Jealousy? - Rwrb

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Alex knew that everyone in his school knows him, he didn't go to any fancy school so he was the only one with well known parents, he also knew that they know he's friends with Henry. If you ask him "it does get tiering with everyone asking to be set up with the prince."

What Alex didn't know was that his new best friend was coming to greet him. "Omg whats that," "Ye, theres a black SUV parked outside," two of the girls gossip. Alex overheard them and started thinking about how Henry always comes in black SUV's, not that he always thought about Henry, he just so happened to be thinking about him now, definitely not in a weird way tho.

He just shrugged it off and wen't back to trying to find his book in his VERY disorganised locker. There were loads of gasps and "woah"'s being spread around the school he just brushed them off though. When he wen't to go turn around he was greeted by a tap on his shoulder. 

"HENRY!" Alex exclaimed. 

"How have you been," 

"Fine, why are you here?"

"ohh ye, you forgot like a super important meeting, which I now realise I was supposed to tell you in private,"

"Wait shit, really, but why did they send you, don't you need to be there,"

"It's an important meeting, so that means boring af, they can't start without you any way."

The conversation lasted the five minutes it took to walk to the car, but someone came up right to Henry and asked for his number, He said he wasn't aloud but he acted comforting, holding her arm. For some reason, that made Alex feel something unusual, He felt jealous?


Alex's POV:

The meeting was so boring and you can bet I did nothing, but I kept having the same feeling as before, although now I was feeling more. I looked at Henry and I wanted to well, Kiss him.


We got out of the meeting, which was literally at my house, how could I forget about it, there were reminders EVERYWHERE. Henry followed me back to my room and we just chatted.

 Out of nowhere I snapped, I moved closer to him and kissed him, hard, passionate, exiting and soon full of regret. I pulled away, I couldn't believe what I had just done, but as soon as I shifted my lips back Henry pulled my face closer and back into a kiss.

After like thirty seconds I glided my tongue along for access and he was more than happy to let me in. We pulled away and got our breaths back while doing so I planed on interrogating that man.

"Wait hold on, you like me?"

"Since the first day I met you."

"Ye right, you mean the day you were a total prick to m..." Henry shut me up with a kiss which led to another very long make out session. 


I don't know what this was but I hope you liked it

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