Chapter 25 - New Song

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Hello, lovelies!!! Here's another chapter! Isn't it awesome that I uploaded before the normal week mark? Lol. I should get a cookie or something. Anyway, I think I'll resort to begging. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, VOTE, COMMENT, & FAN IF YOU'RE ENJOYING MY STORY!!! It's all I ask for in return, guys! ): I just lost some of my dignity begging to you like that. -.- Mel and Fabian are sad.

Thanks for reading and I hope you like it! :D Tell me what you think!


I was going to kiss Fabian's cheek when we made it to my house but the immediate sight of my best friend waiting around on my front porch made stop. What was Micah doing here? Oh, maybe he wanted to hang out or something.

"Fabian, are your windows see-through?" I ask, looking at him from the passenger seat.

"No, why?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Look, Melly, Micah's outside, Melly!" Landon exclaimed from the back seat and I cocked my head to him as an answer to Fabian's question.

"That's why." I say and Fabian looks to my porch then back at me. I'm surprised to see that face he gave me when he couldn't make sense of me. When I was just as difficult as one of those senseless trigonometry problems he wrote on the board.

"Oh, I see." Fabian mumbled, looking ahead pensively.

"I should probably leave. It wouldn't be so good if Micah started suspecting things." I say, and Fabian nods his head, looking at me through troubled eyes. Did he think I had something going on with one of my best friends? Of course not, Mel. Why would he? Feeling the need to reach out to him, I caught his hand from where it rested on the shift and squeezed it. I was happy to see him turn his hand to hold mine before letting go.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I smile, and open the door. His answering smile was beautiful but not like it had been before. I got out of the car and helped Landon out before walking towards my house. I heard Fabian's car ride out of my driveway and my heart slightly plummeted before picking up at the sight of Micah's bright smile. This was just what I wanted right now. A little fun with my best friends. I felt a bit sad that Seth wasn't here but I knew just one of them could make any night better.

"What are you doing here?" I ask incredulously, smiling at Micah as I climbed the steps to the front porch.

"Just had to come visit my favorite girl." Micah grinned brightly and I laughed, letting go of Landon's hand to briefly hug him. I pulled away to look up at him and smile.

"You've got a way with words, huh, Micah?" I joke and Micah chuckled before speaking. "Who was that?" And I felt my smile begin to falter before I held it in place.

"Oh, just a volunteer from Lori's." I answer with a small shrug. Micah's eyes seemed almost hurt but before I could see the fleeting emotion, it was gone. I could have just imagined it.

"Oh, okay. Whatever. I've got M&Ms." Micah smiled and held out a giant bag of candies in front of me. I smiled happily and exclaimed, "Oh yeah!" before turning to open the front door. Landon and Micah chatted from behind me.

"What's up, little dude?" Micah asked.

"I just came from Lori's and I'm going to play with my cars now." Then as my key turned I heard my brother whisper secretively. "But, shh! Don't tell her. I'm not going to take a shower today." I held back a chuckle as I opened the door and waited for Micah's response.

"But, man, you smell like shit! Ah, it doesn't matter. You're a dude. I'll help you out if she get's annoying." Micah said, causing Landon to smile widely. I held back another chuckle and decided to play along.

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