Time To Heal

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Alexis pov

It was 3 days later and with the help of Clemmy and her grandson, they had painted her bedroom, the kitchen and living room. All that was left was the bathroom, hall stairs and landing and her dad's bedroom.

She had brought the meeting with the interior designers forward and told them what she wanted done at the coffee house.

Every night she spoke to Jacob, but not on video chat, still not telling him she was home.

Putting her house key in an envelope along with a letter she pushed it through Clemmy's door early one morning and headed to the airport.

Six hours later she was knocking on a familiar door.

"Alexis me darling what are you doing here? Oh heavens what's happened." They looked at her face.

"Hello grandma." She whispered as she was engulfed in her arms.

Sitting in her grandmother's cottage garden sipping on tea, she explained what had gone on. A growl came from the patio doors as her two cousins came out.

"Declan, Con, less of it." Her grandma scowled.

"No one hurts our kin." Declan clenched his fists. "Was it your boyfriend?"

"Oh heavens no. Jacob wouldn't hurt me. It was some guy who had beef with him from school. He kind of broke his nose, for picking on me some years back."

"And where is your young man?" Grandma asked.

"Still in Germany. I haven't told him what happened and he doesn't know I'm here."

Her family gathered around her in a group hug


Jacob pov

He couldn't wait for her to return to Germany. Speaking to her made him miss her more. But the last few nights she sounded different. She sounded hurt.

Leaving the mansion with the others to go to the Kabu office he was surprised to see one of her yoga group ladies standing in the court yard.

"Oh good, I've found you. I need to talk to you." Clemmy said as she approached him.

He took her back up to the mansion and sat with her as she gave him a letter.

"It's from Alexis but before you open it I've something to tell you and show you."

She told him that Alexis had been back in the country for 5 days decorating her dad's house.

"But 4 days ago someone attacked her. It was a guy who went to school with you. You broke his nose."

"Ruben. Is she Ok?"

Taking out her phone she showed him the photos she took of her.

He couldn't breathe. Tears choked him.

"She has 2 broken ribs from him kicking her and a fractured cheek bone." Clemmy closed her phone.

"I need to see her." He stood to leave.

"She's gone. You need to read your letter. I'll leave you alone." Clemmy hugged him and left.

He slowly opened the envelope.

'Hey baby.

Clemmy found you then.
No doubt she's told you
what happened.
Im ok, healing well but I just needed to get away for a while.

Now I don't want you
blaming yourself for what he did to me, and I'm sorry for not letting you know I was back, but it could've been you who he hit if you had been with me.

Where I have gone no one will find me and believe me I'll be as safe as houses.
Clemmys grandson is going to finish painting my house and I've given the designers full briefing on the coffee
shop's decor. I'm missing you so much and as soon as I'm fully healed mentally and physically I'll be back.

I'll keep track of you on your pages and through texts.
You can ring me too but the reception there will be hit and miss.
I love you, but I need to do this.

'Is breá liom tú agus ní féidir liom fanacht i do lámha arís'
(I love you and can't wait to be in your arms again)

He put his head on his arms and cried until he could cry no more. Jojo found him here.

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now