Chapter 12 - Gino's With A Bubble War

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Hey guys! I'm back!!! So I haven't uploaded in about two weeks and since I usually upload a few times a week there had to be something going on. I was having some family issues but things are getting settled now so I'm back and here to stay! Sorry for the wait. I'm truly dumb. Lol. Well, thanks for reading and I hope you like it. If you do please remember to vote, comment, and fan! Thanks. (:


I had ordered the pizza while we were on the way to the renowned restaurant in the east of Downtown Chicago. It was a very smart thing to do since the pizza took about forty minutes to make. 

The whole drive over I had been very conscious of the good looking teacher I had driving beside me so when we finally made it, I drew in a breath of relief. This isn’t good. I shouldn’t be taking any amount of breaths for anyone.

Mr. D’Amato took Emily out of the car and held her hand as we walked to the restaurant. I had done the same to Landon. 

Once we were inside, I was met by the delicious scent of garlic, pizza, meat and just good old Italian food. I was about to have a malfunction! 

“Mmmm.” I murmured as I took in the scent. 

“How’s the smell, Melinda?” I was cut out from my trance at the sound of the smirky and husky voice of the man who was looking at me. His lop-sided grin hinting at his amusement and causing me an incredible pain in the pit of my stomach. Butterflies. 

“Just perfect.” I smiled, defiantly refusing to let him see how much he affected me at the moment. His melodic chuckle had my eyes look upwards where they met his, strong yet peaceful.

“How many?” A man’s voice interrupted the still atmosphere. I looked away from Mr. D’Amato  to see a good looking young man. He was looking at me, waiting for an answer. 

“Can you give us a sec?” I ask and the man smiles at me then nods.

“We can eat it at my house then drive down to Lori’s. It’ll be quicker than staying here to eat.” I say to Mr. D’Amato. It would be quicker to eat at my house than here and that was a known fact. If I ate here then I would definitely have an appetizer, pizza, and then dessert. I just know myself, that’s all... 

“Yeah. Let’s do that.” 

“We’ll have the pizza to go.” I tell the waiter. 

“No problem.” He smiles at me. I didn’t know if his lingering gaze was a check out session or he had a troublesome lazy eye.

“Let’s sit down.” Landon says. The four of us took a seat on the red leather chairs where we’d wait for the twenty remaining minutes until the pizza was done.

“Why don’t we just eat Lori’s?” My teacher asks.

“We don’t have enough pizza for all the kids to eat.” 

“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s eat here then. It won’t make a difference.” Mr. D’Amato looked into my eyes as we talked. I needed to ease the air a little. It was getting becoming difficult to breathe.

“What? You don’t want to eat my house? Don’t worry. I don’t have any dead teacher’s bodies in there.” I suppress a smile of my own as Mr. D’Amato laughs. His laughter soon became the heart stopping grin he gave so effortlessly. How could he smile like that?

My heart started to scream in high alert as his big masculine hand came closer to my face. I didn’t move or protest, get up and walk away but I just stayed there, waiting to feel his touch. Then when his fingers brushed softly against my cheekbone and lifted at a strand of my black hair to tuck it into my ear, my breathing increased and my heartbeat did too. It had been such a sensation to my senses when he touched me so deliberately that I’d be lying if I said I didn't want any more.

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