Chapter 37 (Pt. 2) - Private Access

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Hello, lovelies! SO SORRY for the wait. ): Well, I decided to divide chapter 37 into two parts because I was not satisfied with only posting half of it. It was not what I had previously planned for this filler. So here it is and I hope you enjoy it because things are going to get very fast from now and until the end! Please remember to vote, comment, and fan if you're enjoying this story. (: Do check out my others if you enjoy my writing. Hope you're all having a great start to a new school year if you're in school! Laters, baby! :D <3

ATTENTION: (*&*&) A little bit of sexual shtuff between those things so if you don't like it, skip over it, please. (:


The air in Fabian's car became unnervingly thick and I could hardly breathe from the constriction in my lungs and chest. Could my heart possibly beat any faster? Fabian hadn't even touched me, he barely even spoke, but the depth in his eyes had been my undoing, making me shiver even as I was engulfed by his heat.

Fabian was aware of how I felt and I knew this because his eyes sparkled with something sweet, telling me not to worry. But was I worried? No, more like laced with anticipation because I knew he'd say something powerful.

Then his lips opened, indicating he'd speak and every nerve ending and fiber of my body was awake and alerted. I could listen to him breathe, the sound coming out evenly but not entirely composed. It was so unlike him. Fabian was always so smooth, collected, and confident. What was ailing him?

"Melinda..." He started, breathing my name huskily, testing it out on his tongue as if contemplating what he'd say next. I kept looking into his eyes, losing myself in their depths. Speak, Fabian. You can tell me anything, I wanted to say but I couldn't find my voice. "Please. Don't do that to me again. Because I want you, by God, I want you. Badly. And I'm afraid next time I'll push too far. I'm scared that I'll hurt you or that you'd do something you'd regret. I don't want to ruin all that we've got." His words left his mouth in a wave of unease. He was worried, indeed scared, and hurt tinged his eyes from the struggle of restraint. My heart ached for him and all I wanted to do was hold him, kiss him, tell him how I felt. Yet I was so surprised by his confession that I could only stare at him through my wide, shocked eyes.

But he spoke before I could, a soft reassuring smile on his lips. "There," He murmured, hesitating and regretful. Fabian looked away from me and out through the window, pensive, before returning his hot gaze to me. He was worried that he'd scared me. "I just said it. I want you, Mel." Fabian continued, his voice rough, and he let out a strained, humorless chuckle. My heart stopped in my throat, skipping a beat or two, and it felt as if it would fly out of me. He wants me. Fabian wants me. And breathe in is all I can do to stop myself from crying in happiness, kissing him with everything I have, and giving myself to him in the very seat of his car. My heart was swelling with emotion for this man and that was a very blinding effect. "But don't ever feel pressured. You are enough for me." Fabian looked into my eyes, raw sincerity in his irises.

I let out the breath I wasn't aware I had been holding and took his hand into mine, reveling in the warmth that coursed from his palm to mine.

"I'm not scared, Fabian." I said and kissed his knuckles, gently, one by one, then looked back up at his handsome face. His warm eyes told me everything. He understood that I, too, wanted him just as badly but he also knew that I was not ready to take such a huge leap, the leap that would land me bare into his protective arms. But did he know why? I had never been religious or adamant on marriage before sex. When it was time, it was time. And when you knew, you knew. So fornication was not the issue or even my virginity for that matter. If I gave myself to a man, without a second thought, doubt, or hesitation, it would be to Fabian.

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