Chapter thirty five

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*Nicoles POV*

I feel bad for ditching Emily. Well, I mean, I didn't technically ditch her since she never showed up. But still, I invited her to apologize about ignoring and neglecting her, and yet I leave before she shows up. I'm such a horrible person. But I couldn't stay another second with dom there.

He said he came out here for me. I sure hope he didn't expect me to invite him to stay at our house after what he did. Because it would definatly be a no.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket, looking at the time, then unlocked it searching for my spotify app. Maybe music will soothe my mood.

Distracted with my phone, I didn't know I was speeding right up to a red light at a four way intersection. Car horns filled the air as my head shot up to look ahead of me. Almost having a heart attack, I pressed hard the break, halting the car before I was rammed into by a huge ass truck. I flew forward because of me hitting the break so hard and before I knew it I slammed back into my seat with my hands tightly gripping the steering wheel. By now my phones on the floor and people are honking away at me. I felt the pain in my shoulder radiate through my back and neck, but I didn't dare to touch my now worse bruise.

The light turned green, but I stayed put. The people behind me waited a second before beeping at me, signaling me to move. I lightly pressed the gas and slowly accelerated forward, proceeding my route home.

As I pulled into the driveway, I slowly hit the button on the ceiling of my car to make the garage door open and drove in, parking the car and getting out. Everything around me seems to be in slow motion, but my in my head, everything is going one hundred miles an hour.

I walked up the steps to the door and took out my keys from my jacket pocket, just then I realized that my hands were trembling. I tried to get the key I needed, but the door opened before I succeeded.

"Oh baby, I'm so sor--" Jc started to apologize, "Nicole what's wrong?? Why are you crying?" He asked cautiously taking my hand into his and guiding me into the kitchen.

I hadn't even realized that I was crying or that I was trembling terribly until he pointed it out.

"What happened?" He asked taking both of my hands into his and sitting me down, as well as himself.

"I-I don't know" I spoke quietly with another tear running down my face. But I did know, I was being a dumbass driving while on my phone and I was only a second away from accidentally killing myself in a car crash.

"You're shaking" he says holding my hands tighter, but still gently, "Calm down baby" His words soothed me. I stood up with out making eye contact with him and he followed me, by standing up as well.

Without doing any thinking, I threw myself into his arms and hugged him as tightly as I could. It took him a second, but he hugged back lightly, like I was going to break under the slightest touch.

"I'm so sorry nicole" he apologized

"It's okay" I replied hugging him tighter, breathing in his intoxicating scent of cologne and mint. I dont care about anything that happened earlier. I just want to be close to him right now.


Sitting on the bed in absolute silence and darkness forces me to think.

If I didn't look up at the time i did, I probably wouldn't be here right now. I can't imagine how my family would act if they found out I was really dead. They'd be heart broken. And Jc, the last thing that happened between us was the fight. Those angry words we spit at eachother would've been our last. There are so many things I've taken for granted. Like the fact that I have a great home, with a great boyfriend, an awesome brother who's always there for me all the time, wonderful friends and a great mother.

I sat up, threw the covers off of me and headed to Kian's room. His door was closed so I lightly knocked trying not to intrude if he was awake, I doubt it though because it's probably somewhere around four am right now.

I opened the door and it was pitch black. Light snores filled the quiet room while I walked over to his bed and climbed on, sitting next to him.

"Kian!" I whisper shouted as I poked his bare arm. I repeatedly did this until he eventually woke up enough to at least roll over,

"What Megan?" He asks half asleep.

Megan? Who's Megan? I'll have to ask him tomorrow.

"Kian!" I poked him again and he sighed and sat up to look at me.

"Yea? What's up?" He yawns rubbing his eyes.

"Can I talk to you?" I ask


"I just wanted to thank you for coming out here for my birthday" I told.

"You want to thank me..? My sister, my stubborn little sister, wants to thank me?" He asks bewildered.

"Yep." I smile even though he can't see it because of how dark it is in here, "I also want to thank you for being such a good brother to me"

"Are you drunk?" Kian asks seriously, leaning in to get a better look at me.

"What? No!" I giggle pushing him back, "I'm being complete serious. I'm really glad you came here to visit. I know I'm getting older and all, but I still miss you a lot." I say leaning in and giving him a hug.

"You're welcome" he says. I can tell by his voice that he's smiling, "Even though I'm you're older brother, and it's basically protocol that all brothers hate their sisters, I'm really glad I don't hate you. I like that we get along. I couldn't have asked for a better sibling then you, nikki"

I hug him tighter before letting go and sitting back to the way I was.

"Now get some sleep. You're birthdays tomorrow. You can't be tired" he says playfully pushing me off the bed.

"Technically, today is my birthday since it's four in the morning." I laugh

"Well, Happy Birthday" he chuckles falling back onto his pillows and getting comfortable again.

"Thanks" I laugh, "Night Kian"

"Night Birthday girl" he says before I close the door and tip toe to back to my room.



Oh yea, I wanted to ask you guys to go check out my new book "skinny love" it's a book about five seconds if summer. If you like them please check it out! It would honestly mean the whole entire world to me💕



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