Sana x Male Reader: Cheaters(IV)

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The last day of the year has finally came! The plan shall proceed smoothly, hopefully. Sana purposely arrived early, making her the first one to arrive, and as for me, i came last on purpose too. Her boyfriend and my girlfriend actually arrived together, at the same time, that was what Sana told me the moment i have arrived.

"Hahaha, i actually got lost so i asked him then that's how we got here at the same time." An awkward laughter at the start and an excuse afterwards, so obvious and can sort of tell that it was a lie. I simply went with the flow, playing as the fool in her eyes.

Sana brought us to an arcade, stating that she want to do some bonding with all of us. We all stepped into the arcade and Sana and i didn't give chance for the other two to interact with each other, wanting them to have a hard time to interact with each other. They actually do like they were struggling as i noticed them glancing at each other as if telling each other to get rid of me and Sana so that they can be alone. We won't allow that when we were having so much fun together in the arcade.

"I'm hungry, Y/N-ah." My girlfriend told me as we were walking to the table hockey, we were behind Sana and her boyfriend. I then tapped Sana's shoulder and both of them turned around, stopping on our spot, and told them that my girlfriend was hungry.

"Then shall we have lunch after we play two matches?" She asked, referring to the table hockey game, and i nodded my head then we looked at the hesitating pair, who immediately nodded their head once they noticed our gaze.

The first match was between actual couples then the second match was between a pair of best friends and a cheating couple. I won the first and second match and it wasn't done on purpose. They don't seem to find the team-up suspicious since Sana suggested for them to get along well together, pretending that she doesn't know anything about their affair. Moreover, the way she suggested it was so natural, it's a no wonder that the cheating couple didn't realize anything.

We then went to have lunch together in a fast-food restaurant. There was a vacant table for the four of us and i let my girlfriend sit on the inner side while i sat on the outer side. Sana's boyfriend did the same thing a few seconds later.

"The games were so intense and now that i'm relaxed, i need to go to the toilet." I said with a lighthearted chuckle and excused myself to go to the toilet. After coming out of the toilet, i waited by the hallway, knowing that Sana has done the same thing as me.

"Hey." She softly said beside me and i turned my head to the side to see her smile.

"Our plan is going smoothly." I told her with a thumbs up and she also gave me a thumbs up, smiling happily. I then went back first since i was the first one to leave the table. Sana returned after a few minutes.

When i returned, those two were talking quite happily, looking like they were getting along super well with each other without me and Sana around. Sana's boyfriend were about to reach out to my girlfriend's hand but i sat back down swiftly, making him retract his hand in an instant.

Throughout our lunch, they tried so hard not to look at each other and focus on their actual partner. I really wanted to laugh at how oblivious they were but at the same time, the plan won't be able to proceed smoothly if i burst out laughing for no reason. They are going to find it strange for sure so i tried to hold it in by keeping quiet.

Sana must have noticed me as she immediately looked away from me, probably knowing how i was feeling. She looked towards the other side and her boyfriend became worried for her, asking what was wrong. She shook it off, saying that it was nothing. We were almost doomed in a sense but luckily, her boyfriend wasn't suspicious of anything and actually believed the Japanese girl's answer.

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