Sana x Male Reader: Cheaters(III)

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Christmas soon came and i was celebrating the occasion with my family at home. Sana sent me a few pictures of her with her family, celebrating the occasion at home as well. I also sent a few pictures of me with my family.

My family and i had the present exchange, it's a tradition to do it on every Christmas. My mum knitted a red scarf for me as a present and dad bought me a rhinestone crystal butterfly keychain, it look really beautiful. I bought my mum a new perfume, the one that she has been wanting to buy, and my dad a new pair of white sneakers because his current white shoes are dirty. My dad bought mum something that he don't want me to see, stating that i will know once i am married although i can sort of figure out the purpose of his present. As for my mum, she bought dad a new necktie and it look really good on him when he tried the necktie, as expected of my mum.

Some time before the feastful dinner, i received messages from my best friend and it seemed like it was urgent because he doesn't send so many messages at once. I immediately opened the chat and read his messages.

'Bro, ur gf'

'I saw her but'

'Shes with someone and'

'Its a guy'


'They are holding hands'

'Do u want to see'

'I am being honest'

'This is not a christmas prank'

'I have evidence to proof my honesty'

I can't help but to chuckle at the last few messages. Anyways, i replied back to him, telling him that i want to see. He said that he has evidence and i do trust that he was being honest to me. I just want to see what he saw or maybe still seeing.

He sent me two photos, one is a zoom-in picture of a girl holding hands with a guy from afar, most likely taken on the other side of the street. The other picture is more clearer and the same pair but they were eating in a bbq restaurant. My best friend took this picture as if he was taking a photo of the promotion poster pasted outside the restaurant and even made sure they can be seen clearly in the photo. The girl was indeed my girlfriend. However, the guy that she was with, why do i find him familiar? It felt like i saw him somewhere before.

Hmm.......Ah, wait, hold on a second...I am pretty sure he also has a girlfriend but who? I then remembered my female friends who have a boyfriend.

Ah! Sana! Wait, is it really her boyfriend?

I went to check the pictures of her with her boyfriend since she sent me to let me see her boyfriend. It is really him! What...just what kind of coincidence is this? Her boyfriend and my girlfriend are meeting each other and what's more, they are meeting on Christmas?!

I should let Sana enjoy the occasion and let her know about it tomorrow. I went to reply my best friend and he happened to be celebrating with his family in the same restaurant as the pair of cheaters. I laughed at him through text because he said that he didn't expect his family to become interested in the promotion.

"Dinner is ready!" My mum shouted from the kitchen and i went to the dining table. We settled down by the dining table and started digging in right away, enjoying the homemade feast.

----NEXT DAY----

I asked Sana if it was okay to meet and she agreed to meet. We agreed to meet in the evening so we can have dinner together.

"Are you sure you are not dating Sana?" My dad asked teasingly while i wore my shoes.

"Who knows, what if i actually am?" I said in a joking way and my parents laughed.

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