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Alexis looked at her friend who was on her knees, hands clasped in front of her. Begging made her look ugly.

"Get up you twit." Alexis sighed. "Why do you want me to go to a stupid party?"

Deana clambered onto a chair opposite her friend of six years.

"It's not a party, it's a reunion. You'll meet all your old school friends."

A sharp laugh left Alexis's lips.

"I had no friends... Just bully's remember? I was the school freak. Even the dorks gave me a wide berth."

"But.. But you're beautiful now. You've got to show them what they're missing." Deana protested. Her large doe eyes pleading with Alexis.

"I owe them nothing. I'm happy doing what I'm doing. I didn't need them then, I don't need them now."

Alexis looked at the photo she kept by her mirror as a reminder of her school days.

The past four years brought the butterfly from its cocoon. Gone was the frizzy mess of hair, the thick glasses she had to wear to correct the eye defect she had, the excess fat and flab. But the biggest of all the ugly buck teeth that was the bane of her life, next to the acne that is.

"He'll probably be there." Deanas eyes followed her gaze to the picture.

"Who?" She asked knowing full well who she meant.

"Your crush." Her eyes turned into puppy dogs.

"I'll think about it." She whispered.



Stretching he moved from in front of the TV towards the kitchen.

"You want a beer?" He asked his fifa opponent.

"Yeah. I think I need one. You're the only one of us who can score 6 goals in this game in the first half." His friend replied.

"What can I say, Bene. I'm just so good." He laughed.

"Jacob. Grab me one too." A voice came from behind them.

"Sure Luis, anyone else?" He asked the others.

Handing out the beers, he walked over to the table near the door. Looking down he saw a letter addressed to him.

'Why didn't I see this before?' he thought.

Sitting at the table, he opened it. It was from his mom.

" Hey Jacob. This came for you so I'm forwarding it to you."

He looked in the envelope. A piece of card fell out. An invitation to a school reunion. Years 5&6 2016. Taking a swig of his beer he looked at it.

"Something interesting?" Jojo asked.

"There's a school reunion. Got an invite."

He pushed it over for his friend to see.

"Are you going?" He asked.

"Dunno. Will have to check the schedules. Suppose I could visit family while there, and meet up with some friends. I'll think about it." His mind shot to the one person he would love to see again. But he doubted they would be there.

He stood and pocketed the invite. "Second half Bene?" He walked back to the sofa.

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now