JeongHyo: Our Secret

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Jeongyeon's POV

"We are going now, unnie!" I heard Dahyun shouted from the door as Momo opened the door. The both of them are going on a date. Even though they didn't say it explicitly, it's easy to tell that they are going on a date, seeing that they dressed up for it. Jihyo went to the door to see them off while i simply shouted from the living room, telling them to have their fun at night. I don't think they heard it because no response from them and the sound of the door being closed was soon heard, indicating that they have left the house.

Jihyo walked back into the living room with her cheeks puffed because she heard what i said and immediately smacked my arm, causing me to wince in pain and rub my arm. She then sat down next to me and it's only the both of us in the dormitory, the rest of the members have gone out earlier in the day. The both of us chose to go out last to avoid suspicion from our members.

She rested her head on my shoulder and we sat in silence for a few seconds before she broke the peace, saying that we should get ready soon. We didn't share a bedroom because our members didn't want to put us together. The reason is simple, it's just so they can sleep peacefully at night without any noisy sounds coming from other bedrooms, indicating that Jihyo and i are a chaotic pair. I shared a room with Momo while she shared with Mina.

We entered our respective bedrooms and got ready to go out. After that, we switched off all the electricity in the house and stepped out of the house together. She rented a black car just so we can avoid getting caught by our members, managers and the paparazzi. The black car was located in the parking lot opposite our dormitory so we put our hoodie over our head and walked to the parking lot. We wore mask to avoid getting recognized.

Since the both of us have driver license, we agreed to take turns driving the rental car. She got into the driver seat after unlocking the car and i got into the front passenger seat. We took our mask and hoodie off and she started the car engine. She then started driving out of the parking lot and towards our destination. We have already decided on what to do for our date. After all, i was the one who planned the date.

We started off at the amusement park for our date and made sure to wear disguise to avoid getting caught or recognized. It wasn't really crowded since it was a weekday so we could enjoy most of the rides and game stalls. We won prizes at a few game stalls and were quite proud of ourselves.

We walked back to the rental car and put all the things on the backseat then hopped into the front seats. I hopped onto the driver seat since it was my turn to drive next and she hopped into the front passenger seat. We left the doors open, not turning on the car engine yet, and simply chilled on the seat. Our legs were tired from all the walking.

After a short while of resting our legs, we closed the car doors and i turned on the car engine.

"Ready to go?" I asked, turning my head to look at the leader.

"Yup, let's go!" She said with a bright smile and her smile was contagious because it made me smile. I then started driving out of the parking lot and drove to the next destination. During the car ride, we talked about various topics and ended up bickering with each other when it came to some topics, glaring at each other but just like the usual, we made up and simply laughed it off together.

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