Chapter 8 - What's So Funny?

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So I've uploaded! Yay! So I think this chapter was kind of boring but it was cute. I guess... Lol. Please vote, comment, and fan if you like the story so far! I'll upload real soon! (: Thanks for reading and enjoy! :D


I regained my composure. Just act normal, Melinda. There is no reason to be pissed... But I was pissed! Can’t I go somewhere without running into him? Shit! Give me some peace, God.

I just stood there and did the exact same thing he was doing-stare- until one of us broke the silence.

“Hey, buddy.” He enthusiastically greeted my brother and hi-fived him then he looked at me with a solemn look. “Hey, Melinda.” 

“Hey, D’Amato.” I greeted and surveyed his face. He looked so serious and lost in thought that I couldn’t look away. I had hoped that by staring at him hard enough I would find out what was going on in his brain. It didn’t work. I hadn’t figured out what he was thinking but I did realize how good he looked in his casual attire.

He was wearing some faded blue denim pants, a white polo that shined against his tan skin, and some sneakers. My teacher didn’t fail to impress with his looks. 

 “You two know each other?” Lori asked, bewildered. 

“Yes.” We said in unison. 

“That’s interesting. How?”

“He’s my trigonometry teacher, Lori.” I replied as quick as she had finished asking. I was slightly irritated that my teacher showed up in two places at the same time as I did.

Melinda is your student, Fabian?” She asked Mr. D’Amato. Fabian, eh? Nice name.

“Yeah.” He fought back a laugh and I wondered why. When I looked at Lori I knew just the explanation to his laughter. 

Lori had her hand slapped across her forehead and her mouth was wide open in disbelief. Then in a manner that scared me, she laughed.

“What the hell?” I murmured. What’s the big deal?

“Ha-ha-ha! Fabian! You have Melinda in your classroom? Oh, god this will be a long year for you! This is too good!” 

I heard him laugh and I turned to him.

“What’s so funny, Fabian?” I was slightly annoyed. I hated not being aware of what was going on and I was completely confused at the moment. How did they know each other? Why were they laughing over me being in his class?

“Nothing, nothing.” He smirked as he held up his hands to feign innocence. 

“Are you trying to tell me you’re innocent when you’re smirking like an idiot?”

“Um, no.” He did a weird movement with his mouth in an attempt to keep from laughing. 

“Then would you mind telling me what’s so funny?” I ask again, aggravation clear in my tone. 

“He’s my little cousin, Mel. It’s his first year as a teacher and he has the nightmare of all educators in one of his classes. So I’m cracking up and rubbing it in his face.” She informed.

“Your little cousin? Are you kidding me? Out of all the people in the world you have to be related to my teacher? Nice going, Lori.” It’s not like it was her fault but I felt like bitching at her anyways. 

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