thirty four

787 19 3

*Jc POV*

I don't know what just happend. Everything went so fast. I-I didn't mean any of it. That wasn't me... I don't know what came over me. I've never done that before...

I twisted my whole body around and quickly punched the door as hard as I possibly could. The sound resonated through out the house as I angrily trudged up the stairs, not caring that I was obnoxiously stomping.

I'm not angry at anyone but myself. I went out of control. I've never let myself get that angry... to
Kthe point that I can't control it. I walked into the guest room where my phone was plugged in and hastily snatched it off of the table not even taking the charger out of it. The cord flew out of the bottom of my phone and landed on the ground, curling up just a bit.

I scrolled through my contacts and found Nicoles, which was labeled "My baby😘💕" I clicked on the call button and put it on speaker. As I waited for her to answer I paced around the room trying to gather words up to form an appology. I feel horrible for doing that.

When I heared her voice mail, I hung up and called again. Then after she didn't answer for the second time, I called again. Then again. Then once more before I gave up and left a message.

I guess she just needs some space, I hope it's nothing more than that. I really love her, and I didn't mean anything I said or anything I did. I'm a complete dumbass. I just wish I could tell her that.

*Nicoles POV*

"Hey, um... Can I talk to you? Please?" I spoke into the phone.

"Uh yea of course" she said.

"Do you think you can meet me at Starbucks in ten?" I ask hesitantly.

"Uhh sure" she said.

"Thanks emily, see ya" I thanked then hung up.

Alright. Before you ask why that was so damn hard for me to do, I'll tell you. She's mad at me. Why? Because I've kinda been ignoring her for a while. I've been ignoring her texts, calls, and emails and other social media messages.

The worst part is, I have no good reason, other than I haven't been wanting to talk to people lately. I've been having really weird mood changes. Like for example a couple of days ago I was so angry I didn't leave my room for six hours. Then another day I was the sadest I've ever been. And yesterday I was so happy go lucky that everyone was confused on why I was so happy. I didn't want to ruin any of my friendships with something that slips out of my mouth like an unintentional insult or something.

I parked in a open parking space and walked into Starbucks only to order my drink, sit down and wait several minutes for Emily to show up. The reason I invited her here is because I want to apologize and because I need a friend to talk to right now.

I took a sip of my coffee and took my phone out of my pocket.

Five missed calls and a voice mail. All from Jc.

I unlocked my phone and scrolled through Instagram, ignoring Jc's attempts to talk to me. I looked through my mentions and saw some early happy birthday posts that lightened my mood. I replied to some of them thanking them and following them. I saw that one person tagged/mentioned Jc too, I couldn't help but to click on his name and look through his profile.

As I look through familiar pictures, they bring back memories. Like the one he took of him and vega. This was back in California, I was standing in front of him giggling, he asked me what was so funny and started to laugh too. After a couple seconds It was my turn to ask what was so funny, since he started laughing out of no where. He said that my laugh was contagious. I wonder if it still is.

Just then someone sat across from me on the other side of the table. I looked up and instantly recognized who it was.


By second nature, I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "What are you doing here" I said emphasizing 'you'.

"Well, hello to you too" he smirked shifting in his seat, getting settled in.

"Please leave." I told bringing my attention back down to my phone screen.

"You'd think you would be more excited to me since I flew all the way out here for you" he said calmly.

"I didn't ask for you to be here. Now leave." I said already fed up with this kid.

"Why? Whatever did I do?" He asked innocently.

"What did you do?" I scoffed snotily, "I'm sure you remember."

He sat there for a second, looking up at the ceiling, "Um, no, I don't recall" he smirked once again.

"You played me. You made up this whole lie about Jc, trying to make yourself look good." I summed up what happened.

"Babe, we're over that." He said as if what I was saying was crazy.

"Babe? We're?" I laughed, "I'm not your 'babe' and there is definatly no 'we'."

"Sure there is babe! Don't you remember what happended after the party?" He asked, "When we made out on the couch, then I carried you to the bed a-"

"We did not have sex so don't even imply that." I told seriously.

"But we almost did." He answered with the same disgusting smirk plastered on his face.

"Almost is nothing." I replied

"I am one hundred percent sure that you wouldn't have stopped me from going further if he didn't knock on the door." He told.

I couldn't argue. I knew I wouldn't have stopped him either. At the time I thought he was a nice guy. Not the dumbshit douche bag I know he is now.

"See? You can't deny that." He smiled.

"There was and is nothing going on between us." I told

"You said us" he grinned.

"You and I." I corrected myself.

"Think about it babe. If we got that far before, just think about how far we can go now." His grin visible from a mile away.

"Shut the fuck up" I spat then got up and left the table, speed walking out of the coffee shop.

Before I could reach my car, Dom grabbed my wrist, spun me around so that we were at body to body contact and tightly wrapped his arm around my waist. He lifted a hand and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear, smiling down at me. I smacked his hand away and pulled out of his grip.

"Get away from me." I warned before turning and walking to my car.

"You'll regret that." His tone was serious and his grin faded.

"Sure I will." I rolled my eyes and got into the drivers seat, making sure to lock the doors before I drove off.

this was boring ik but it was just a filler.





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