shoot!ng - rwrb

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I know this has been done a million times but I just wanted to do it myself.

Henry and Alex got shoved into the closet before they even comprehend the shots around them. Alex was scared, and this was a different one to when June and Nora would chase him but this was a level of fear Henry recognised all too well.

Alex's Pov

There was a loud BANG then a CRASH and soon enough I was reliving the worst day of my life. Trapped in a small space listing to the gun shots that murdered my childhood friends, soon I was too deep into it and everything felt real. I could hear the screams and the crying and I was tearing up to. Then I saw them,  Adam and Parker, they were my closest friends, well the ones I saw lying on the cold hard ground, leaking blood with bullet wounds dug into their hearts, like a bullseye that was hit right in the target. 

"Alex, Alex listen to me you're okay, you're safe here." Henry reassured 

"Breathe Alex, you're okay," I opened my eyes to see Henry trying to calm me down, I was still trembling and hyperventilating but just looking in Henrys eyes calmed me down a bit, I don't know what it was but it helped. "Hold my hand Alex, it's okay," Henry instructed. I did what he said, he squeezed my hand and my chest lightened. It took a while but I returned to a normal Breath rhythm. "thank you," I whispered trying to still sound tough but the fact that I just had one of my worst panic attacks in front of him wasn't helping. Surprisingly, he didn't sound at all mocking, he wanted to help, and he did.  

"I umm, I jus..."

"It's okay, I understand, I used to het them quite a lot." I don't know why but the thought of him only helping because he felt bad and not because he actually cared was quite painful, but soon he pulled me in for a hug and I felt all the built up tension just leave my body and I felt, well I felt great. 

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