𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧|| 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔

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<<Who's jaket is it?>> Lily asked as Y/n, who's wasa lying down on her bed, raised her head and glanced at the jacket she left on her chair.
The two girls where hanging out in Y/n's room. Outside the sky was grey, the weather waas chill and cold, raining sounds could be heard hitting on the windows. There was no way both of them were going to hang outside with a bad weather like that. Even though they were used to it, London has always been known for it's cold and rainy weather.
The two of them eventually decided to stay in, laying on Y/n's bed as music in background played. "Waterfall" from TLC.
<<Oh it's Hobie's.>> Y/n answered simply, laying down again and closing her eyes as she relaxed. Just then she realized what she said and glanced over her friend. Lily's eyes widened surprised a she sat on her bed <<What!?>>.
<<Wait it's not as it looks like!>> Y/n said in a hurry, sitting down and knowing what her friend was thinking already.
In fact, she was right. <<He has been in here? What did you do, girl?>> Lily got worried, thinking Y/n have been spending the night with Hobie. Lily didn't know Hobie as well as Y/n did. She still knew him as the stupid ass who insulted them at their first performance. And she was still mad for it.
<<He just took me home and I forgot to give it back.>> Y/n explained. Lily raised an eyebrown <<From where?>>.
Y/n bite her own lip, before answering, knowing that she was going to get mad <<He invited me to hear his band...>>. And she was right. Lily expression spoke by itself, widening her eyes and frowing after it. Y/n sighed in an apologizing way <<He just invited me, I swear.>>.
<<You two just talked?>> Lily asked.
<<You sure?>>.
<<Come on Lily!>>
<<He sure invited you but you listened to HIS music when he LITERALLY called us rubbish?>> she was still confused and hurt by his words.
<<He apologized.>>
<<He didn't.>> Lily crossed her arms and looked away, outside the window.
<<I promise he did. He admitted he was wrong.>> Y/n explained <<He hasn't been one of the gentlest encounters in the last years but I promise he's a good guy.>>.
<<Did you got brainwashed by his... unusual charm or what?>>.
Y/n she sighs and holds a laugh by her behaviour and nodded no <<I assure you, I haven't.>>.
Lily huffed, believing her. She knew her best friend wouldn't lie to her, but she would not believe him. That rude person, that horrible liar, that big piece of--
<<I'll believe your words when he'll apologize to me in person, and I bet his music isn't that good.>>.

Hobie's music was playing hard in the pub. His fingers moved smoothly on the cords of his guitar, covered in stickers. His band was playing so good, people laughed happily at the song that was playing, some moved their feet at the rhythm of the music. Somebody else memorized the song already, singing it with passion.
Y/n listened to the music, sipping her drink. Lily, Lucas and Marianne sitting with her, listening to the music that was playing. Lily was surprised for how actually good the music was. Lucas still didin't like Hobie, but despite what he said, his foot was moving at the rhythm of the beat. Marianne smiled, she loved the meaning of the song.
The song analized the whole society, people who suffered, who died innocently, who lived a hard and unfair life. Meanwhile the other part of the society lived in happines and richness, surrounded by money and power. By their side, corruption and prefernce were making it better for them, worse for the others. The song criticized capitalism, slavery, corruption, terrorism. Such deep meaning with loud and hard words.
When the song ended, the crowd clapped immediately with emphasis and enthusiasm.
Y/n couldn't help it but do the same, followed by Lucas and Marianne. Lily just frowned at them, as Lucas hugged her with an arm, nudging her <<He may be an asshole, but his song rocked it darling. I can't deny it.>>. She couldn't help but sigh at his words.
Hobie band ended singing and playing. In fact, he got off the stage, walking directly at Y/n, showing a cocky grin on his face <<Stalking me, love?>>.
Y/n rolled her eyes <<You'd wish. Just having a great time with my friends.>> she said, pointing at them with her eyes. Hobie looked at them <<'Evening, y'all.>> he nodded politely.
Marianne smiled shyly, nodding. Lucas nodded as well, and he couldn't help but admit it <<That song was dope.>> he said as Lily flashed him a mad look.
Hobie grinned <<Thank you bro.>> then he noticed Lily's look, then he asked <<It wasn't for ya, miss?>>.
<<It was good, surely.>> she said with a stern tone, then glancing at him up and down <<The singer was shit.>>.
Hobie was surprised, not answered immediately but he just crossed his arms, smirking at her statement <<Oh? Tell me the reason, now?>>. He actually strangely seemed curious about it now.
Lily kept her eyes on him, as if she was cursiing him with her mind.
<<Because he seems a principiant from my view. You know, locals usually calls professionists.>> she now crossed her arms, highlightly pretty much the words "principiant" and "professionists". She was literally telling him "Apologize, right now.".
Hobie got the message, glancing at Y/n for a second and glacing back to Lily. After a few seconds, he nodded <<Alright alright, I got it. I apologize for calling you that way.>> then he looked to Marianne and Lucas beside her <<You all too, actually.>>.
Marianne nodded <<It's okay.>>.
<<It's alright mate, apologize accepted.>> Lucas said.
Lily still looked at him in a stern but in a satisfied way <<That's better.>>.
Sensing the need to lighten the mood a little more, Hobie suggested <<How about we all head to the bar and grab some drinks? They make so bloody good mojitos. Of course it's on me.>>.
Lucas, always up for a drink, enthusiastically agreed <<Mojito sounds good to me.>> he said, earning a disapproving look from Lily. Marianne chimed in <<I'll join, but can I get something non-alcoholic? I'm still seventeen.>>.
Lily hesitated for a moment, still upset with Hobie, but eventually nodded in agreement <<Fine.>>.
As the group made their way to the bar, Hobie sidled up to Y/n with his usual charming smile <<Care to join us for a drink? Or you want just to stay there and enjoy somebody else presence?>>he asked, his eyes looked into her with a playful expression.
Y/n returned her smile, her lips curling up <<I'll come.>> she replied, standing up beside him as they walked to the bar. Lily turned around for a second, glancing at Y/n being gently hugged by Hobie's arm. Lily scoffed but rolled her eyes playfully and smiling at the sight of her happy friend. They all enjoying the night, as the tension from the earlier was slowly dissipating.

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