𝐎𝐩𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲|| 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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The sun rose high in the sky as Y/n and her friends set out on their mission to spread the word about their band. Armed with stacks of flyers bearing the words "Need a band to play? Call this number!", they roamed the bustling streets of the city.
Y/n, Lucas, Lily and Marianne walked side by side, their steps fueled by a mix of exhaustion and determination. They stopped at every street corner, every bulletin board, and every alleyway covered in graffiti. With glue sticks in hand, they carefully stuck their flyers onto the walls, ensuring they would catch the attention of passersby.
Lucas, with sweat dripping down his forehead, let out a weary sigh. <<Guys, I don't know about you, but I'm beat. We've been out all day. Maybe we should call it a day and head back to rest.>>
Marianne, always the voice of reason, nodded in agreement <<Lucas has a point. We've done a lot already.>>.
Y/n, however, couldn't shake the feeling of restlessness. She stared at their flyers plastered on the walls, her mind filled with dreams of fame and recognition <<I understand you guys, but we have to keep pushing just for a little bit mofd. This could be our chance to make a name for ourselves.>>.
Lucas and Marianne exchanged a glance, understanding the fire burning within Y/n's heart. They knew how much this meant to her, and they were willing to go the extra mile to support her dreams. Lily, who was sticking a paper to the wall, wiped the sweat from his brow and gave a tired smile <<Alright, girl. If you believe in it that much, then we'll keep going. Just promise me that we'll get some good rest tonight.>>.
Y/n's face lit up with gratitude and determination <<I promise, after we finish here, we'll head home and recharge.>>.
With newfound energy, the group continued their quest, moving from one neighborhood to another, sticking flyers wherever they could. They handed out a few to curious pedestrians, engaging them in brief conversations about their band. Some people seemed genuinely interested, while others gave polite nods and moved on.
As the day turned into evening, the city's lights began to flicker to life, illuminating the streets in a vibrant glow.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they ran out of flyers. Their mission was complete, at least for the day. The group looked at each other, their faces flushed with exhaustion and excitement. They began their journey back home, their steps lighter than before, fueled by the belief that they were one step closer to their dreams.

They came back to Marianne's room to rest. As they were chilling, listening to Rolling Stones' music, Satisfaction.
Lily was laying on her bed with her eyes closed, moving her foot at the rhythm of the music. Lucas was watching the lyric showing on the computer, he choosed the song. And Marianne was silently singing it.
Y/n was costantly checking her ohone for any call she could recieve. Even to every notification, she would check her phone. Lucas noticed it <<If you keep checking, it doesn't mean they will call us.>> he spoke, glancing over the girl. Marianne nodded <<It could take hours, maybe days too. So don't think too hard about it.>> she said softly.

Y/n's phone vibrated in her hands, startling everyone. They exchanged curious glances, as they got close to her
Y/n picked up the phone, accepting the call, bringing the phone to her ear <<Hello?>> she said, their voice filled with anticipation.
A deep voice responded from the other end of the line <<Hello there! Is this Y/n?>> the man asked.
Surprised, Y/n replied <<Yes, it is. Who's calling?>>.
The man chuckled <<My name is Mark, Mark Smith. I own a local bar nearby. It's called The Lillinrones. We're hosting an event tomorrow night, and we're in need of some entertainment. I found your number and thought your band might be interested in performing. Are you available from 9PM to 12.30AM?>>
Y/n's eyes widened as they looked at Marianne, Lucas, and Lily <<It's the bar owner. He wants to know if our band wants to play tomorrow night.>>
Lily nodded eagerly, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. <<Accept! This is our chance.>>
Lucas, however, intervened before Y/n could respond <<Hold on, Y/n. Before accepting, let's find out how much he's willing to pay.>>.
Y/n followed Lucas's advice and asked Mark <<How much would each of us be paid for the performance? We are four people.>>.
There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Mark replied <<I'm willing to pay each of you around 280£. Rest assured, you'll be compensated adequately. And of course you'll have pauses, free food and drinks for the night.>>.
Y/n relayed the response to their bandmates, excitement building in their hearts <<He's offering a decent amount for each of us.>> she smiled.
A chorus of joyous exclamations erupted from her friends. Their dream of performing together was about to become a reality.
With a beaming smile, Y/n ended the call with a single sentence <<We accept, Mr Smith.>>.
<<I am glad. I'll send the place adress lately. Have a good evening.>> he said, before hanging up.
Marianne clapped her hands, her excitement palpable <<This is amazing!>>.
Lucas, ever the pragmatist, grinned slyly at Y/n. <<You did well, Y/n. I can finally pay my rent with those money.>> he sighed happily.  He was of course happy for playing in a local, but even more for what he was getting back.
Y/n nodded, grateful for that call. Lily smiled and hugged her tightly . <<We'll be the best new band in the whole London, I assure you girl.>>.
Filled with anticipation and joy, the four friends exchanged high-fives, their excitement bubbling over. They couldn't wait to share their passion for music with the world and make their first performance a memorable one.

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