He Let Go

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(⚠️ sexual content)

Jacob pov

Her apartment was stunning. He stood looking over the pistes through the floor to ceiling windows.

"We need to pull the voiles otherwise we can be seen." She said from behind him. "I don't want others seeing what's mine." He turned to face her as she pressed a button and the heavy voiles closed.

"I'm yours am I?" He raised his brow as she blushed.

Taking her hands and he moved towards her.

"I think we have too many clothes on." He whispered as he kissed her neck.

"As much as I love this room, I know one much better." She gasped.

She led him through a door. Inside the bedroom, she reached for the hem of his jumper pulling it up. He helped her remove it. Tenderly she ran the tips of her fingers over his chest and abs causing him to shiver. Quickly he pulled off her soft cashmere sweater leaving her standing in a pale pink lace bra.

He growled as she licked her dry lips, his mouth finding hers roughly. Their kiss is full of need.

In minutes they both stood there in their undies. Reaching round her back she unclasped her bra, dropping it to the floor. As he cupped her breast, teasing her n***le with his fingers she gasped.

"I want to make you feel good." He said moving her backwards to the bed. As the back of her legs hit it she toppled down and his fingers hooked in the top of her panties pulling them down and off. His fingers then ran down her wet folds.

"So wet already." His eyes became lust filled as he sucked her juices from his fingers. "So sweet. I need more."

His tongue replaced his fingers licking and exploring her core, while she moaned and writhed beneath him.

"I need you Jacob. Please." She cried out.

Moving up his lips crashed over hers, hungry and desperate.

He knew she could feel his arousal pressed into her stomach. He moved away and she reached for him as he removed his boxers. His c**k sprang out, thick and proud.

Once he sheathed it, he moved between her legs.

"I'll be as gentle as I can be, schmetterling." He told her as he lined his crown up at her entrance. Pushing slowly in, they both gasped.


Alexis pov

'This is it' she thought as he held himself over her. His muscular body, fitted perfectly between her eagerly open legs.

He had relaxed her and brought her to orgasm at least three times already with his mouth and fingers.

"I'll be as gentle as I can be, schmetterling." He told her as he lined his crown up at her entrance. Pushing slowly in, they both gasped.

"Relax baby." He buried his face in her neck, lying still until she adjusted to him. He stroked her hair and peppered kisses over her face.

Slowly he began moving inside her. His hips thrusting in and out as his lips sucked at her neck and then breasts.

"Jacob... Oh my god I'm..." She moaned loudly as he quickened his thrusts toppling over the edge with her crying out her name.

He left her to dispose of the condom and returned with a washcloth to clean her up.

Climbing back in the bed beside her, they lay looking at each other.

"Thank you." She murmured.

"What for?" He smiled.

"Everything. For sticking up for me at school, for putting up with my idioticness and for being gentle with me and loving me." She blushed.

Raising himself on his elbow he looked at her.

"I always knew you were someone special. I just wished everyone else could see what I saw."

"Why didn't you see me as they did?"

"My mum taught me to never judge a book by its cover. To read the prologue before deciding if it's going to be the book for you. I did that with you. Looked deeper and I liked what I saw."

She lowered her eyes and blushed.

"I knew that time I kissed you, the day you left that I would make it my mission to find you and make you mine."

"What if I had moved on?" She reached for his face, stroking his lips with her thumb.

"I'd've kicked myself for dragging my feet. But you hadn't. Now we've got lots of time to make up for."

He climbed over her pushing her legs apart with his knees.

That night was all about them.

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now