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season six, episode one

season six, episode one

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"callie, it's ok." alison came towards her best friend who started having trouble breathing with her scrub mask on, "it's ok." she reassured the women as she held her best friend, "is he a donor?" alison then questioned.

richard looked at them, "um, i don't know. i called his mother. she's on her way." richard told them as alison still held her best friend in her arms, "let's close him up and get him to the icu in case she wants to see him."

derek nods his head as alison moved to hold callie tighter in her arms, "who said that was george?" lexie then asked, "why do we think that's george?"

"meredith said—" callie started to say as alison stood near to her best friend having her own tears fall down her face, "i dont know."

lexie then saw the nurse taking off the sock, "that's not george. look at his feet, look how tall he is." lexie explained to them, as they all turned to the patient, "that's not george."


"he wrote in my hand." meredith said as everyone stood near meredith asking her questions, "what do you mean he wrote?" everyone questioned her, "what did he do?"

meredith looked at them, "he grabbed my hand and squeezed it and he wrote with his finger," derek looked at his fiancé, "he wrote with his finger?"

"in my hand, he wrote double o seven," meredith tells them all as alison looked at the grey women, "well, give—" dr bailey stepped forwards as she got meredith's hand writing double o seven in her hand, "ok, what'd i write?"


alison had her arms crossed over her chest, "no! no, i didn't write joe," dr bailey told her, "are you serious?" alison then said, "you mean this may not be o'malley?" richard then said as alison looked at all of them, "this is funny."

meredith looked at her friends, "i'm telling you, he squeezed my hand," dr bailey held out her hand, "shut it, you don't get to talk anymore, you don't get to talk ever again." she told the surgical resident, "i could've sworn it was george," meredith said to them.

"he has a freckle in his right hand, it's shaped like texas, i used to tease him about it," callie said to what alison frowned at, "i'll check—"

alison stopped her best friend, "callie, are you sure?" the ortho surgeon nods her head, "i'll check," she said again as she went into the room closing the door behind her when she checked the man's right hand before she started to cry with everyone knowing that john doe was george o'malley.

everyone's pagers went off, "you people answer your pages," richard said to his employees, "george o'malley jumped in front of a bus today, he knew what he was doing and he did it anyway, and he did it to save a life," richard told all of them, "so i'm not gonna allow you doctors to stand here."

"there are lives on the line, there are lives we can save." richard told all of them, "so if george o'malley can jump in front of a bus... we can answer our damn pages, so let's go," Alison looked down before she moved away.


"there is an appointed time for everything—" alison stood in a black dress near to callie holding her best friend's hand in comfort, "and a time for every affair under the heavens," amanda, the women george saved cried, "a time to be born, and a time to die." the priest said out loud, "a time to plant, and a time to uproot the plant, a time to kill and a time to heal,"

"a time to tear down and a time to bulid, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance," izzie stevens went past them as alison watched her friend walk away.

alex turning back to where alison stood, with her best friend holding callie's hand still in her hand, "a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing." alison looked ahead as a few tears fell down her face.

everyone started to disperse after they started to george into the ground with callie holding alison's hand tighter in hers passing the group of the four residents who all laughed in grief.


alison watched as her best friend went into the chief's office as she leaned against the balcony railing seeing callie having an argument with the chief when coming out of the office and into the open, "i'm a superstar, a superstar with a scalpel!" callie shouted out loud, "torres!"

"no!" callie shook her head, "don't say my name." alison watched the interaction, "i am too big of a star for you to say my name, i build arms out of nothing and legs like god." she said to the chief of surgery, as alison watched with a confused look on her face, "and when i win the harper avery and every other prize there is, you will rue this day, chief webber," callie then started to walk away, "that's right, i said rue."

alison looked at her fellow, "callie!" she said her friend's name who kept walking away, "callie, hold on!" the ortho fellow then went into the elevator with alison also coming into the room when callie started to sob as the elevator door closed.

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