Chapter forty-two

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"Come on, you have to be hungry, you haven't eaten in a while." Connor reasoned.

"I know, but I'm just not hungry right now" I shyly stated as I pushed around my salad with my fork.

"Please just eat, I don't care if you only have half of that but you need to eat Nicole. I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but you're eating for two now." He told. I nodded as I sat there quietly eating some of the feta cheese on my plate.

"I really hope you know I'm not trying to force you to do anything, it's just I'm trying to look after you and make sure you're okay." He told putting down his fork on the side of the plate to take my hands into his, "Jc is a douche. He shouldn't have been such an ass like that and left you in your time of need."

I nodded in agreement to his statement about Jc being a douche. I don't want to over think the subject of Jc right now, but the bottom line is, he's not in my life anymore because he chose not to be. I can't do anything about that. Of course I still love him, with all of my heart actually, but if he doesn't feel the same way, I cant force him too. I just have to accept the facts and get over him. And not to mention, raise our child by myself.

"Listen, I'm going to stay here with you for as long as you need me too. Okay?" He told looking into my eyes.

"Connor," I sighed before he cut me off.

"No Nicole. You don't have a choice. I'm staying until that baby is born so you're never alone, and if you need me, i'm just in the room next to yours." He informed.

"Thank you," I daintily smiled, "so much."

"Its no problem." He smiled reassuringly while letting go of my hands and getting back to his food.


Here we are, at three o'clock in the morning sitting on the back porch just rambling on about random subjects that happen to come up.

"So your saying if they added a fifth member to the band, it wouldn't be just a typical band with a cheesy name?" Connor asked from his rocking chair, which was next to mine.

"Well, yeah it would be cheesy, but it would make sense." I shrugged.

"True, I mean you would think there would be five considering their name." He told.

"But besides that, they're music is really interesting. It's different." I said thinking of my favorite song of theirs.

"I've never really listened to them." He informed switching which leg crossed over the other.

"I don't blame you, they're more for the younger generation" I sighed while readjusting my body in the chair.

"Ah yes. The new generation of reckless teens..." He chuckled playing with the strings on his hoodie.

"Yeah, I defiantly don't miss being a teenager." I laughed.

"Why not? Those were the best years." He asked.

"Not for me, too much drama. Yeah sure being a teen had its moments, but it wasn't so great to where I wish I could be like that again." I told, "I really screwed up my life by turning down Kenny's proposal..."

"What? No you didn't, don't say that" he said.

"I really did. By now, I would probably be booking bridal appointments for dress fittings or going over color swatches with Kenny to see which color would be best for a theme." I heaved a sigh, "My life could've been normal for once. I could've finally settled down with someone that truly loved me."

Connor didn't speak, he just listened. He's always been really good at that, and I appreciate it.

"But after all I did to him, I could never go back. Not that I would try to, but what I'm saying is that he's probably already found another girl. One that's good for him, at least I hope." I stopped rambling.

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