Chapter twenty seven

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*Nicoles POV*

After an hour of tossing and turning on the couch, I woke up to my alarm. Its four am. I trudged to Jc's room and quietly snuck my luggage out of the room. Jc's still asleep, because his alarm isnt supposed to go off for another half an hour. Im leaving before him. I dont think its the best idea that he goes with me. Im very stressed out, and I dont want to make things uncomfortable for either of us. I love him very much, but we're probably better off apart right now. I unlocked his phone and turned off his alarm then wrote him a note,

Im sorry for last night, I snapped at you... im under a lot of pressure, and im overly stressed. I know you wanted to go back to NYC with me, but I dont want you to get caught up in mess im in. I love you Jc. But I think its best for you and I to be apart. At least for right now.


I took the plane tickets, folded them and placed them in my carry on. I lugged my stuff to the car and threw them in the trunk. Taking one last look at the house, I sat down in the drivers seat and started my drive to the airport. The flight leaves in an hour and a half and it will take me fifteen minutes to get there. I think ill have just enough time to board the plane without being late.


*Jc's POV*

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing its so early. I have no idea who the hell would be calling me at this hour. I ignored the call, and squinted at the bright screen trying to see the time. An unexpected wave of shock ran through my body. Its four thirty six. My fucking alarm didnt go off. I hurrily sat up and scrambled to turn on the light on the stand next to the bed. My eyes were immediately drawn to a sticky note that was stuck to the wood. Its a note from Nicole. I scanned over the paper and quickly threw a hoodie on. I grabbed my suit case, ran down the hall and out the door to my car. I sloppily put it in the trunk, jumped into the drivers seat and drove off.

I cant let her go alone. I know she can handle things by herself, but I dont want her to leave on a bad note. I was a dick last night. She has every right to be mad, but I care about her. Thats why im not letting her leave by herself. I dont want to be away from her again. Especially when New York is over two thousand miles away. I love her. I always have.


*Nicoles POV*

At the moment im getting my bags checked. The line is honestly going so slow. I cant take it.


When I finally got up to the desk, which took over fifteen minutes, I handed the lady my ticket and placed my bag on the scale. When I paid for everything, I took my carry on bag and my ticket and started my way to security. Now that I look around, there aren't many people here. Its very quiet.

I continued walking, but heard the pidder padder of someone running, its distant so its not that loud. I decided to ignore it and keep walking but the foot steps sounded like they were getting closer, and like they were running faster. Its starting to get annoying. I turned around, and as soon as I did, I was tackled by Jc. I didnt fall over, but I was pretty close too. He wrapped his arm around me tightly.

"Jc what are you d--" I tried to say before he crashed his lips onto mine.

"Im really sorry" he apologised when he pulled away, "I was a douche to you last night. I shouldn't have done that to you... im sorry."

I didnt say any thing back. I really dont have anything to say, I mean it wasnt okay yesterday and still not today. I love him a lot, but hes really making it hard too.

"I have to go... my flight will be called soon, and I have to get through security" I said backing away from Jc.

"I cant let you leave." He told taking a hold of my arm, "Not by yourself."

"Ill be fine" I reasoned

"I know you will. But I wont." He said sincerely.

"Jc..." I kind of whispered

"I lost you once, I cant lose you again. It'll hurt so much... you have no I idea what I went through the first time... I finally have you back, and it feels so good to have you with me. I love you. Beyond belief." He said.

"I love you too" I smiled then went in for a hug. His gesture is reassuring. I didnt think he was that committed to be back in a relationship with me. Going back to last night, you'd think he just wanted to be with me for certain reasons. But today, he showed that he actually cared about us as a potential couple. Were not an official couple again, but it'll happen when it happens.

"If we want to make it on time, we should go" I told pulling back. A moment of silence passed over us before he interlaced his fingers with mine and with that, we were off to go through security.

Short. I know. But im under a lot of pressure with school just starting and all the other stories I need to update. I think im going to set up a schedule for each update. Cause I need to get organized. Ill let you all know the schedule when I figure it out :) Until then, please bare with me




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