you try it - rwrb

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It was not a good day for Bea, she was curled up in a ball, on her bed letting soft whimpers and tears out. The reason she was in such a state was none other reason than her fucking period. Her cramps were worse than normal, her organs felt as if they were being ripped out her body, stomped on then returned totally dead and useless. It wiped all of her energy.

Henry was strolling around when he heard the cries. He barged through the door, almost breaking it off its hinges. He saw his sister, defenceless, defeated and exhausted, it hurt him to witness that but he didn't know what was going on, he could never understand the pain.

"Bea, whats wrong," Henry was concerned "Cramps," Bea barley got out before she winced in pain, wrapping her arms around her stomach. "Okay, I will be right back,"

Henry soon returned with Alex by his side, who was holding a basket of various items. Pain killers, chocolate, a weighted teddy and on the side a hot water bottle. "Omg, I love you guys," Bea said taking her ibuprofen. 


An hour or so later while everyone was chilling in Henry's room, Bea made her appearance. Even though see felt her body ripping apart inside she still looked like the baddest bitch in the room. They were just chilling for a little bit until Alex decided to say the STUPIDEST thing ever. "But like i'm sure cramps aren't that bad, humans would have evolved to make them less painful if they were as bad as you make them seem," Daggers were shot at him from everyone and the room went silent. He knew he fucked up. June started going off her head screaming things like "you wouldn't make it a day like this," but know one noticed Nora had already left the room.

"Alex!" It was a powerful sound coming from the door. It was Nora holding a weird device. "Where the fuck did you find one of those," June smiled, it was the type of smile that scared Alex. The two girls pinned Alex to the ground while Henry and Pez strapped the device to his stomach. Bea just sat there and laughed, a very devilish laugh.

"What is happing, Henry tell me what is happening." "sorry baby," "for whaaAHHHHHHHHHH! WHAT IS HAPPENING, OWWW THIS HURTS!!!" "I thought you said it couldn't hurt THAT much." June shot back. "This is level 5 Alex, It doesn't even hurt." Bea glared at him knowing she won the 'fight'. "6," "AHHH!" "7," "AAHHHHH!" "8," Alex was in too much pain to make a sound, he was curled in the same fetal position Bea was in an hour ago. "Okay, okay you were right, please take it off," They removed the device and he fell straight onto Henry's lap and cried. "Now Alex what do you say?" "I'm so sorry Bea, I will never question your strength again."

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