Chapter thirty two

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*Nicoles POV*

I'm going to be working with one of the biggest celebrities! How much more exciting can this get??

"I can't believe I got the job!" I squealed.

"I didn't even knew you applied" Jc said emotionless, but I ignored it.

"Yea! When Emily and I went out and looked for jobs for me, I ran into Claire who works with Calvin himself! She asked how everything was going and I told her about what happend with my old job and she said she'd talk to her boss and put in a good word for me and see if anything happens. And look! It happend! I got the job!! Calvin wants ME to represent the company! How exciting is that??" I told getting all hyped up again.

"Yup. Sounds great" He said plastering a fake smile on.

"What's wrong?" I asked realizing his unhappiness with me.

"Nothing" he scoffed and walked away trying to hide the anger on his face.

"Jc" I said following behind him. But he didn't stop walking away, "Jc!" I said putting my hand on his shoulder and turning him around to face me.

"What?!" He yelled agitated

"What's the matter? What's with the sudden attitude?" I asked

"Your going to be modeling underwear!" He argued.

"And?" I asked not understanding his problem. I mean I've done bathing suit shoots before so I don't understand why this I a problem.

"Nicole. I already have enough competition with the guys that go after you! Did you not just see what that guy just did?? He flirted with you! I have no doubt in my mind that he'll try that again when I'm not around. Especially when you're half naked. Not only that but since we haven't gone public, no one knows that you're mine. And if we don't want to go public... then I can't risk people knowing we're dating... which means I can't stop them from hitting on you like that." He explained, "The only reason i don't want us to go public is there will be hate, rumors, cameras, nosey interviewers, and no privacy. I don't want you I be uncomfortable whenever we go out to eat or go to a party or even go grocery shopping."

"...It wouldn't bother me that much, I mean as long as I have you by my side then I can handle anything" I told honestly.

"Are you sure? We can't go back on this" he warned.

"I'm sure" I smiled at him.

"Okay. As long as you're happy" He smiled back and brought me into a hug.

"And as for the whole working with Justin thing, I know how to handle myself with guys." I assured, "Plus, you're the only guy I love"

"I love you too" he smirked and pecked my lips. Two seconds later the door bell rang once again.

"Who's here now?" I asked going to answer the door. Expecting either the mailman or Justin, I opened the door.

"HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY!!" The boys shouted.

"Guys!!" I squeeled and threw my arms up and running towards them for a hug. First Connor, then Ricky, then Kian and then Trevor... who surprisingly grew really tall since the last time I've seen him.

"Oh my lord Trevor your so tall! What happended??" I said standing back and taking a look at him.

"Oh you know, puberty." He swatted his hand and threw his hand on his hip.

"And Ricky! Your so... buff!" I said remembering skrawny little Ricky just a couple of months ago.

"Oh thank you! I have been working out a little" he said like was nothing.

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