Chapter seventeen

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*Nicoles POV*

It's now Saturday and the guys left this morning. It was a really sad moment. Knowing im not going to be seeing them for a long time. I mean I would go out to Cali to visit, but between work, Interviews, shows, traveling to other parts of the world for work, its been really busy. And its going to get worse. Because Summer has come. And thats when the company has to produce more clothing. And to sell the clothing, we have to wear the clothing in fashion shows so that other companies can buy off our branded clothing lines. And when your a model, other designers want to hire you for shows to show off their clothing. Ive done quite a lot of shows for Versace, Coach, Calvin Klein and other big designers like them. But like I said. Im busy all of the time now. Its just that time of year. Especially now that people need bathing suits.

The sudden sound of my phone ringing snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hello?" I asked placing the phone up to my ear

"Hey! Its Dom" he greeted

"Hi Dom! Whats up?" I asked taking a seat on the lounge room sofa.

"Nothing much, just wanted to see how you were doing" he replied

"Aw, well thanks for thinking of me" I thanked, "Im okay. Just stressed"

"About what?" He asked

"Well, its summer, and my usual summers are way busy. My manager is already booking shows for me to do for Calvin Klein's new bathing suit line. And after that, I fly out to France to do a show there, then, immediately after, I have to go to DC." I sighed

"Wow. That sounds like a lot. Are you at home right now? " He simplethized

"Oh you have no idea. Thats not even half of my schedule for June. And yes, im home." I told

"Thats okay, I know you'll get through it. I mean how bad could it be?" He said

"Brutal. Every fashion designer out their is not afraid to say their opinion. Sometimes its good, and sometimes its so bad it makes you want to kill yourself." I told

"Woah. What do they say?" He pried

"Id... rather not think about the last time I was criticized" I stated

"Oh im sorry." He apologized

"...So, how's Jc? I haven't heard from him since Monday" I asked nervously

"Hes good, he's....busy too" he

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Him and Kian are travelling a lot lately. For a project" he stated.

"Do you know if he'll be stopping in New York? Anytime soon?" I quietly asked

"I'm not sure. Are you okay? You got really quiet there." He asked

"Im fine. I have to go. Ill call you later" I whispered.

"Sure thing, bye" he said then hung up

I know that Jc and I aren't official again, but I miss him. I miss the hugs, the cuddles, the compliments, the laughs, the giggles, the midnight adventures, the early morning dance parties, his humor...him. Its been so long since I've seen him. I wouldn't be surprised if he's... moved on. To be honest, the only reason I haven't let him make it official yet, is that we dont see each other often anymore and that's a heartbreak ready to happen. We both have to really different lives in totally different places. I dont want to be heartbroken again. And I dont want to see Jc like that either. Im just not sure if we would make a great couple. Long distance relationships are very hard to keep alive. Especially when long distance means cross country.

My eyes glanced over at the shelf but stopped on one particular picture. It was of Jc and I. We were on the plane to L.A.

It was a complicated night...


Everything that could be wrong with Jc raced through my mind. I'm completely clueless right now. I thought he wanted to go to cali with me.. is he having second thoughts? Does he want to leave? Did I do something wrong to piss him off or something? I dont get it. Is he mad? Honestly I've never seen this side of Jc before.

"Are you having second thoughts about coming to LA with me?" I asked sheepishly with my head down

"No, no. I'm just... I don't know" he said looking anywhere but at me

"Jc." I said as he still wouldn't make eye contact with me.

"Jc!" I spoke as I stoped in my tracks to look at him

Jc couldn't stop staring at the floor no matter how many times I said his name. I lifted his chin up with my right hand so he could look at me, with that I gave him a concerned look.

"Jc, I'm worried, are you ok?" I said concerned

"I like you! Ok?! Every minute that I go without telling you that kills me!" He shouted

*end of flashback*

I scrolled through my contacts and stopped at Jc's number. I hesitantly pressed it and put the phone up to my ear. He picked up after the third ring,


"Hey...Jc" I said

"Whats up?" He asked kind of rushed

"Nothing much, I just wanted to ask you a--"

"Can you ask me that question later? I gotta go" he said quickly

"Um. Okay" I told

"Cool. Thanks bye" he hung up.

I didnt even get to say bye. Why was he in such a rush?

*Jc's POV*

"Dude. That was close." I sighed

"What'd she say?" Joseph asked

"I dont know. Something about a question" I replied

"You just hung up on her?" He asked

"Yup" I simply stated

"Thats rude" he said

"I didnt want her to find out!" I defended

"You could've lied about it" he suggested

"Im not good at lying Joseph." I told

"Shes not gonna find out anyway" he stated

"I hope she doesn't. Its supposed to be a surprise." I said




Ps. I'd like to thank emily_swiger_ for helping me out of my writer's block.

Id also like to recognise LaraLawley for reading every one of my books and sticking with me since the beginning. Thank you!


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