rwrb - drunk flirting

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I know this head-cannon is everywhere but i really wanted to turn it into a one shot.

"Hey Nora, I think I have a crush on Henry," After that Nora started laughing her head off. "What i'm not lying." Alex had a serious tone and then Nora realised he was too drunk to remember anything, even the fact he was married to prince charming. Obviously being the queen that she is, Nora decided to play with Alex a bit. "You can't, thats impossible Alex," "OMG did I not tell you I was Bi?" Alex said so confused to the point Nora almost felt bad for him. "No but Henry keeps looking your way, I think he might like you." Alex caught Henrys eye and thought he saw sparks flying around the room. With one swift movement Nora managed to push Alex all the way to henrys lap while she went back to talking to Bea and June.

"Heyyy Henry," "Hello Alex," Henry went to kiss him but Alex just put he mouth up to Henry's ear. "I've got a secret to tell you," Alex was still on Henry's knee and completely relied on him to stay up. "What is it?" Henry asked slightly intrigued. "I...I have a crush," Alex stuttered out. Henry was so confused, his HUSBAND said he had a crush on him, but still he though Alex was just playing with him so he shrugged it off. "I just wanted to know if you were single, and if so I wanted to get your number." Henry was starting to catch on and played along. "No, I'm married." He stated showing Alex his ring. Now Alex's head was down, he was shedding a single tear while he started to walk off but before he could go Henry grabbed his waist and pulled him in for a deep loving kiss, Alex was frozen in shock. A few seconds passed and henry pulled away, leaving Alex unable to move, then his voice cracked as he muttered out a few words. ", you're...married." Henry sighed before he talked again "I'm married to you dumbass!" He showed The rings they both had on, then he pulled Alex in for a hug.

Henry heard crying over his shoulder, not just a whimper, like full on bawling his eyes out. It was Alex, no surprise there, "Whats wrong Alex?" Henry was expecting a sarcastic answer but then he was hit with "You married me, omg you married me, i'm married to a fucking PRINCE, I'm a PRINCESS!" "Yes you are darling, yes you are." After that Alex would go up to everyone and yell i'm a princess so Henry had to text the whole group chat.

Henry: If Alex goes up to any of you and yells "I'm a princess," just ignore him, he's drunk

Bea: Noted

June: wouldn't expect anything less

Zahra: I actually need a new job

Pez: What are you doing and why am I not there

Nora: *replying to Pez* He's probably doing Alex

Henry: *replying to Nora* He's drunk and on the loose 


Henry: So close babe, so close 

9-1-1, 9-1-1-lone-star and RWRB One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now