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Here's the epilogue! (: Sorry it took so long to be posted. Well, I truly hope you enjoy it and vote if you do. Don't forget to leave me a comment telling me what you think! Thanks for your support if you followed this story till the end and voted, commented. It means the world to me. Have a great day, love you all. Blessings. (:

Laters! :D <3

Here's a teacher/student romance by one of my readers. It's named Never Tear Us Apart, and is written by @Millsers http:// www. wattpad. com /story/14194152-never-tear-us-apart-teacher-student-romance


Please keep this in mind: The first half of the epilogue has some sexual content. I don't think it passes beyond PG-13 but I wouldn't know. Haha. I'm not a professional content rater.

-Three Years Later-

Epilogue (Three Years Later)

"Wake up, Cookie," Fabian's voice tried to steer me away from my sleep. But I didn't want to get up. Hell no, not now. Maybe tomorrow. Or the day after that.

"Buzz off." I groaned, covering my head with the pillow and pressing as close to my perturbed ear drums as I possibly could.

"Wake up, birthday girl. I'll make you some breakfast." I opened one eye and closed it again when I was greeted by the darkness of the sheltering pillow. Okay, so maybe breakfast from Fabian sounded a little appealing... But I had no sleep yesterday. None. At all. Whatsoever. And that was his fault, not mine. Fine, maybe it was partially my fault since it did take two to do what we had been doing all night.

"You're going to make me curse, Fabian. Go away!" I growled.

Fabian could only laugh, "You're so romantic."

"I try, baby." It seemed I would finally be able to sleep the morning peacefully, for no more ruckus was made. So I relaxed and let my mind be blank. This is what I did on birthdays and Fabian knew it. I slept until noon and dealt with the people afterwards. And this birthday was the worst of them all. I could no longer be classified as a kid or a teenage girl. I was twenty one. An old, responsible, DMV-abhorring, tax- paying, adult. Disgusting. At least I could drink legally. That sounded cute; I was legal. Yet I'd much rather go jump around in a bounce house filled with colorful plastic balls while I wore a crown on my head.

Suddenly a pair of strong, hot hands were at my hips. "No!" I screamed. It almost sounded as if someone had ripped my life away from me. Get a grip, Melinda. It's just sleep. Fabian flipped me onto my back and tore the pillow away. I glared at him and his smirk was award winning. His gaze traveled down to my bare breasts then back up to my eyes. I smirked at him, an eyebrow risen in challenge.

"Distracted?" I asked, slowly trailing my hand to his sex, taking him into my palm and softly caressing the tender skin.

"Yes," he affirmed, his chest tightening from the tension. "Poor boy," I whispered and teasingly stroked his shaft with my fingertips, his erection fully protruding now. My heart accelerated, heat flushing through my body and into my core. But I wasn't about to let him know just how turned on I was.

Fabian slowly bent down to my ears, nibbling at the tender lobe before whispering, "What would you like? Birthday sex or pancakes?" His breath tickled my ears, that voice sounding so inviting. Birthday sex! Birthday sex!


Fabian moved to look at me, his brow risen in skeptical questioning. Was he amused? Of course. "You're sure?" He didn't let me answer and shrugged in nonchalance. "Alright. Don't come asking for it later." He was about to stand from the bed when I caught his arm and tugged.

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