Chapter 40

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*Nicoles POV*

Two lines.


It's... Positive.

I am pregnant.

This can't be.

I closed the door and tried the other two tests that came in the package. As I waited the two minutes required for each of them, I paced around the bathroom thinking about how everyone might react. So far I've come up with three possible reactions,

One, they'll be happy for Jc and I and support us.

Two, they're all disappointed with me.

Three, My whole family will want to kill Jc.

I really hope that everything turns out okay. Sure one test was positive, but that could be a mistake. Those things happen all of the time. I stopped pacing and went back to the counter where all three tests were laying. I haven't been keeping track, but it's for sure been more then two minutes. As I bent down to read the last two tests I was kind of shocked to see that they were all positive.

All of them.

Now that can't be a mistake. What are the odds that three pregnancy tests are false. I picked up the three sticks and walked out of the bathroom after opening the door. Connor was still sitting there where I left him, but now he's on his phone.

"Is everything okay?" Connor asked.

"It's positive... they're all positive." I said as I held up all three tests for him to see.

"They are??" He asked in disbelief, running up to me and grabbing one, being careful not to touch the end I peed on, "Oh my goodness. How do you feel?"

"I feel... well, for the lack of a better word, confused? I don't really know how I'm feeling. I think I just need some time alone" I told.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I'm here to support you every step of the way along with everybody else, because they'll all be so happy for you I'm sure." He smiled and I daintily smiled back.

With that, Connor left the room and I locked my door. I need some time to think about some things. But first I need to hide the tests before anyone finds them. I don't want anyone finding out about this, if I want people to know then I'm going to announce it. I shoved them into my hoodie pocket. ill find a good hiding place for them later. I worry about telling Jc. I know him, and as a twenty four year old guy I'm almost one hundred percent positive he's not ready to settle down and have children. He's the one to adventure all the time and travel to different places whenever he can. He even hates having the same house for more than a year. So I'm not sure how telling him is going to go. I don't know if he'll want to settle down and be a father. And I'm not sure if I want to settle down and me a mother either. Which is the biggest conflict in my head. I don't really care what anybody else thinks of Jc and I having a baby together because it's none of they're business and they have no control over it. And I'm not worried about baby supplies or room for a baby because we definitely have enough room in this house for a baby. But what I am worried about is if Jc and I are both ready. I mean I know I'm twenty two and that's for sure old enough to raise a child, but... I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm just scared. There's so much responsibility put on being a mother and I'm just scared I'm going to screw it all up. I'm afraid I'm going to do something wrong and accidentally hurt the baby.

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