Flashback 2

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(3 years later Alexis pov)

She stood outside the school gates standing glaring back at the building as all the kids ran out laughing. As much as she hated this place she's going to miss it.
"Why so glum?" A voice came from behind her.
She turned, her breath catching in her throat so fast she coughed.
The boy who made her heart race stood there. Black trousers, white shirt and black hoodie.
"Careful." He patted her back. "It's summer holidays, you should be happy."
He touched her!
"Erm we're leaving. Moving to Berlin. Dad got a new job."
She spluttered, still coughing.
Her eyes scanned him, her heart hurting as he hung his head.
"Oh." He sighed quietly. "I'll miss you." He looked back up to her, his eyes sad.
"Thanks. You'll be the only one other than Deana." She began to walk away.

Him saying her name made her stop dead. He knew her name!!
"Erm." Was all she could say.
"Jacob." He gave her a coy smile as he told her his name. Looking around, he took her hand and pulled her away from the school into a small alleyway.
Slowly his eyes rested on her lips.
"What are you doing?" She gulped as he lowered his head and gently but awkwardly pressed his lips on hers.
"If I'm not ever going to see you again I want something to remember you by."
His lips took hers again, this time he nipped her lip and as her lips opened in a gasp his tongue slipped inside. His arms went around her and he pulled her against him, the kiss deepening.

Pulling away they both stood there panting.
His eyes had darkened. The brown flecks almost covering all the green.
"I wish I had kissed you before." He held her hand.
"Why? There's loads of girls better than me. Take care Jacob and good luck in all you do."
Turning quickly she ran from the alley and headed home. She could hear his voice behind her.
"See you again Alexis."
The car was packed when she got home and she climbed into the back seat.
"It's a long drive, sweetheart. Make yourself comfy." Her dad rubbed her head.
Looking out the window she saw Jacob talking to a guy near the end of her road. He lifted two fingers to his head and saluted her as they drove past. Her fingers went to her lips and she smiled. He was her first kiss.

(Jacobs pov)

The summer break was here. He'd just one year left before college. But Alexis was leaving. She just finished her final year. At least he will still see her walking around, he thought.
Outside the gates, he could see her across the road just looking at the school.
She was wearing a dark green jumpsuit with a bright red scalf. Everyone was looking at her weirdly.
"Why so glum?" He asked as he stood behind her.
She turned, her breath catching in her throat so fast she coughed.
"Careful." He patted her back. This was the closest he had ever been to her. She smelt of strawberries. "It's summer holidays, you should be happy."
"Erm we're leaving. Moving to Berlin. Dad got a new job."
She looked at him, he hung his head, his heart hurt.
"Oh." He sighed quietly. "I'll miss you." The thought of her being so far away broke his heart.
"Thanks. You'll be the only one other than Deana." She began to walk away.

He called her name and she stopped. It was then he realised she didn't know his.
"Jacob." He told her and smiled coyly. He needed to think quickly. Then he spotted it. Taking her hand he pulled her into an alleyway. His eyes rested on her lips. How had he never noticed how plump and red before. He lowered his head and kissed her.
"What are you doing?" She gulped.
"If I'm not ever going to see you again I want something to remember you by."
His lips took hers again, this time he nipped her lip and as her lips opened in a gasp his tongue slipped inside. He wrapped his arms around her and he pulled her against him, the kiss deepening.

Pulling away they both stood there panting.  Her blue eyes sparkled, the violet flecks looked like glitter.
"I wish I had kissed you before." He held her hand.
"Why? There's loads of girls better than me. Take care Jacob and good luck in all you do."
She ran from the alley and headed home. He shouted.
"See you again Alexis."
Being that close to her made his c**k harden. Walking back, smiling to himself as he rearranged the swell of his c**k, he bumped into a mate. They stood talking as her parents' car drove past. She was looking out of the back window. He saluted her in a goodbye.
"Who was that?" His friend asked.
"Someone special." He smiled and they carried on walking.
Present day

Taking pictures of the three dresses she liked, she sent them to Deana for a final choice.
"Definitely the silver one." She replied. "The red one makes you look pale and I'm wearing green." She replied.

Buying the dress and accessories she stopped at a cafe for a well deserved drink before heading home. Across the road she spotted Tim and Luis from the coffee house she worked in and four other guys.
'Please Lord don't let them spot me.' She prayed in her head, trying to keep her eyes from watching them.
"Lexi." Tims voice echoed.
Looking up to the sky she murmured.
"Thanks. I won't ask for help again." before waving back.

They approached as she stood.
"Guys this is Lexi the barista. Are you leaving?" Luis looked at her bags.
"Sorry. Got to get home and grab my work stuff. No peace for the wicked." She hurried away. One guy's eyes burned into her back.
Once home she changed into her yoga outfit and as she left the door her dad walked in.
"You do too much." He told her, holding her hand. "You need to go out and enjoy yourself."
She leant forward and kissed his cheek then picked up her roll mat.
"I'm fine pops, don't worry about me. Bye."

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now