long day.
The singer was about to join her friends when a voice caught her attention. It was a deep and low <<Your performance was really good.>>.
Y/n turned to see the punk boy from the crowd, his leather jacket and his thick afro spiked hair giving him an edgy appearance. She smiled gratefully <<Thank you.>> she said happily <<It was our first performance.>> she admitted.
The boy looked at her up and down <<I could tell. What's your band called?>> he asked.
<<We're called The Harmonizers.>> she explained <<Me and my group wanted a name that suggested a focus on harmony, which resonated really well with audiences tonight.>>.
The boy nodded. He was still listening to her. Meanwhile her friends noticed her talking to him, so they got close behind her. <<That's a fitting name. You guys seem like you've been playing together for a while. How long?>> he asked another question.
But Y/n didn't mind to answer <<We've been a band for just an year now.>>.
<<That's impressive.>> the boy said, but from his tone it didn't seem so <<But I have to admit, I'm surprised they let you play here.>>
Y/n's expression turned to confusion, unsure of what he meant. In fact, Lily took her difensive <<Why would that surprise you?>> she got next to Y/n and crossed her arms.
The boy shifted his attention to the other girl now, tilting his head a bit. His smile faded, replaced by a sly smirk as he leaned against the wall. <<Important people in the industry frequent this place. I thought they only booked professionals. And you are just... principiants.>>.
Y/n's eyes widened with disbelief, and a flicker of anger began to brew within her. Lily spoke <<Well, I'll have you know that we're far from beginners. We've put in countless hours of practice. Just because we're not mainstream doesn't mean we're any less talented or dedicated.>> her bandmates were sharing the same sentiment.
A wave of disappointment washed over Y/n as she realized that the boy's initial compliment had been backhanded. The excitement of their successful performance was now overshadowed by his rude comments.
The punk boy chuckled as if he didn't mind her change of expression <<Hey, love, don't get all defensive. I was just stating a fact, you know?>>.
<<First of all, don't call me love.>> Y/n frowed. He raised his hands as a way of apologizing and he kept talking <<You guys just need to aim higher to make it in this industry.>>
Lucas frowed and got closer to the punk boy, as if he wanted to protect his band from him <<It doesn't seem we asked for your opinion.>>.
The punk boy raised an eyebrown and smirked even more. He was taller than Lucas, it made him look more powerful <<I am giving a suggestion just because I am in a band too. Me and my band have been playing for more than seven years. So don't y'all get illusioned.>> the boy kept talking <<This place attracts big names, and booking newbies like you might not be the best move for the owner.>>.
Y/n's jaw clenched, her fists tightening involuntarily. She refused to let his words dampen the euphoria she had felt just moments ago. Rising above his negativity, she took a deep breath to calm herself down.
This time Y/n spoke with a firm tone yet determined <<Look here, we're aware of the challenges that lie ahead, and that won't stop us from doing it even better.>> she continued <<We believe in our music, and we won't let anyone undermine our hard work. So, thanks for the input, but we'll keep striving to prove ourselves, even in the face of skepticism.>>.
The punk boy was surprised by the girl's words, since he raised both of his eyebrows up. He just shrugged <<Well do as you want, love, it’s not my cup of tea.>>.
With those words, Y/n turned away from the punk boy, and with her band, they walked away. As they walked away, she couldn't shake off the lingering sting from his comments.

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