Chapter thirty three

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*Kians POV*

It's been about a week since we got here and tomorrow night is Nikki's birthday. Connor and I are out getting the decorations and Ricky and Trevor are out to get their gifts for her and to book people to cater the party. And last but not least, Jc is with Nicole and keeping her off our tracks. You know, if she asks any weird questions he'll answer with easy nonchalant answers keeping unsuspicious. Nicoles been told we're all out to get together with the jacks. It's almost nine am, we had to get out before she woke up so she could say she wants to come with us or something like that. Shes really not gonna see this coming. I really want this party to be extravagant. Sure her other birthday parties were good, but this is the first birthday shes had since she led us on to believe she was deceased and it has to be huge! I can't wait to see her face when she sees what we've planned

*Jc's POV*

Waking up in the morning is the most relaxing part of my day, hearing the birds chirping outside and the Californian heat surrounding my body. It feels great. But New York is has a whole different feel. It's dark and cold here in the mornings, and the draft coming in from the window makes me shiver. I roll over and effortlessly pull the covers over myself and move towards nicole to cuddle up to her warm body, but she's not there. Where the hell did she go this early? I hope she didn't find out about the party planning. I mean that was only job and I don't want to screw up already.

I quickly sit up and take in my surrounding, realizing where I am. I'm in one of the guest bedrooms. Damn. How the hell do I keep forgetting that? See, since Kian doesn't know about nicole and I being back together, I have to sleep all alone. By myself. In my own bed. With out nicole. Alone.

I don't know why she's having such a hard time telling him about us. But after all, she does know him better than I do, so what do I know?

I push the white comforter off of me and swing my legs over the side of the bed, letting the cold morning air consume me. I grab my shirt from last night and make my way to Nicoles room.

On my way there I hear, faint voices coming from downstairs. It can't be the guys because they left already. Nicoles laugh fills the air and so does another. But it's not anyone I can recognize right off the bat. I stealthily walk down three steps trying to hear more with out being heard.

"But, it's a lot of fun, trust me. You'll have a great time, I promise." A familiar voice echoed. It was a guy. They're coming closer. I quickly ran back up the steps and took behind a corner. I don't know why I'm hiding, I live here for gods sake. Well, temporarily anyway.

"Okay, sounds great! When is it again?" Nicole asked the guy

"I'll text you the details later." He said. God damn why can't I recognize who that is??

"Alright, cool" she said happily while there was silence. I peeked over the railing and they were hugging. A quick hug, but soon to follow that was a kiss on the cheek. Not just a peck, but a meaningful one.

"I'll see you Saturday, babe" he smiled stepping back from the hug. His facial features and his hair gave away who it was. Justin. Fuck, whys is he here again?

"Yeah, see ya" She said standing by the door watching him as he let himself out, then shutting the door and turning back around, starting for the stairs.

I slipped into her room with out being noticed and stood a good five feet away from the door with my arms crossed. I'm pissed. Why the fuck is my girlfriend talking to that douche bag of a guy. And why does he think he has the free right to touch her. Or kiss her?? I don't care if it was just on the cheek. I thought I made it pretty damn clear to him not to lay a finger on her. God he gets my blood boiling.

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