Trouble - Tarlos (warning smut)

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"Tk can you please come here and help for a minuet," "NO!" Tk lashed out, he knows he shouldn't off but it was too late now. "What was that?" "I don't care what you wan' t, just do it yourself," "TYLER KENNEDY STRAND, WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME!?" Carlos was mad now. All he wanted was for Tk to help pick dinner but now he wasn't getting any dinner. 


They were lying in bed when Tk brought his hand around Carlos. He slowly started to move his hand down, slipping it under Carlos's pants, when it was smacked away from a still angry police officer. "But why not, i'm in the mood," "I don't know, why don't you talk to be like you did before and see how far that gets you." "Your still mad," "Ye I am, and you know what, no sex for a week." "But Carlos.." "Don't make me add punishments on top of it," "Ye like what, last time I checked all your punishment involve you on me in bed, and there not much of a punishment if I love it." "Wanna bet," Carlos said in a strict yet calm tone, this one really made Tk scared. 


It was three days into the punishment and, Tk had been spanked, his mouth had been washed out and he had also been acting as a servant to Carlos, being threatened with extra days added on. 

By the fifth day the people at the station knew something was up with Tk, he was acting different, like he really wanted something he couldn't have. Carlos's plan was also backfiring because Tk wasn't getting sex so neither was he, and it was hell, he was horny all the time and craved to be in Tk. 

He went to pick Tk up from the station as both their shifts just ended. His hand resting on Tk's leg, he was unconsciously rubbing it back and forward, over and over again until a bulge formed in Tk's pants. "Carlos!" "What is it Tk?" "Look!" They were stopped at a red light so he looked down to realise what he had just done.


They got home and Tk wen't to go stand by the bed so Carlos could get him ready for his punishment. He unbuttoned tk's pants, like always he grew hard but this time Carlos turned him around. He stood there planning what to do when Tk broke the silence. "Carlos, your har..." "I know Tk," 

Carlos turned him back round and pulled him in to a fierce kiss, it was strong, passionate and wanting more. He let Tk undo his pants with one hand while the other was around Carlos's neck. God Tk was good at this. They removed their shirts next and Carlos pushed Tk down onto the bed. He went to go grab the lube and he was back. He put it on his hand then went to Tk's dick rubbing it back and forward until he was almost about to go. He then left that and started to re-lube his three fingers, the first one went in and god did that feel good for Tk, he let out small moans, but Carlos wanted more, so a second one went in, he pushed them apart and moved them around making Tk moan and clench.

"Don't clench darling or how will I fit three?" he said practically sucking his ear, Tk froze at the last part, he knew it was coming but the though of another made him happy, so he clenched up again but released straight after so a third one could be slotted in. Tk couldn't speak any more only mumbles and pleasant  sounds coming out his mouth, apart from the "ohhh Carlos,"'s and the "more please, faster, harder," and every-time Carlos did as he said. 

"Do you trust me?" Carlos asked in a soft whisper. "With my life, why?" Instead of answering Carlos lubed and inserted another finger, Tk was shocked, but no complaining about it. "This is why I trust you with my life." Soon Tk pushed against the fingers so Carlos rubbed the inside and moved them around.

As he took the fingers out he flipped Tk round so he was now facing Carlos. He wrapped his legs around Carlos's muscly, perfect body and Carlos got lined up. Slowly he started to push in while being carful not to hurt him. Tk was impatient though, so he started to pull Carlos down quicker, Tk however was no match for Carlos's massive build so he needed to protect Tk.

"You would regret that tomorrow," Carlos stated.

"Thats a tomorrow problem,"

"But if you're sore tomorrow how are we going to make up all time we missed." That made Tk stop, soon Carlos was fully in and started to thrust, the moans were painted across the wall and their need for each other grew stronger. Carlos went harder, and faster and continued on Tk's dick and then there was a 

"3.. 2.. 1.." and the towel they laid down was covered and so were Tk's legs. Carlos got them cleaned up and they drifted of to sleep with Tk in his arms and the occasional make out.

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