MiChaeng: Art & Kisses

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Mina's POV

"Welcome!" Chaeng warmly welcomed me as i stepped into her apartment with a smile. She then gestured me to her living room and i sat down on the couch while she went to the kitchen to pour two glasses of water. She lives alone even though her parents are living in the same city. Her reason for living alone is to put up her paintings wherever she wants since her parents, specifically her father, restricted her from displaying them in their living room.

"It's been awhile since we hang out!" Chaeng said as she walked back to the living room and carefully passed me the glass of water. I thanked her with a smile, taking the glass of water into my hands. She settled her glass of water onto the table while i took a sip of water and placed the glass next to hers.

"How long has it been since we hang out together like this?" I asked, turning my head to look at her and feeling butterflies in my stomach. I always feel the butterflies whenever i look at her and kept it a secret from her. I don't have the courage to say it to her and moreover, i don't want to ruin our friendship.

"I think it's been one month?" She said with uncertainty, frowning as she couldn't remember, and i chuckled, making her chuckle along.

Afterwards, i showed her the game that i have been playing recently while she listened to me attentively and watched me play the game with curiosity. Since there's a multiplayer mode, she wanted to try playing it so we played the game together. It was funny to see her struggle with the game and i can't help but to keep laughing at her. As a good teammate, i helped her out in the game and she thanked me although she continued to struggle afterwards.

We finally got through the game stage and Chaeng immediately sighed in relief, making me laugh and pat her thigh as a way to tell her good job.

"We should play again later." Chaeng said and i had a feeling that she likes the game. I nodded my head with a hum, smiling at her. She then stood up to get her sketchbook from her bedroom while i took another sip of water from my glass.

"Here it is!" She excitedly said as she sat back down with her sketchbook in her hands, she look like an excited child who can't wait to show her drawing to her mother. I smiled at how cute she was.

She opened her sketchbook and flipped the pages until she stopped at a page, which must be her latest drawing. She showed me with a kiddy grin and i wowed at her drawing, feeling mesmerized by it. She drew me but to be specific, my back was shown and my head was slightly turned to the side, my eyes gazing at the flower in my hand and lips parting a bit. My other hand was placed on my hips with the palm showing. There were flowers and tall grasses around me and i was in a white one piece dress. Her drawing was unbelievably amazing and beautiful!

I could strongly feel the emotion and atmosphere radiating from the drawing. She also managed to capture the essence of me, which was really impressive and amazing. I looked at her and wrapped my arms around her nape, hugging her from the side. She didn't hesitate to hug me back and patted my back.

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