Nayeon x Dahyun: The Right Person

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G!P Nayeon



Might be (very) long for some


Nayeon's POV

"Are you okay with going for another..." I stopped my question when i noticed my girlfriend falling asleep on my bed after we both reached our second climax of the night. I looked down at my still hard member, wanting to go for another round. I sighed and went to the bathroom, closing and locking the door, then calmed my member down with my own hands.

Once my member has calmed down, i cleaned up and threw the used tissues into the toilet then flushed it. I washed my hands with soap and stepped out of the bathroom after unlocking the door. My girlfriend was in a deep sleep and i wore back my boxers then got onto my bed, lying down next to her. I pulled the blanket over the both of us and eventually drifted to sleep.

"Is it okay to do a quickie?" I asked my girlfriend when she stepped out of the bathroom and looked at me.

"But we might be late for school. I rather not do it right now." She said and i pouted, feeling sad.

"But we won't be late. We woke up so early." I told her and she shook her head, not changing her mind no matter what i say.

"It won't take long." I convinced her but she still doesn't change her mind, making me sad. I guess i can see why since she's the type that doesn't want to risk doing anything that would make her late for school no matter how early she wake up.

"Last night was great but we should do it when there is no school." She told me and pecked my forehead then grabbed her things, getting ready to leave my house.

"Not staying for breakfast?" I asked and she shook her head with a soft hum, looking apologetic.

"I have to rush home to change my clothes. See you later in school." She said and left my bedroom in a hurry. I looked at the small clock on my bedside table and sighed. We woke up early just for her to leave to change her clothes and all i wanted was a quickie, literally a fast round. We still won't be late for school no matter what.

I got dressed and went to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face. I went out of my bedroom and walked to the kitchen to see my mum preparing breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and she immediately noticed me standing beside her.

"Good morning, sweetie. Your girlfriend just left." She greeted and told me with a sweet smile, glancing at me for a second then back to the stove.

"Good morning, mum. I know, i already woke up when she left. Do you need any help, mum?" I said and asked, offering to help. She accepted my offer with a smile and told me what to do then i simply followed her instructions.

After breakfast was ready, we put the plates of food on the dining table and mum went to wake my dad up while i went to wake my younger sister up. My dad walked into the dining room, fully dressed for work, and my sister was still wearing her pajamas when she joined us for breakfast. We commented on how delicious the food was and that was it. My dad soon asked a question directing to me.

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