G!P J-Line x Male Reader: With My Best Friends

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G!P J-Line


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I don't know how long i have been sleeping but i was woken up to some loud noises from outside my room. I rubbed my eyes as i turned my body so that i'm lying down on my back and facing the ceiling. I then stretched my entire body from head to toes and got off my bed. I peeked outside my room to see what's going on.

"He must have went to sleep quite late last night but i'm sure he will wake up soon." I heard my mum say and she was in the kitchen, given that there's an aromatic smell coming from the kitchen and her voice sounded like she's there.

I could barely see anyone from my room and closed the door, deciding to wash up and brush my teeth. I walked out of my room and into the kitchen only to see my best friends in the kitchen as well. They are all helping my mum with the food preparation.

"Good morning, you sleepyhead!" My mum said after noticing me standing by the fridge.

"Wow, you are already awake." Momo said sarcastically and rolled her eyes before going back to frying the egg on the pan.

"Good morning~!" Sana greeted me with high energy and a very bright smile while Mina greeted with her normal voice, giving me a small smile. I greeted the both of them back with a smile and offered them my help.

"You can help us to put the dishes on the table." My mum said and i nodded my head. I placed the dishes onto the dining table once they have put the food on the plate. Mum put rice in each bowl and handed the bowls of rice to me then i put them onto the dining table as well.

Once everything is ready, we sat down by the dining table. My mum and Mina sat across the three of us and i sat in between Momo and Sana. They purposely left the middle seat vacant, definitely wanting me to sit in between them. I could tell because they looked at me with hopeful eyes, pleading me to sit on the middle chair.

We ate in silence until my mum spoke, breaking the comfortable silence. She said that she will be home late tonight and told the girls to stay over the night if they wish. She also told me to take good care of my best friends while she's away.

After our delicious meal, i washed the dishes, Mina dried the dishes and put them back to its original place, Momo and Sana went to the living room to watch the television and my mum went to her bedroom to get ready for work.

"What are your plans for today, Y/N-ah?" Mina asked as she dried the dishes with the towel and placed them back.

"Thinking of finishing my school projects since i have 3 projects to do." I said and let out a sigh, deep down not wanting to do my school projects.

"3 projects? Are they all hard to do?" Mina asked, taking the plate into her hands after i passed it to her.

"Yeah, absolutely. I am literally losing all of my braincells for these hellish projects." I said and she let out a lighthearted laugh and i laughed along with her.

"When do you have to submit them?" She asked after she washed her hands with soap.

"In 3 weeks' time." I answered as we walked to the living room to see what Momo and Sana were up to. Mina wished me good luck with my school projects and told me to call her or the other 2 whenever i am stressed. I thanked her and she went to sit down with our best friends while i thought about what to do. Should i go back to my room and continue doing my school projects? Or should i just relax and spend time with my best friends?

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