Chapter 23 - Text Books

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Hello, lovelies! So here's a new chapter! Duh. Haha. I've not much to say except that I'd really, really , REALLY appreciate it if you'd vote, comment, and fan! If you like my story, obviously. Lol. Thanks for reading! (:

* Beautiful cover to the side by alexacassidy! :D


Thursday, Lunch Hour

I brushed my hair, half asleep, to get ready for school. School. I would see him in a few hours. The realization set my whole being on fire. My stomach became invaded by butterflies, my heart felt as if it’d fall out of my chest, and it felt as if my skin was set on fire; the burning sensation was pleasant but alarming. My fingers instinctively came up to my lips when I remembered the way he had kissed them last night. They tingled underneath my finger and I felt that overwhelming feeling that I couldn’t understand. My body shivered when I replayed our kiss in my mind.

Fabian had said it. Our attraction to each other was too strong to fight and I wasn’t strong enough  to fight it. Part of me told me to run, to run as fast I could so that I wouldn’t get hurt but the other part of me screamed for me to stay and revel in the feelings that he gave me, the feelings no one else had given me before.

I couldn’t fight it any longer.


“I wish they’d serve beer for lunch.” Seth commented, drinking some soda. I snorted amusedly at his words. That boy.

“Sure. They should also roll up some weed for you.” I said, causing him to grin with ecstatic eyes. I was guessing he liked the idea.

“That’d be perfection, Mel.” Seth says.

“Yeah. I’m sure a few high and drunk students will do wonders for the school.” Micah commented, causing me to chuckle along with everyone else at the table in which we sat.

“It’s not like I pay any attention anyways. Might as well be high.” Seth shrugged. 

“That’s exactly what I think every time I come high to school!” Nick exclaimed and I looked at him through wide eyes. 

“Can we change the subject from weed to something else. I know it’s National Weed Day and all but I’m not a fellow stoner so I don’t relate to any of the shit you’re saying.” I said and the people around me chuckled. I took a bite from the burger on my tray and the want to go over to Mr. D’Amato’s room became stronger so I did something about it. 

“Oh! I just remembered. I have to eat my lunch in class today to make up some work.” I say, standing up and taking my tray. Everyone at our table glanced at me and returned to their conversations but Seth and Micah were confused.

“We’ll come with you.” Said Seth.

“Nah, it’s fine, really. I’ll be quick. Hopefully I can come back if I finish earlier. Have lunch. I’ll see you later.” I smiled lovingly at my best friends and Seth immediately grinned back and went on with his life but Micah’s eyes seemed a little more... probing. I shrugged it off and walked away with my tray. As I walked, my feet simply took the lead and I did nothing but follow. 

I didn’t know what I was doing but I knew that I was facing my trigonometry teacher’s classroom door. Sometime, I knocked and went inside. 

He was, as usual, sitting behind his desk. When he looked up our eyes met instantly and I felt my breath catch in my throat, everything inside of me was blazing again. He stood up from his desk and his tall muscular body demanded my attention; I couldn’t look away from him. That is, until I remembered that I was Melinda Naomi Beaumont and I wasn’t one to let the world stop around me dramatically for a guy. I simply was not. So I put my tray down on the nearest desk and walked determinedly to him where he met me halfway. I was facing him, our bodies aligned, my chin raised defiantly, my eyes looking straight into his, and my heart beating ferociously.

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