Chapter fourteen

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*Nicoles POV*

I pulled up to the curb when I saw Connor and Ricky lugging their suitcases out of the airport doors. I rested my head on the wheel trying to stay awake enough to drive home. I hit the unlock botton on the steering wheel and waited for them to reach the car. I saw someone running up to them trying to catch up and then I realized I knew who it was. Trevor.

"Heyy!" Connor said opening up the door to the passenger seat.

"Hey! Is that Trevor?" I asked pointing towards the trunk where Ricky and I guess Trevor were putting away their bags

"Yup, I hope you dont mind that we brought him. He was begging to come" Connor answered

"Its no problem" I assured gesturing for him to sit down

"How are you holding up?" He asked concerned

"Im Okay, just a little tired" I sighed

"Awesome, im glad your feeling better. I hate seeing you sad like that" he smiled just when Trevor and Ricky piled into the backseat

"Hey Nicole!" Trevor said excitedly

"Trevy! I missed you!" I said trying to lighten up

"Heyy Gurl" Ricky said calmly

"Hey! Wow your calm tonight" I giggled

"Jet lag" he simply stated resting his head on the seat

"Okay, well lets go!!" I said quickly pressing on the gas pedal so that we would speed forward. I did that on purpose, i eventually I slowed down.

"Its going to be a little while until we get there" I informed

"Where do you live?" Ricky asked

"Manhattan" I said

"Oh shit girl! That's far! Im takin a nap" Trevor announced


Its been a long excruciating drive home, but were finally here. I pulled up to the guard station and swiped the key to open the gates. I proceeded down my long driveway and parked.
Everyone was sleeping so I have to wake them, which I dont like doing that much. I feel like im being annoying. But I've always felt that way.

"Hey guys, were here" I announced. They all shuffled awake and stretched. I took the key out of the ignition and waited for the guys to fully awaken.

"Holy shit Nicole" Trevor gasped, "This is your house??"

"Yes it is" I smiled at his reaction

"Its. Huge." Connor dramatically added

"Yea, its O-kay." I sighed. They all looked at me like I was crazy.

"Im just kidding!" I told getting out of the car, "Come get your bags" I laughed

They grabbed their bags and followed me to the doorway. I unlocked the door and stepped in with the guys.

"We have to be quiet, Jacks over."

"Why?" Trevor asked

"He came to check on me, and he stayed for a while but fell asleep around 1am" I explained,"So I told him he can take one of the rooms upstairs for the night"

"Let me show you your rooms!" I smiled and guided them up the grand stairwell


Its now 5am, and I just finished helping the guys unpack. They all got seperate rooms, so i had to run back and forth. Ricky and Trevor went to sleep already, im in Connors room right now. Were talking about Jc.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked

"Well. First I think you should call him. Hes very confused on why you totally ignored him after you guys jumped into the pool at the hotel that night." He said

"He told you that?" I asked

"Yup" he answers

"Can I ask you something?" I whispered, "Is he dating anyone?"

"I dont think so" he informed

"Than who's this?" I asked pulling out my phone showing him the picture I found all over my timeline of Jc and some girl kissing at what seems like a party.

"Umm, I... Shes.... she's nobody" he stuttered

"Connor i know when your lying." I accused, "Who is she?"

He sighed before answering, "Shes a girl that Jc hooked up with at a Party." He admitted

"Hooked up with as in..." he cut me off by nodding.

"How long ago?" I asked quietly

"Maybe a week before Coachella" he informed. A tear slipped out from my eye as I put my head into my knees which were up to my chest. I didnt exactly think that Jc wouldn't date anyone else after I left. I mean he thought I was dead. I dont know why I feel this way...I just do.

"How about you call him" he suggested rubbing my back with one hand

"And what? Ask him how good the hook up was?" I sarcastically asked

"Just talk to him, im sure he'll be really happy to talk to you" he told

"...Okay." I got up and left for my room. I locked my door, grabbed my phone off the charger and sat on the white leather sofa that was across from my bed. I hesitantly dialed his number and waited. I hope he doesn't pick up. But surely, he did.






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